Chapter 85 Too Skilled
Why didn't the people who bribed us in the police station hear any news, didn't any news come over?

However, the doubts in their hearts are destined to be unanswered at this time, and they must make a choice now.

Either choose to fight, or choose to surrender.

But surrender?
Looking at their companions who had been headshot without any explanation, they exchanged glances and decisively gave up the plan.

You are too skilled!

Don't listen to our sophistry... Uh no, don't you listen to our explanation?
After the police shot directly, these gangsters and security guards immediately understood one thing—surrender is impossible, they can only try to see if they can kill them and sneak away.

"Colin! Why did you shoot directly!" Sam asked in a daze.

"I saw that they wanted to shoot. In order to protect ourselves, we did it in advance!" Colin explained.

"It turned out to be like this! These damned bastards, they fought back!" Sam didn't think too much, and quickly hid behind the wall to avoid the bullets, "Kill these bastards!"

In fact, when the targets in the three places were attacked, there were people like Colin among the police officers.

If you can't disclose information in advance to let these people escape, then you can't let them stay.

Otherwise, if these people surrendered and were arrested, and then confessed themselves, wouldn't it be over?
Then you will really be caught by the vine!

Therefore, these people unanimously made the same decision, which was to cut off the vine.

Among them, some were previously bribed by gangsters to disclose information, some were Hydra members, and some...

Hmm...these are overly skilled occupational skills.

In any case, the shootout started, and Natasha and Barton managed to sneak in.

The places they want to sneak into are not the places that are being attacked. Those places are closed to people. What they sneak into is another warehouse. According to the information they obtained before, the experimental equipment is stored here.

After all, that's Fury's main purpose—to figure out what Compney was up to.

With the skills of these two top agents and the equipment support from Fury's safe house, they sneaked in without being noticed.

"This is," Natasha looked at the signs on the equipment, "radiation warning signs..."

"Just take a picture, and we'll talk about the rest when we go out," Barton took a picture with a special camera, and the two continued to walk forward, and soon came to a cabinet, opened it, even if it was an ace agent, watching When they saw the things in the cabinet, their pupils couldn't help but dilate.

It was a mass of flesh and blood soaked in a jar full of culture fluid!
The distorted flesh and blood seemed to be alive, still twitching non-stop!

"What the hell is this tm?" Barton cursed in a low voice, and took a picture of this scene.

"There is still a strange black liquid in a test tube," Natasha took a picture with the camera, "Do you want to take a tube?"

"A target is too big, it might be discovered," Barton shook his head, "Pour out a little and take it away."

They have prepared a lot of equipment, and it is not without considering the possibility of this happening again, so of course there is this kind of equipment that can carry liquids.


"What? Was attacked??!" Cogas, the president of Compney, asked in disbelief on the phone, "What's going on?"

Just now, he received a call from his subordinates, and then heard the bad news that the place where those people were held was attacked.

Vaguely, he always felt that this conversation seemed a little familiar, as if he had said this sentence not long ago.

"The police? Those policemen ate our money and turned against us?" Kogas became more and more confused when he heard the news on the phone, "They are not afraid of being stabbed by us, and they insist on dying with us ??!"


After all, Kogas calmed down quickly and began to think calmly—once this incident broke out and those arrested were exposed, they would definitely go to Compney to report to him. , and then as the president, I must be the first to be sentenced, so calm down and think calmly...

Calm down, think about it!
Kogas swept all the documents on the table down.

This is almost a doomsday situation!

After a while, he seemed to realize something, and quickly asked on the phone: "Where is the experimental equipment, how is the situation there?"

"All right? Great! Hurry up and evacuate with the experimental equipment and materials! I'll go there right away!" Kogas jumped up as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and ran outside in a hurry, no longer caring about his demeanor.

He thought of a way, a way that might save his life.

Those experimental equipment and experimental materials may be very important to the organization!

Then, as long as you run with these things, the people above will definitely save you!

Just do what you want, Kogas, who thinks this method is very feasible, ran directly to the garage, and at the same time called and told Gibbs about these things.


"Things are put away," Natasha said, "When do you think they will start to evacuate these experimental equipment?"

"I" Barton handed the telescope to Natasha.

They've got what they want and been evacuated for a while.

"Their movements are really slow..." Natasha looked at the large truck that had just begun to load the experimental equipment. "Now, we just need to follow this vine and start to feel the melon."


"I'm Anas," Anas answered the phone, and said angrily, "What's the matter?"

At this moment, he was in Hawaii, planning to make a fuss with the girl he had an appointment with at night, but he did not expect to receive a call from Gibbs.

"Something serious has happened," Gibbs briefly introduced the matter in a low and orderly voice, "Kogas just called and said that he is now running away with the batch of experimental equipment, I hope we can Arrange an escape route for him."

"Falke, the guy who has done more than succeed but failed!" Anas couldn't help but swear, and he quickly realized what Kogas was trying to do, "He's blackmailing us!"

"Yes, so I can only ask you for instructions," Gibbs said, "Arrange an escape route for him?"

"Arrange what, what is there to arrange?" Anas said, "Do you still have those experimental materials?"

"There are some backups, but not many," Gibbs replied.

"Then kill him," Anas said in a cold tone. "He has no value in existence anymore. We don't need a piece of trash who will only bring things down! Moreover, he will be targeted instead if he is alive, and may even be implicated in the organization." As for the other members of the team, as for those equipment and materials, you can order them to take away what can be taken away, and destroy what can’t be taken away directly on the spot!”


Street diary:

Question: When giving a gift to a leader, how do you implicitly and tactfully let him know that the gift is very valuable?

Answer: Tell him - "These things are enough to give you a reprieve".

 Fuck, the Sanjiang station is short... I have to save the manuscript quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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