space farmer

Chapter 109 113 Expanding the Scale

Chapter 109 113 Expanding the Scale
Liang Ping'an posted it now. He was picked up by his grandfather back then. The grandparents and grandchildren lived in the village and everyone helped a lot. Now he wants to do something for the villagers.

He is not very capable, and what he can do is limited.

Fortunately, many families in the village have vegetable rabbits, which can be regarded as a small favor.

There were too few chickens at home, so Liang Ping'an went to Liu's house again and bought a hundred chickens all at once.The yard at home was not big enough, so he asked someone to build a row of chicken racks outside his yard wall, and surrounded the large open space with a fence.

The surrounding area is sandy land, but there are some wild vegetables growing, which belong to unowned things.Liang Pingan hesitated for a moment, and called the second grandfather, wanting the second grandfather to tell the village whether it is renting or buying, and first decide on the land around his house.

The Liang family is considered a big family in the village, with deep roots.Soon the second grandfather wrote back, "Ping An, I will pay you 2000 yuan, and the land will be processed for you tomorrow." After taking a drop of primary body training liquid and giving away a lot of food for his own family, the old man is very grateful to see that he is more caring than his own grandson.

"Your grandpa is not at home. I shouldn't say this logically, but it is not easy for your family to make money. I understand that this time you are raising chickens to buy land, but don't make it too big. Raising chickens is no better than other things." A chicken plague will kill everything.” Liang Ping’an bought a hundred chickens in the village, and almost bought all the chickens in Liu’s family, and word spread in the village.Everyone said that Liang Ping'an didn't want to study in a good university, and wanted to go home to raise chickens, etc., the words were not very nice.

Knowing that the old man cared about him, Liang Pingan didn't say anything else.He just said: "Second Grandpa, I know that well." Even if Grandpa is at home, I believe he will support him.

Thinking of grandpa, Liang Pingan sighed again.

The old man is quite old, and he is still running around. His son and daughter-in-law have been missing for more than [-] years. Even if he is alive, he may have encountered some difficulties.He thought of his parents again, and the family didn't know when they would be able to reunite.He made up his mind that he must find his parents, and even if his grandfather could not find his family, he would take him to live with him.

Erhua ran over in person, "I said it's safe, how many rabbits do you want, not to mention the whole village, there are thousands of rabbits in our village, not counting those bastards, are you sure you want all of these?" He was a little worried, after all, this is not a small amount, "We have dozens of rabbits in our family, are you sure you can have thousands of rabbits?" A little bit.

Liang Pingan heard the sound of the sound, and immediately smiled and said: "Then send the dozens of rabbits from your family first. I definitely can't raise so many rabbits here at once. For the time being..." He paused, probably Hongbin There will soon be a shortage of goods on the other side of the building, and if I can't supply my own vegetables, I'm afraid I will have to rely on this rabbit to supply them. "In this way, you can help me buy a hundred first, and then let the people in our village come."

Erhua just laughed, "Just watch it." He naturally understood the reason why the fat and water should not flow into outsiders' fields.

Not long after Erhua left, he sent fifty of his own rabbits first, perhaps because he was afraid that Liang Ping'an would not want them afterward, so he even sent half-grown rabbits.

Liang Pingan didn't say anything, passed the scale, and immediately transferred the money to Erhua.

There are too many animals in the house. Two cows are okay, and there are hundreds of rabbits and chickens. He must not be able to cope with it alone.

Liang Pingan thought for a while and dialed Liu Fei's number.

Liu Fei was his childhood friend. He liked to follow him since he was a child.Just happened to be idle at home recently, Liang Ping'an thought of him first.

"A Fei, are you going to go out recently?" Liang Pingan was sure that Liu Fei was fine, and said, "I have a job here. It's in our village. It's not easy. How about giving you 4000 yuan a month?" Liang Pingan Ping An himself has worked part-time outside, knowing that the price is not low, and he stays at home.

Sure enough, Liu Fei was delighted when he heard it.

"I know that the boss will think of me first when he has good things to do." He is busy looking for a partner recently and will not leave for the time being. "Boss, what do you do?" Liu Fei joked, "We can contribute our bodies and minds as much as we want."

"Get out!" Liang Pingan scolded with a smile, "It's just raising chickens and rabbits. If you are interested, come and help me. I'm going to raise some chickens and rabbits recently." Naturally, I think about my brother when there are good things. "If you do a good job, I will pay more." Brothers have to settle accounts clearly, and Liang Ping'an also understands this.

Liu Fei was stunned when he heard it. "Boss, your rabbits and chickens." How many can there be? "Boss, I know that you college students are studying hard. If you are too busy, I can help you." What's the point of asking for money.

"I raise a lot, you will know when you come and have a look." Liang Ping'an understood what Liu Fei meant, but he made money raising chickens and rabbits, so how could Liu Fei do it for nothing.

Liu Fei came over soon.

As thin as Erhua, Liu Fei is thin and tall. He also likes to wear ripped jeans, dyed yellow hair, walks unsteadily, and looks a little unsteady.

Liang Pingan frowned when he saw his swaying left and right, "Where did you learn this trick, can't you walk well?"

Liu Fei chuckled, "Boss, you don't know, all girls like me now."

Liang Ping'an snorted, "Then you haven't found a partner yet? Erhua is planning to have a second child." Not a few years older than you.

Liu Fei curled his lips, "Erhua's family is in good condition, who can compare with them." He looked at the chicken rack outside the courtyard wall, "Boss, you really bought so many chickens." Good guy, " This is to open a chicken farm?" But there is no one in the village.

"It's not a chicken farm, but it's raised at home." Fortunately, there are no neighbors around their house, otherwise it would be a bit disturbing to raise so many animals.

Liang Pingan took Erhua to look at the animals at home, and at the pasture he planted. He also sprinkled a large area of ​​pasture seeds on the open space outside, hoping to supply the consumption of the animals at home.

"The situation is like this. If you agree, you will start to work officially tomorrow." The brothers settled the accounts clearly, and Liang Ping'an also put the ugly words in front, "every morning at seven o'clock in the evening at five o'clock in the evening, if I delay the period, I will give you an extra Money, but you have to keep an eye on these animals during this period of time, and absenteeism without reason will deduct your wages, you try it first, and if you are sure you can do it later, then we will formally sign the contract."

What Liang Pingan said was too formal, even Liu Fei was infected.

"Boss, don't worry, I will do a good job." Liu Fei suddenly felt that with such a good job, he would have a chance to marry a beautiful wife.

(End of this chapter)

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