Chapter 77 Who is Green?
"Hades, Hades...Wait, Hades?" Christine repeated the name several times, then finally remembered something, put away her camera, and ran outside resolutely.

Combined with Hades's appearance, coupled with this special name that almost no one has ever used, Christine remembered a person, a person who suppressed all the college students of his generation and couldn't hold their heads up.

However, later on, this person disappeared without a trace, and no one knew what he was doing. Almost everyone thought that he was recruited by some secret agency or recruited by the military, so the information was kept secret and no one knew about it. What is he doing.

but now……

Christine's reporters instinctively told her that she might be getting a big news, and compared to Tony's big news, although this news is not that big, but if she can get it, it will be exclusive, more valuable.

After chasing out the door, Christine saw a man in a suit of about the same height who had just turned the corner in front of him, and hurriedly chased there.

Hades, who was leaning against the wall behind the door, glanced at Christine who ran past, then turned and walked to the other side.

When we were chatting, Hades remembered that this Christine seemed to be the reporter who had sex with Tony that night, and he also let Tony know that his weapon was still being shot at Gemmy after he gave the order to close it. The person who pulls the conveyance.

Of course, this has nothing to do with me. Hades has really experienced thousands of flowers now, and unless it is the kind that is really beautiful to a certain level, he will basically not be tempted.

Haddish did this because, if he remembered correctly, the reporter seemed to have graduated from Brown University.

Brown University is the seventh oldest university in the United States, one of the eight world-renowned Ivy League members, and the students in such a university judge the time period of school according to their age... To be honest, it is not Hades, They should all have heard their names.

Hades didn't intend to gamble on a reporter's professionalism, so he decided to run steadily.

That's right, this is not cowardice, nor is it from the heart, this is stability.

"Where did you go?" On the way, Hades received a call from Tony, "Don't tell me that the woman I chased after was your ex-girlfriend."

Tony noticed the details of the interaction between Hades and Christine, and it was obvious that he had misunderstood something, so that he was now thinking about who cheated whom...

"No, I don't know her, but she might know me," Hades said as he came to the death taxi and started the car. "You should know my reputation in school back then."

"Huh...that's okay," Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and threw the question of who got green who was out of the blue. "No wonder you left so early, and I said I would treat you to lunch."

"Wait later, now you are the real figure in the spotlight, the kind that is ten times more powerful than before," Hades started the death taxi and drove outside, "I don't think I got it so hard The peaceful life was broken."

"Okay, besides..." Tony said, "The experiment has been done halfway, and there is no result yet."

"Don't worry, you can always find a way. By the way, you'd better get a new set of armor, and put the Ark reactor directly on the armor, so that the one on the chest doesn't need to be replaced," Hades said, The energy consumption will cause the palladium element to accumulate faster, so if you can not directly use the ark reactor on your chest as the energy source of the armor, it is best not to use it."

"Good idea, I know, I'll remodel it when I get back." Tony replied.

Just as Tony hung up the phone, Pepper who suddenly appeared on the side asked curiously: "Experiment? What experiment?"

"Wow! Oh my god, don't be so scary next time, okay? What we just his armor experiment," Tony was taken aback, paused before thinking of an excuse, "Didn't he say Want to build something more handsome than my Mark armor? So I asked him to build one to see."

"You really are..." Pepper shook his head speechlessly.


Hades drove back home, copied the video from the camera to the computer, had lunch, and began to design his own armor.

On his own computer, Hades only planned to design an exterior. As for the real internal components, he planned to go to Tony's villa and use Jarvis to do it.

No way, compared to the clumsy mouse and keyboard, the holographic projection technology in this era is really delicious, and if Hades wants to get a set of such equipment, it will cost at least a few hundred million.

Although it is not difficult for Hades to get money, in fact, he can take out that much right now, but... if you want to build a set of equipment like that, it will not only take time, but also need a suitable place Come and install it, like the current villa in the villa area will definitely not work.

Electricity and the like are not a problem, and it can be solved by building an ark reactor and adding a transformer, but the placement of the equipment in the holographic projection requires a relatively large space, which means that Hades needs to buy a set and Tony The villa is about the same size as the villa.

After buying a villa, it will bring a lot of things like decoration and maintenance.

It's too troublesome to pile up such a large number of things all together.

Hades is not afraid of trouble, but he hates trouble.

Of course, you still have to buy what you should buy, you still have to upgrade what you should upgrade, and what you don’t need now doesn’t mean you won’t need it in the future. Hades is already planning to buy a piece of land to build a villa, and Luoshen still needs to upgrade.

After all, you can't always use Jarvis in the future, can you?
There are always some things that are not suitable for other people to know, so the system that my armor will use at that time must use Luoshen.

"We need to build a satellite... just buy one from Tony," Hades said while fiddling with the exterior model diagrams while thinking about other things. If you buy one from New York, it’s better to be in a remote location. You can buy parts for large equipment and make it yourself. If you can’t buy it, you can buy it through Tony’s channel, and then..."

Hades is planning something, while Natasha and Barton have made progress in their actions.

"This is it?" Natasha looked at the warehouse in the distance, and asked Barton beside him.


Street diary:

Woodpecker: "Tuk tuk, tuk tuk..."

Shu: "Go away, I'm not sick!"

Woodpecker: "Are you sick? If you're not sick, why don't you take two steps?"

Tree: "I xx you xx, you xxxx!"

 Are you happy?Are you unhappy?Are you so excited that you want to give me all the tickets?

(End of this chapter)

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