The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 106 Infinite Gems and Vibrating Gold

Chapter 106 Infinite Gems and Vibrating Gold

Leo had never read Marvel comics in his previous life, but only watched the Avengers series of movies and related superhero movies. This movie universe also has an acronym called MCU.

However, Leo discovered that although the world he traveled to was similar to the world of the MCU, there were also some subtle differences.

Therefore, Li Ao felt that the memory in his head could only be used as a reference, and he could not rely on his own understanding of the future and be blindly confident.

With such an attitude, Leo is going to sort out the memory of the Infinity Stones in his head first.Regardless of whether it is useful or not, if you are prepared first, you can be prepared.

According to Leo's limited memory, he racked his brains and finally remembered the whereabouts of these gems in the MCU.

There are two gemstones on the earth today, the space gem and the time gem.

The carrier of the Space Gem is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. It was originally obtained by the Red Skull from Norway and handed over to Dr. Zola for research. Later, it fell into the ice field and was salvaged by Howard Stark. It was placed in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Lawson's Cree Marvell is used to study the Pegasus project. At this point in time, it should be on an invisible spacecraft in the outer sky of the earth.

Leo learned about the Rubik's Cube in the universe from Dr. Zola, so he is very sure that the story before the Rubik's Cube fell into the ice sheet is the same as the MCU plot, but it is not clear whether there is a so-called Tianma project later.

But Leo now knows Nick Fury, a key figure in the future Captain Marvel story.

Leo felt that he could find an opportunity to ask Fury if the Pegasus Project really existed.If the Tianma project exists, the story of Captain Marvel will definitely happen in this universe, and Leo can find a way to get involved at that time.

The carrier of the Time Gem is the Eye of Agamotto, and this gem is currently controlled by the Ancient One Supreme Mage.

There are four treasure Infinity Stones that are not on Earth.

The Reality Gem Leo actually can't remember where it is, it seems to be buried by the king of the Asa protoss?

The Power Gem is locked in an abandoned building on the planet Morag.

The Soul Gem is on Vormir, guarded by the transformed Red Skull.

The Mind Stone originally appeared in the form of Loki's scepter, but now Loki and Thor are still "brotherly" in Asgard, so the Mind Stone should still be in the hands of his original owner, Thanos.

Regarding the whereabouts of the gems, the more Leo recalled in detail, the more ugly his face became.

Look at these gems, which one is easy to get? !

Not to mention the other four gemstones far away in the universe, the two gemstones on the earth are close, right?But it is also very difficult to obtain.

The space gem is in the outer space of the earth, and it is invisible. Unless Leo develops and matures spaceflight technology, he feels that it is impossible for him to find it.

Leo didn't dare to snatch the time gem, Gu Yi slapped Li Ao's soul out of his body.To plot this gem, Li Ao might as well think of a way to go to the sky to find the space gem...

Li Ao let out a long sigh, it seems that collecting gems still has a long way to go!

Putting the long-term plan of collecting gems behind his head first, Leo continued to analyze the results of the competition with Bucky.

This competition, in addition to proving that Leo has the ability to protect himself, also tested a defect of the mecha, that is, its weak earthquake resistance.

"Steam, stop playing with building blocks and come over to work quickly."

"Buzz! Alright, master."

Steam carefully surrounded the building blocks that had just been built with simple materials, and then ran to Leo, ready to be called at any time.

"The Viper Armor was damaged just now, please help me repair the Armor first."


Stim controlled the mechanical equipment to hoist the Viper Armor, and Leo took advantage of this gap to put on the mechanical tentacles.

The mechanical force is surging, and Li Ao is ready for mechanical force-assisted manufacturing.At the same time, auxiliary skills such as mechanical force vision, mechanical force deduction - brainstorming, etc. have been activated.

Especially the mechanical force deduction-the brainstorming skill, since Li Ao's mechanical power is sufficient, whenever he makes a machine, this skill will definitely be activated at the same time, and the active skill is used as a passive skill by him...

With the help of a bunch of flexible tentacles, Leo quickly removed the front chest shell of the Viper Armor, revealing the sophisticated nerve signal sensors inside.

Under Bucky's iron fist, a total of 16 sensors on the chest were damaged or had poor contact.

It is not difficult to repair these. Leo operated the mechanical tentacles and repaired the Viper armor in just ten minutes, and the whole armor looked brand new.

It is easy to repair, but it is difficult to improve the Viper armor to make it more shock-resistant.

Adding shock-absorbing materials inside the armor has no effect, because it is not Leo who can't withstand the shock, but the armor itself.Therefore, shock absorption should start from the shell, and it is best that the shell material itself can absorb the impact!
Ding!In a flash of inspiration, Li Ao remembered the magical metal in the Marvel universe-Zhenjin.

Vibration gold itself can not only act as an energy source, for example, it can be used for flight and energy weapons in "Black Panther", but it can also absorb impact, such as Captain America's shield and a thin layer of battle suit of the Black Panther, which can Withstand bullets and energy cannons.

If the shell of the Viper Armor is made of vibration gold or the key parts are mixed with vibrating gold, Leo will never worry that the Viper Armor will be easily damaged by the shock!

"But Vibranium is a rare item. It is still an exclusive material in Wakanda, and it is very difficult to obtain. Where can I get some?"

Li Ao began to fall into thought, and thought to himself,

"It would be great if I could sneak into Wakanda quietly. Not only can I get enough vibration gold, but I can also secretly learn about Wakanda's black technology."

Leo vaguely remembered some plots revealed in the "Black Panther" movie. Wakanda already had a spaceship that took off and landed silently in this era.

If Leo can learn how to make spaceships, he can even set off to outer space immediately to search for the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube.

However, getting into Wakanda is easier said than done. For Leo now, it is simply a dream.

Suddenly, Leo had a flash of inspiration and remembered more details of the "Black Panther" movie.

Around this point in time, Wakanda seems to have had a vibranium theft.A man named Ulysses Crow managed to steal a lot of vibranium from Wakandari because of the internal support of the current king T'Chaka's younger brother Enjob.

Although Leo is unlikely to find an insider to sneak into Wakanda like Ulysses Crow, Leo can try to find Ulysses Crow, so that Leo can have enough vibrating gold.

However, Ulysses Crow is hiding deep enough. Wakanda has been searching for it for more than [-] years and has not found it. It is estimated that it will not be easy for Leo to find it.

But all of the above are plans, which cannot be realized in the short term, and will not help Leo much.For Leo, one of the most important details in the "Black Panther" movie is that in the British Museum, there should be a vibranium product on display as an ordinary cultural relic, and that is the vibrating gold material that Leo can get at his fingertips.

Of course, these things Leo planned are all based on the plot of the "Black Panther" movie that will definitely happen in this world. If there is no Black Panther or even Wakanda in this world, then Leo's previous ideas are nothing. neither.

However, it is very simple to verify the existence of the Black Panther plot. Leo only needs to go to the British Museum to see if the vibrating gold products really exist.

Without further ado, Leo hurriedly called Old Tom's office through Steam.

"Old Tom, I'm going to Great Britain for a trip recently. The sooner the better, the visa and air tickets and other procedures should be done quickly!"

"Uh... Boss, how long are you going to stay in Daying?"

"A few days is enough."

"For a short time, we don't need a visa to go to Great Britain, a passport is enough..."

? !It's still possible to do this, Leo really doesn't know!

"If this is the case, help me arrange a schedule for passport application, the sooner the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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