space farmer

Chapter 110 114 The system is a scam

Chapter 110 114 The system is a scam

After upgrading again, Liang Ping'an clicked on the light group, "Eggplant, an entry-level third-level crop, a second-season crop, the highest harvest...Each harvest can get 35 experience points." Basically, the price of entry-level crops is fixed.


"Congratulations, master, for upgrading to the entry-level three, and I will give you ten eggplant seeds." Now the system is generous, and Liang Ping'an is not used to the system's extravagance after being used to hard times.

After taking the advanced body training liquid for a few days, Liang Ping'an found that the impurities in his body were almost gone, so it seemed that he would soon be able to practice the Starry Sky Dayan Jue, so I was looking forward to it.

"System, I remember you said that I have reached the entry level, and there are no restrictions on bringing in and out of the space." In the space, Liang Ping'an's physical body was floating in midair. Relax.

"Yes, master." I don't know if it's Liang Ping'an's illusion. After the entry level, the system seems to have emotions, but it's not obvious. "Does the master want to raise rabbits and dogs on a large scale?" Xiao Hei has been in the space for the past few days, and he has grown up a lot, and now he looks almost like a big dog.

There's nothing to hide about this.

"There is a lot of open space next to the martial arts arena. I want to raise chickens and rabbits." There are things outside to cover, this is very easy to operate.

"Yes, the owner." The system is very rational this time. "With some energy, the system can help the owner design a stocking method that fits the space, including the transformation of the environment, so as to ensure that the owner has the most comfortable and healthy breeding environment."

So tall!
Liang Ping'an's eyes lit up, but he was not dazzled by the beautiful blueprint drawn by the system. "Tell me, what energy do you want to consume?"

"The owner stores all the harvested crops in the space!"

The system's light words didn't make Liang Pingan spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"System, I have stored tens of thousands of catties of harvest in this space." That's a million or so, and you're going to wipe it out by opening your mouth?

Haha, I'd be stupid to agree.

In the end, Liang Ping'an was still stupid... The system said that only the most reasonable breeding environment can be used for scientific breeding, and scientific breeding is to make better money, so Liang Ping'an couldn't help hesitating.

"System, you just want to use up all my gains. Is it too late for me to take out the things in my backpack?" Liang Ping'an was about to make the final rescue.

System: "..." Master, are you really okay with this? "hehe……"

Liang Ping'an's mood was like beeping the dog!

Seeing that the space backpack was cleared instantly, Liang Ping'an was ready to die.

This is a return to before liberation!
The grass is gone, the radishes are gone, and all kinds of vegetables are gone.Gone, gone, nothing.

With tears in his eyes, Liang Pingan harvested a batch of eggplants from six plots of land. Fortunately, they were all of the highest yield. The one-foot-long eggplants were each oversized. This harvest was quite impressive.

It's okay, it's okay, I didn't catch up with the bad guy in the system.

Liang Ping'an was distressed and prepared to put the eggplant in his backpack.

"Sorry master, I forgot, this crop of eggplant also belongs to energy."

With a brush, the eggplant is gone.

Liang Pingan: "..."

Damn, the system, you are a robber!

It took a long time for Liang Pingan's angry roar to resound in the space, "System, return my eggplant!"

The consequence of the mania attack is... "The system needs to transform the space, and the owner is not allowed to enter or leave the space within a day."

Liang Pingan: "..."

Say "I belong to the master."

What's the matter, the boat of friendship turned over just like that!
Liang Ping'an capitalized "Confused" on his face, and was respectfully asked out of the space by the system.

"System, what about my vegetable field, what about my vegetables?" At the critical moment, Liang Ping'an was still thinking about his vegetable field. What a professional spirit this is?Oh no, it is the spirit of loving money.That's real money.

"The system will handle it!" Leaving Liang Ping'an with an indifferent voice, the space was completely closed.

Liang Ping'an: "..." Suddenly feel that there is no pursuit in life?How to break?
Getting used to the existence of the space, and being unable to enter and exit the space suddenly, Liang Ping'an was rather bored.

Liu Fei finished cleaning up the chicken manure on the chicken farm, saw Liang Ping'an coming out of the house, and hurried over, "Boss, I have already picked up a hundred eggs today, your pasture is really good, and the chickens don't need to be fed egg-laying medicine." You can lay eggs every day." Now he is really convinced by Liang Pingan, or how can he say that he has been the boss since he was a child, and his brain is easy to use.

Liang Pingan smiled, all of this was expected.

"Didn't I give you grass seeds yesterday, and the open space on the right is also planted, we have to stock up." Otherwise, when he starts school, there won't be so much grass to provide.

"Boss, the empty space on the right is also idle, why not buy another hundred chickens and raise them." Knowing that the eggs cost ten yuan each, Liu Fei decided to expand the scale.

Of course, Liang Ping'an also thought about expanding the scale. The problem was that he was afraid that there would not be enough pasture after school started. With the current scale, even if he left, the family's pasture would be able to make ends meet.

"I'm afraid there won't be enough grass to feed." Liang Ping'an frowned. He started school soon, and time was too tight.

"If it's not enough, let's sell some chickens. The left and right eggs can be sold for a price. I don't believe that these chickens are worthless." Liu Fei's words awakened the dreamer.Liang Ping'an was also moved when he looked at his brightly colored hen.

Liang Pingan carefully calculated the balance of payments, but shook his head. "It's too late." He started school in half a month, so he didn't have time to go back and forth.

Liu Fei looked regretful, "It's such a big place for nothing." It's a pity to just plant grass.

Liang Pingan smiled, there are gains and losses, so don't force yourself too much.

"The pasture grows fast, and the excess pasture is harvested and dried, and it can be ground and fed to animals when it's cold." This is the temporary solution Liang Pingan came up with.

"Don't worry boss, I will definitely work hard if you pay me so much." Liu Fei is very motivated now, because he has a job in the village that earns 4000 yuan. , the conditions are better than those introduced before, which makes him more motivated.

"By the way, boss, I heard from my mother that the third aunt is on a blind date again." Liu Fei also grew up with Liang Miaomiao, and is more concerned about her family's affairs. "I saw Miao Miao when I came here in the morning. Miao seems to be squatting in their backyard crying, and ran away when she saw me...Boss, do you think Miao Miao was frightened last time, if she really has a stepdad, what if she is still such a beast?"

Liu Fei also sighed, "My mother said that the third aunt actually doesn't want to look for it, otherwise she would have married when she was young." After all, the third aunt's appearance is there, and she can be regarded as a first-class beauty in this rural area. up. "Miao Miao will go to college next year. The third aunt is afraid that she will not have the money to pay for Miao Miao's education." Liu Fei opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he was not embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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