space farmer

Chapter 20 021 The big effect of space output

Chapter 20 021 The big effect of space output
Liang Pingan removed the weeds from the carrots again, hurriedly returned to his body, and jumped out of the back window wearing a pair of big underpants.

"Grandpa, is the rabbit giving birth again?"

Rabbits have a particularly strong reproductive ability, but their family has never raised many, and the little rabbits are either given away or sold at the market.A pair of cute little white rabbits can sell for 15 yuan. When he was in high school, he took them to the county town for sale, and they sold quickly in the county town.

"You kid, how old are you, why are you still jumping out of the window?" Mr. Liang scolded, and then pointed to the rabbit cage, "Look, there are eight rabbits, and this time the most fell."

The old man smiled and said, "I don't know how many male and female rabbits, this batch is good, I plan to keep a few female rabbits." Later, he sold two of the big rabbits, and one can earn tens of dollars.Rabbits eat grass and are easy to feed. It is good to feed some beans occasionally. Although raising rabbits tastes great, it is very cost-effective.

It would be better if the price of the rabbit is more expensive.

It is difficult to tell the difference between male and female rabbits. Even Liang Leshan, who has raised rabbits for many years, occasionally can't tell the difference.

The male rabbit's feet are fluttering, the female rabbit's eyes are blurred, and the two rabbits walk side by side, who can tell whether I am male or female!
Liang Pingan remembered this passage in "The Song of Mulan", so he naturally knew that it was difficult to distinguish between male and female rabbits.But the little rabbit is relatively easy, and Mr. Liang also has his own tricks.

"Grandpa, I'm here to watch, go get busy." Liang Ping'an felt that with the strong reproductive ability of rabbits, maybe he found a good way to make a fortune.

It is estimated that it was a bunny born in the middle of the night. The mother rabbit already has milk to feed the little rabbit.

"Then I'm going to cook, you look at it. I think the two rabbits over there have big stomachs, and they should have cubs." The seven rabbits are only two male rabbits, and the five female rabbits have rabbits almost every month. bastard.

"Well, I look like it too." Before, I thought it was a rabbit that ate so fat, but now it seems that there should be a rabbit.

In the space, the forage was directly crushed into grass balls to squeeze out the grass juice. Liang Pingan put the crushed grass juice in a small bowl, found an old syringe to remove the needle, sucked the grass juice and carefully fed it to the rabbit.

The emerald green grass juice has a clear fragrance, not to mention the little rabbits, even the adult rabbits start to feel restless when they smell it.

"Don't make a mess." Liang Ping'an carefully fed the little rabbits after throwing the pasture that had squeezed out the grass juice into the cage next door, and put a lot of fresh pasture into the mother rabbit's cage.

The little pink rabbit's eyes haven't been opened yet, and it looks funny with its small mouth open to suck grass juice.

All of these are money.

Liang Ping'an was careful, because it was difficult to operate through the rabbit cage, he wished he could bring the rabbit into the space.

Eh, yes, take it into the space and feed it, maybe you can feed some space water.

Thinking of it, he sneaked two little rabbits into the space, wondering if the space really has such great benefits, Liang Pingan found that the two little guys were much more active.

I made some space to feed the little rabbits with water, and fed some fresh grass juice. It seems that the little guys are stronger.

In this way, two at a time, sent out after feeding, and the eight little ones were quickly fed.

He took out a huge carrot like space and divided it into several sections and threw it to the adult rabbits. The mother rabbit also divided a section, Liang Ping observed quietly.

Fresh carrots have a special sweet smell as soon as they are cut open. The rabbits are crazily scrambling to eat them, making the sound of grinding their teeth from time to time, obviously very happy to eat.

Hehe, I knew such a precious carrot rabbit would definitely like it.

A big carrot, weighing several catties, was devoured by these seven rabbits in a short time. It felt like these guys had to swallow it.Liang Ping'an was a little worried. These guys eat too much, so don't get overwhelmed.No, remember to tell grandpa not to feed in the morning.

The cattle were filled with grass, [-] grasses were used for ordinary grass, and only [-] grasses were put for high-grade grass. The two cattle ate very quickly.

The cherry seeds of carrots were not wasted, they were crushed in the space, and then mixed with cornmeal and fed to the chickens, the effect was really great.

There was still grass at home, Liang Pingan stopped his grandfather who was about to go to the field, and talked about his own rabbit. "Grandpa, I don't want to sell this batch of rabbits. I will be responsible for feeding the rabbits. I have nearly two months of summer vacation. When the rabbits grow up, we will sell meat. I think it is worth more than selling small rabbits." Those treasures in the space , he doesn't have to worry about selling rabbits.

"Okay." Liang Leshan doted on his grandson for these little things, "Listen to you, and grandpa will buy some chicken balls later." Every hen can lay eggs every day, which is comparable to a farm.

"It's better to buy a hen that can lay eggs, which will save trouble." Liang Ping'an directly made two fishhooks this time to save trouble, "Grandpa, I found a big one in the big bubble over there yesterday, and I'm going to catch it." Come up." He was eager to try, thinking of the fish mouth that he vaguely saw yesterday, he felt that it couldn't be a small thing.

"Be careful." When the grandson grows up, he can't be confined at home like he was when he was a child. "Remember to wear a hat, don't get sunstroke." Older people, regardless of gender, probably love to nag their children.

Liang Pingan agreed, carrying a bucket and a fishing rod, and ran away again with a sickle caught in his grandfather's carelessness.The big cow at home can eat, so he has to mow the grass, otherwise grandpa will go too.It is not easy to explain the source of only feeding the pasture in the space.

"Oh, Ping'an, don't mow the grass, there is still enough grass for the family." Mr. Liang chased him to the gate, but Liang Ping'an had already run away. "This child!" The old man stomped helplessly.

Liang Ping'an's hearty laughter came from a distance, "Grandpa, I have fed all the animals in the house, so don't feed them in the morning."

Arriving at the water's edge yesterday, Liang Ping'an directly used high-grade grass as bait, and threw it to a suitable position.This time he hung two fishhooks shrewdly, both of which were hidden under the thick aquatic plants, and he couldn't believe that that cunning big fish could bite through it.

I have to say that the high-grade pasture works very well, and it didn't take long for the fish to bite the hook.

Hey, if you don't believe me, you won't be hooked.

Liang Pingan lifted the fishing rod excitedly, dumbfounded.

On the fishing rod, a half-foot-long crucian carp was hanging on it, and there was no shadow of a twenty-jin fish.

After untiing the crucian carp and throwing it into a small bucket, Liang Pingan patted his head.

It's really stupid, it's not just a fish in the water, I'm really dazed.

But it is also good to catch more.

He continued to hang high-grade pasture, and he didn't need much pasture for fishing, so Liang Ping'an went to mow grass in the distance.The nearby grass was almost cut by him yesterday, so he walked a little far, and he hurried back only when there was the sound of fish tails slapping the water.

This time it was a big grass carp weighing three catties.

A man passed by carrying a shovel in the distance, "Ping An is fishing again, and I caught it again today." It was the big fool who teased my third aunt yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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