space farmer

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Today I sold more than 2 yuan at once. Although I only got 100 yuan, the foreign debt of 2 yuan was repaid, and Liang Ping'an was in a good mood.

The second grandfather helped clean up the six rabbits. Liang Pingan wanted to give the second grandfather 600 yuan, but unfortunately the old man refused.

"Your family is having a good time today. How much money do I need to help clean up the two rabbits?" The old man looked unhappy and blamed Liang Ping'an, "Don't think I don't know, you kid, you just don't like my old man. ."

Second Grandpa, you said it so directly, I was speechless.

Liang Ping'an smirked. The last time the second grandfather came to the house to ask for money, he really held his breath, and then he thought about it.Second Grandpa, although he is a little narrow-minded and speaks directly, he is not a bad person.

Of course, in this world, you really don't have many people who are completely bad guys.Liang Ping'an felt that anyway, the old man was getting old and had a bad temper, and he didn't want to get entangled in one thing, making it appear that he... was very idle.

Looks like I'm really busy.

The space is still very poor. Liang Ping'an has been working hard for so many days, and he still doesn't seem to want to upgrade, but he has accumulated a lot of carrots and pastures. Even if he feeds the animals at home every day, some of them are gradually accumulated.

There is no way that the pasture is too big. Two pieces of pasture are almost enough for the chickens at home to eat with cornmeal for a day. The rabbits are sold for another fifteen rabbits. The remaining rabbits are only eleven adult rabbits, and there are ten and a half large The rabbits are almost adults, and there are eight fluffy little guys. These rabbits can eat four carrots and one grass a day.

On the contrary, the two cattle at home seem to be really pregnant, and their food intake has also increased.Liang Ping'an has to feed dozens or hundreds of pastures a day, and the corresponding amount of cut grass is less.

Mr. Liang didn't know why, but he was still sighing, is it because the cow has a bad appetite recently, why is it eating less and less.

Liang Ping'an snickered, not daring to tell grandpa the real reason.

Mr. Liang is a restless person. Even if the family has more than 1 yuan in spare money, the old man either goes up the mountain to cut some trees for weaving baskets, or mows the grass, or goes to the fields to look around. I can find a lot of things to do every day, and it seems that there is always endless work.

Liang Ping'an is now weaving baskets at home during the day. He hides in the space, which is not only efficient, but also takes better care of the fields.Taking advantage of his grandfather's absence, Liang Ping'an took the rabbits into a part of the space and fixed them in one place. He threw carrots and pasture in it so that they could eat them quietly.

Another batch of pasture was harvested, and Liang Ping'an was about to continue planting. Just as the seeds were planted, a long-lost voice sounded.


There is a surprise!
It's been a long time since I saw any surprises.

Liang Ping'an was gearing up, looking at the ball of light in front of him, he poked excitedly.

"Congratulations, master, you have gained two hundred experience points."


Before Liang Ping'an could be happy, there was another voice of surprise, but this time there was no ball of light in front of him.

Hey, what's the matter?
Liang Ping'an was stunned, and the mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

"Congratulations to the master for successfully upgrading to the rookie level [-]. The system will reward you with a white radish seed, please accept it!"

That's an upgrade!
Liang Ping'an giggled, he had been busy for many days, and he really had the illusion that all the hard work has paid off.

"System, how about the harvest of white radish seeds? Do you have to spend gold coins to buy the seeds, and how are the seeds sold?" Liang Ping'an asked these things calmly, not when he was excited when he first heard the news.

He is very satisfied now. Although the space is not as tall as he imagined, it has slowly brought changes to his life.In this world, there is no such thing as picking up cheap things without effort. In fact, I paid very little, but I gained a lot from the space. Liang Ping'an has already begun to adapt.

The sound of the system is still so mechanical and so emotionless.

"A friendly reminder from the system, the maximum harvest of white radish seeds is [-], and the minimum harvest is eight. The price of each white radish is [-] gold coins, and the white radish seeds are [-] gold coins."

Liang Pingan silently compared it with carrots in his heart. Fortunately, it was okay. Although the harvest amount was the same, white radishes were obviously much better and cheaper than carrots. Not only were they more expensive to sell, but the seeds were also the same as carrots, so it was equivalent to growing white radishes like him. The harvest is bigger.

and many more……

"System, you just upgraded because you gave me experience points as a gift, so I would like to ask, how did you get the experience points?" He remembered that the experience points of pasture seemed to be ten, but he seemed to have ignored the amount of carrots later. .

The system gave a "hehe", and the master finally sounded the experience value.

"Harvesting pasture is worth ten experience points, weeding, catching insects, and watering are worth two experience points each time, planting any kind of seed is worth two experience points, carrot harvesting is worth sixteen experience points, and white radish harvesting is worth one experience point." The value is sixteen. The master has just completed the rookie level-[-] upgrade, and the current experience value is three, and the next upgrade is still short of experience points..." The system suddenly stopped talking.

Liang Ping'an: "..." After waiting for a long time, the system still didn't respond, Liang Ping'an was taken aback. "The system, you said it." I'm still waiting.

"Since the gap is too large, the system will not inform you for the purpose of protecting the owner!"

Liang Ping'an: "..." I thank you!

Why haven't I seen you so considerate about other things?
Putting up a middle finger towards the sky, Liang Pingan enthusiastically expressed his displeasure.

System: "..." It has gradually gotten used to the owner's irregular convulsions.

Liang Ping'an was so depressed that he didn't want to, the system is still so bad, I really want to find a chance to strangle it!
The system said that he was innocent, so let's be a beautiful ghost quietly.

Opening a new seed, Liang Ping'an suddenly and sadly discovered a fact.

He has no room left!

"System, can I only have one piece of land?" This is too pitiful. I used to think that there were few seeds, but now that there are seeds and there is no open space, is he going to dig out the ginseng?Oh no, that's too miserable, he just waited for a hundred years of ginseng to change his fate.

We can't stop planting grass and carrots, which are the main food for the animals in the house. White radish is worth growing, but ginseng can't be moved.

Silently picking off a few beans hanging from the bean seedlings, Liang Pingan pulled out the beans with a depressed expression on his face.It's a pity that planting the seeds brought in from outside will not grow experience points. In this cheating space system, the seeds brought from outside will not even grow grass or worms. Liang Ping'an vaguely feels that even if he doesn't water Water, seeds brought from outside will also grow well in this space system.

Of course, then he will always only have one piece of land, don't even think about upgrading.

(End of this chapter)

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