Chapter 84
"Of course it's good to do what you like to do," Hades said with a smile, "I probably understand why you are doing this."

"That's right, what's the use of getting so much money," the little fat man said with emotion, "Business and investment, in the final analysis, is not for money, and getting money is not for living in the final analysis, the problem is that the money is enough to live. And I can live happily and comfortably without worrying about food and clothing, why should I do things I don’t like to do, isn’t it good for me to do some things I like to do?”

"Very good decision," Hades nodded with a smile, "You and I should be the same type of people."

"Stop messing with Hades," the little fat man rolled his eyes, "Are you the child of someone else's family in the legend?"

"That's..." Hades wanted to express something, but after thinking about it, he changed the words he was about to say, "ε=(ο`*))) Alas, excellent people can't hide their feelings Guanghua..."

In fact, what Hades originally wanted to say was—"That's because I have to do it for a reason, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered to do it."

Hades himself really has the kind of personality that is enough. If this is an ordinary world, he will definitely be the same as little fat Yang Jin. Will do what I like to do.

However, the problem is, now this "enough"...has not been reached yet!

At the very least, it’s “ok” if there’s no danger to your life, right?

In a world of high martial arts like Marvel, even if you live in seclusion in a place that no one knows, maybe one day it will be bombed, and then you will really wait for death in vain?

That is of course impossible.

Hades is very clear that if he wants to do what he likes to do regardless of other things, the prerequisite is that there are no other factors that can affect him.

Do you want to do what you love when you are penniless?

That's not chasing dreams, that's stupidity.

You can't even survive, and you still chase the dream of a snakeskin.

Now, Hades is actually working hard to survive.

Does he really like driving taxis?

If it weren't for this being the most stable and quickest method, Hades certainly wouldn't be willing to do this business. Wouldn't it be good to travel around every day and pick up girls?

"Hades," the little fat man Yang Jin stared at Hades, his small eyes were full of seriousness, "you will easily be beaten for speaking like this."

"It's okay, they can't beat me."

After chatting for a long time, the hot pot restaurant was about to close, and Hades took the little fat man to a nightclub, planning to have fun with him.


"Sam, where do you say this operation is going, and what task is it performing?"

In the police station, a heavily armed policeman sitting sideways on a motorcycle asked a policeman on another motorcycle with a smile.

"Who knows, it must be a very big task anyway," Sam shook his head, "Let me tell you, I inquired about it, it is said that only the director knows the time and target of this operation, and no one else knows !"

"It's so scary! Is it such a high level of secrecy?" Colin exclaimed, "I'm starting to get scared, isn't it some kind of large-scale terrorist attack?"

"I don't know, I also heard that there are international organizations..." Just as Sam was about to continue disclosing the information he obtained from gossip to Colin, a voice came from their headsets at the same time.

"All units pay attention, all units pay attention, prepare to start action, and now notify the mission target."

Hearing the words from the headset, all the policemen, including the two policemen, focused their attention, and some even subconsciously held their breath.

"The goal of a team of missions is..."

At this moment, thousands of police officers were divided into four teams, only waiting for the director to tell the location of the target, and then went to the destination to start action.

"Finally, the four teams are on standby, ready to support at all times," the director said the locations of the three mission targets, and at the same time sent the information to the commanders of each team, "due to the danger of this operation and to prevent accidents If something happens, the cameras and recorders on your helmets will be turned on all the time, recording all the time, now, act immediately!"

In the words of the director, in addition to telling the mission goal, another layer of meaning was revealed, that is, I know that some of you may be familiar with the mission goal this time, and even have some unexplainable relationships , but, I'm sorry, if you want to make trouble this time, then wait to die!
and so……

Although some of these policemen really have interests in that gangster, and even some Hydra people know that they are affiliated with their own organization, but they have nothing to do.

Unless they want to be found out by following the clues, otherwise...they can only do nothing.

No, it's not inaction, they still do.

They are righteous policemen now, and they must go now, and they must go, to eliminate the evil gangsters...

Fury stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the traffic outside, with a smile on his face.

"It's not good for your own people to beat your own people, right?"

Fury thought to himself, and after a while, he returned to his desk, took a sip of coffee happily, and began to carry out "normal" work.

All the police officers were dispatched at the same time, heading towards their destination.

At the same time, Natasha and Barton were already ready to sneak into the warehouse.

According to Fury's instructions, their movements must be fast and they cannot be discovered, because other places are under attack, and the enemy will definitely transfer this batch of experimental equipment, so they need to sneak in before this, get information, and then leave here , Track where they will transfer these experimental equipment.

Of course, just getting rid of this nest of mice will not satisfy Fury's appetite, and the right way is to follow the vine.

Because the behind-the-scenes hands of these human experiments were discovered, Compney would definitely not be able to keep them, so these devices would either be destroyed in situ without leaving any evidence, or they would be transported to Hydra's backhands, And that's what Fury wants to follow.

It is certainly impossible for Hydra to have only such a place researching this.

Of course, whether you can successfully touch this melon depends on luck, but if you don't do this, you won't even have such a chance to gamble on luck.


Unprepared gangsters and the armed forces of the Compney Corporation were stunned when they were raided by the police.

what happened?

What about our people?

Street diary:

It’s the first time I slept with Ren on the mic, I was very nervous at the beginning, although I relaxed after I fell asleep, in order to keep my reserved side, I also turned off the mic, just listen to what he said, I have to say that his bedtime stories are awesome, and the quality of my sleep this time is very good.

Thank you, my online teacher.

 Yep, I actually fell asleep... thanks for signing in!

  Also, you can go and see the py with a big guy~
(End of this chapter)

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