The Super God Mechanic in American Manga

Chapter 105 Don't tease honest people

Chapter 105 Don't tease honest people

"Peter, why don't you leave, don't you need to keep an eye on the project?!"

Peter's eyes widened: "Uh, Mr. Erwin, what about the artificially synthesized mutated spider silk liquid and the spider silk launcher? Didn't you say you would give it to me?"

"What I'm talking about is that I will reward you as a project reward." Leo smiled, "How is your project going?"

"The project... the project is progressing well, and the mechanical prosthesis that can be promoted for commercial use is almost ready."

"Peter, you are still not as fast as me! In just a few days, I have made the synthesis method of spider silk liquid, and your mechanical prosthetic project has not succeeded yet, you need to work harder!"

Leo touched his chin and said,

"You should go back and continue to stare at the project, and when your project is completed, I will give you the spider silk fluid and the spider silk launcher as project rewards.

If you are afraid that your body will be hollowed out again, you should spend less time these few nights, shoot less spider webs, and reserve more energy for work. "

"Oh fine!"

Frustrated, Peter was a little frustrated,
"I'll get the project done quickly."

After finishing speaking, Peter walked dejectedly to the stairs beside the training ground, ready to go back to work.

no? !Peter, why don't you stick to it symbolically?You express your determination, brag, and make a guarantee. I am pleased to hand over the things to you, and then encourage a few words to fully reflect the mutual trust between the employees and the boss and improve the enthusiasm of the employees.

What's the matter if you just gave up? !
Leo suddenly felt that the fact that he was teasing Peter was a bit inexplicable, even a little silly, and he didn't get the desired sense of happiness at all.

Peter is too honest, he listens to whatever Leo says.

It seems that you really don't want to "tease honest people", because you will hold yourself out of internal injuries.

Therefore, Li Ao felt that he should speak up.

"Peter, I was joking with you just now. I have already made the spider silk fluid and the spider silk launcher. You follow me to the laboratory to get them."

"Really? That's great!"

Peter didn't mind at all what Leo was teasing him just now, his dejected face was full of anticipation again.


Many people in the company knew that Leo had built a private laboratory on the basement floor of the El building.

But the so-called private means that no one other than Leo has ever entered it, so it has always maintained a mysterious color.

Today, the lab finally welcomed its first visitor, Peter Parker.

As the behind-the-scenes controller of the entire El Building, Steam naturally knows every employee in the El Technology Company.

"Hum! Master, good afternoon. Mr. Parker, good afternoon."

Steam's crisp voice resounded throughout the laboratory, making it impossible to tell where the sound came from.

"Who?! Who's talking?"

Before Leo had time to say hello to Stim, Peter looked around in surprise, because Peter only felt Leo and himself as two living people from his spider-sensing perspective.

Li Ao pointed to the crawler robot that was motionless on the right side of the laboratory door and was pretending to be dead, and introduced to Peter:

"That's what I was talking about just now. It's called Stim. It's an intelligent robot that I built."

Only then did Stim move, the long mechanical probe swayed, and the two multifunctional mechanical arms swayed back and forth, as a gesture of greeting to Leo.

"Well, Mr. Steele, good afternoon to you too! My name is Peter Parker, nice to meet you."

Peter beckoned to Stim, and Stim nodded to Peter, then buzzed and ran to a corner of the laboratory on the crawler tracks, fiddling with the two multifunctional robotic arms that Leo installed just two days ago. Get up a pile of blocks.

"Peter, come here."

At this time Leo had already walked to a multi-grid iron shelf, seeing Peter still staying at the door, staring at Steam from a distance, he suddenly laughed dumbfounded.

As Peter approached Leo, he turned his head and looked around in the laboratory:

"Mr. Ervin, your laboratory is too high-end, higher than that of every professor in New York University. I have never seen such a mechanical laboratory."

"I'm different from them. Their research topics are single and targeted, and they only need specific instruments. My research is messy, and there is a little bit of everything in the laboratory, so you feel fresh."

Leo took out a bottle of liquid from a grid in the middle of the iron shelf and handed it to Peter.

"This is the spider silk liquid I synthesized. Usually, this thing is a liquid and has no activity. When using it, first activate its activity with an instantaneous high temperature of 89 degrees Celsius, and then it will solidify into mutated spider silk when it encounters air."

Peter opened the bottle cap, looked into the bottle with one eye closed, and smelled it with the tip of his nose. It was colorless and odorless.

"Steem, go get the web launcher."

"Buzz! Okay."

Working in the pile of building blocks, Steam's main body, with its tracks running crazily, quickly ran to a table in the back of the laboratory, and ran to Leo with two things that looked like wrist guards.


Stim threw the two spider silk launchers into Leo's outstretched palm, and then hurriedly ran back to the pile of building blocks.

"This is the spider silk launcher I made. The spider silk liquid stored in each launcher is enough to launch two hundred ordinary spider silks. Two of them are four hundred. It should be enough for you."

Leo handed Peter a spider silk launcher, and showed Peter how to use the one he kept in his hand.

Peter fumbled a bit, and also managed to shoot a web against the wall.

"The spider silk launcher is powered by a miniature high-compression battery, and one can be used for several days. Anyway, you are also familiar with miniature high-compression batteries, and you can charge them yourself when they run out of power."

Li Ao handed another spider silk launcher to Peter, turned around and took out a small book from the grid containing the spider silk liquid,

"Here is the method of making the spider silk liquid. You can take it back and think about it yourself. It shouldn't be difficult to make it."

Seeing Peter flipping through the pamphlet, Leo said again:
"Don't rush to read it now, you can read it when you go back. Also, the project reward I promised to you has been given to you in advance. Next, you have to work hard and complete the project as soon as possible. At that time, if you perform well If so, I might even consider giving you a promotion and a salary increase."

"Thank you Mr. Erwin, I will definitely work hard."

Peter put the booklet into his pocket with a happy face.

The spider silk liquid and the spider silk launcher are what Leo promised Peter long ago, and the possibility of promotion and salary increase comes from Peter's serious efforts, all of which Peter deserves.

In addition, Peter has another deserved thing, that is, the ventilated leather hood that Leo promised him earlier to help him make.

"Steam, stop playing, come here and help Peter measure the size of his head."

Steam ran over in a hurry, and under Peter's surprised gaze, Steam swept Peter's head with his long probe.

"Buzz! The item 'Spider Helmet' size has been acquired."

"Peter, I've been quite busy recently. It may take some time for this helmet to be finished. Please wait patiently."

After Li Ao explained, he was ready to see off the guests.
"I have nothing else to do here, you go back and continue working."

Peter thanked him again, walked to the door of the laboratory, and prepared to leave.

"Hum! Goodbye, Mr. Parker."

"Uh, goodbye, Mr. Steam."


After Peter left, Leo finally had time to summarize the results of the competition with Bucky just now.

Regardless of what tricks Leo used, he was able to defeat Bucky in the end!This marks that even if the era of gods and demons walking everywhere in the Marvel world comes, Leo has the power to protect himself.

With the power to protect himself, Leo can finally start planning for the next stage.

For example, the plan to collect infinite gems can already be put on the agenda.So, which gem should be the easiest to find first?
(End of this chapter)

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