space farmer

Chapter 19 020 Was Trapped in Space Again

Chapter 19 020 Was Trapped in Space Again
Liang Ping'an looked at the hole in the ground after the carrots were dug out, then looked up at the sixteen carrots above his head, and then... nothing more.

Fuck me, I forgot to leave the seeds.

"System, tell me, if I plant the carrots again, can I still receive the seeds?"

System: "...hehe." How can there be a pleasure of "Feng Shui turns around"?
In other words, I suddenly felt something called "happiness" flowing in my heart.

Liang Pingan was dumbfounded at this moment, and he really got angry, so he was so happy, how could he forget that he had no seeds.

"Then what should I do?" Could it be that just after adding a seed, he went back to the past and continued to plant pasture?Then expect that one day the system will be kind enough to send him a random reward, a carrot seed?

Thinking about it makes me feel so miserable.

If you have never had it, you will not know the pain of today.

With a bitter face, Liang Pingan stared at the sixteen red carrots in the sky. Is it possible that carrots will never be heard again?

"The system has a friendly reminder that carrot seeds can be purchased, and the owner can purchase them with gold coins."

Liang Pingan felt that the sound of the system today was exceptionally beautiful, and the mechanical sound seemed to have an extra rhythm.

"How much is a seed? By the way, I don't have many gold coins?" But next time he planted carrots, he must try his best to save the seeds.

Liang Pingan's thoughts in the space couldn't be hidden from the system at all, so in order to prevent the owner from having mania, the system friendly reminded: "It is not recommended for the owner to leave carrot seeds by himself, it will affect the production, but the ones the owner leaves in the space Seeds can be brought into the real world to plant, and the effect is far better than the seeds on the market." It is rare for the system to say so much at once, and Liang Pingan really wants to thank it.

So he said: "Thank you to the system." After all, it still costs money, where is the money, where is the money?

The system does not have a whole family, but what is a whole family?
The system felt that there was a generation gap between him and the master, he couldn't understand a lot of things the master said, and it seemed that the previous systems didn't have any useful memories in his memory.

How to do?
The system felt that he was so stupid, no wonder he was rejected by the master.

"Master, you can sell the harvest to make money in the space." The system felt that it had to remind, otherwise the master might do something irrational.

Sell ​​the harvest!

Ha, what a joke.

Liang Pingan pointed to the few harvests in the sky above the space, "I only have such a few things, and I don't have enough for myself. You still let me sell them?" Fumei swarmed over, instantly changing into a tall, rich and handsome rhythm.Why is it his turn to be so bitter?It's okay if Bai Fumei doesn't exist, he is still young, and Gao Fushuai doesn't count on him anymore, he just wants to live a better life for himself and grandpa, why is it so difficult?
Liang Ping'an felt that if it weren't for the pasture grass and meat worms in the space that had such a slight effect, he really wanted to abandon this ghost thing.

System: "..." I knew I was rejected by the master.

"It is also possible for the owner to sell part of the harvest, so as to ensure the normal operation of the owner." In order to prevent the only owner in 200 years from abandoning it, the system tried hard to convince the owner. "And when the owner upgrades to a certain level, a lot of new land will be opened, and the owner can plant a lot of valuable items at that time, so it will be worth money."

Liang Ping'an was very upset, but he was persuaded.

A lot of land.

Yes, he can upgrade through such hard work.

"Then how do you sell carrot seeds?" Now that he had accepted the reality, Liang Pingan didn't want to waste time.It could be money every minute. "By the way, how much does the system pay for carrots?"

"Carrot seeds are [-] gold coins, and the purchase price of the carrot system is [-] gold coins."

What is it?

Liang Ping'an was dumbfounded, "You mean, you can't buy a seed for the price of a carrot?"

What the hell price is this?

System: "This is space pricing!"

Liang Ping'an looked dull, "Then how much can I sell? I probably harvested [-] carrots at one time today. This is the highest harvest, right?"

"Yes Master."

The biggest advantage of the system is that I will stand still even if you are in a storm. Liang Ping'an hates the rigidity of the system.

"The biggest harvest is only sixteen carrots. You asked me to spend a hundred gold coins to buy seeds. Who do you think would do such a bad deal? When I only grow one carrot later, I can't even recoup the cost." Bitter Bi busy for a long time, is he here to pass the time?

"It won't lose money, because the minimum harvest of carrots is eight, dozens of owners spend one hundred gold coins, and there will be a net profit of twenty gold coins, so this business is not a loss. If the owner can harvest sixteen carrots every time, then You will be left with a net income of 140 gold coins, net income, if it is a high yield every time, then congratulations master, you are one step closer to marrying Bai Fumei!"

Has the system ever done pyramid schemes before?

Maybe one owner sold insurance or something?

Feeling that what the system said made sense, Liang Pingan felt speechless.

Liang Pingan remembered that when he was discharged from the hospital, the system gave him a red envelope worth [-] gold coins. Later, he became manic... oh wrong, he got a random surprise and got another [-] gold coins.

"System, give me four seeds first." He suddenly said, "Can I buy more at a time, can you give me a little bit cheaper?" Buying things without bargaining is a big head.

System: "..." Master, do you use this as a vegetable market?

"Four carrot seeds cost [-] gold coins. The system has automatically deducted the gold coins. Please accept the carrot seeds. Friendly reminder, the owner has zero gold coins, and the road to marry Bai Fumei is getting farther and farther away, so young man, work hard!"

Liang Pingan felt that if the system hadn't been so talkative, he might not have been so angry.

Gritting his teeth, he took the carrot seed and immediately planted one.

Just staring at it, such expensive seeds must not be wasted, and I must harvest sixteen carrots.

The pastures are harvested again, and again at maximum yield.

Digging up pastures and replanting them, Liang Ping'an was extremely busy.

At daybreak, another batch of pastures was harvested, but the carrots were not yet ripe.

Grandpa had already gotten up, Liang Pingan was thinking about the carrots in the space, and was not in a hurry to "wake up".This time is different from the past. These are seeds bought with money, so you must take good care of them.

"Hey, there are eight cubs this time." Xia Tian slept with the windows open, and Liang Pingan could hear his grandfather's surprised voice in the space.

Is it a rabbit cub?
(End of this chapter)

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