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Chapter 76 I'm Iron Man

Chapter 76 I'mironman
Hades also got this press card for fun on a whim. He originally planned to use a camera to capture the scene when Tony announced that he was Iron Man, and then thought, since the cameras are all taken, he can also wear formal clothes Why don't you just play a part-time reporter as a cameo?
He did what he said, and Hades got a press card... At least it looked similar on the outside, and Cha would definitely not be able to stand the check. However, he didn't need that press card to directly enter the press conference.

Pepper tidied up Tony's clothes and asked Tony to go to the press conference. Hades came to the position through another reporter channel, and turned on the camera in his hand to start shooting.

Of course, his position must be the front row.

"Next, Mr. Stark is going to issue a statement," Roddy said after seeing the small light representing readiness lit up, and said with a sigh of relief, "I will not answer any questions, thank you for your cooperation."

"Hi, long time no see, uh... I'd better read it from the script," Tony walked to the microphone and took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket, "The night before yesterday..."

Hades waited quietly, turning on the camera to record.

"Actually..." Tony read the manuscript, then looked at the group of reporters, Hades, and Rody beside him, thinking of Pepper who was watching him live on TV in the next room, thinking of How did he get his second life, what Ethan said to himself before he died...

All of this, what happened in just one or two months, now think about it as if it was a lifetime away, and it almost passed through his mind in an instant like a horse watching flowers.

He decided.


The voice of this sentence is not loud, but like the loudest thunder in the universe, it spread to every corner of the universe, and was heard by those powerful people with earth-shattering abilities.

On the Himalayas, a place unknown to outsiders and not visible to outsiders, a bald woman who was making tea paused, with a smile on her face, and continued to make tea.

She is the ancient one, the eternal one, the supreme mage.

In an empty space, a beautiful woman who was boredly looking at the piles of countless souls froze for a moment and smiled happily.

She is Death, one of the five gods.

"Finally, a batch of high-quality players can come to play~"

Death licked his tongue, she couldn't wait.

On Star Saka, a man with a silver streak under his lips who was watching the duel between two alien creatures in the arena suddenly laughed.

"Open the market, I bet the one with the iron wins!" The man picked up a glass of wine and said.

However, in fact, the two people who were dueling in the arena did not have any iron weapons, and there was no one around him.

He is Gao Tianzun-En Duwei Gast, one of the elders of the Elders of the Universe.

In the center of a huge planet-like head of an ancient god, where a bunch of messy things are placed, a man wearing weird clothes and strange makeup is playing with a collection. As if hearing something, he shook his head speechlessly.

"You're cheating, brother." He shook his head, but then a smile appeared on his face, "But this time, I bet."

He is the collector Tanya Tiwan, one of the elders of the Cosmic Elders, and Gao Tianzun is a brother.

"Aha, no cheating!" Gao Tianzun drank the wine in the cup in one breath, "No peeking into the future!"

"The future is uncertain, because the biggest variable has come." The collector put down his collection, shook his head with a smile, "I'm curious, how will these things go in the end?"

"This is the charm of gambling," Gao Tianzun laughed and came to the stands, "I'm happy today, the audience is free!"

Enthusiastic cheers sounded from all over the planet Saka, almost breaking through the sky.

"The people over there haven't found out yet?" Gao Tianzun retreated and asked while sitting on the sofa.

"Of course not, they don't know how long they will fight, and they have restarted the universe several times," the collector said with a sigh, "Look at how messy they are... or ours is better, um... at least in the this universe."


At the same time, warm and noisy voices also emerged in the Stark Industries conference room on Earth.

Hades sat motionless in the chair, and the woman sitting next to her was also sitting in the chair instead of getting up and excitedly going to interview him.

"Why don't you go to the interview?" Christine asked Hades beside him curiously, "And... I'm sorry, I don't seem to have seen you much before?"

"Aren't you too?" Hades smiled and said, "Of course you can't meet me, because I just became a reporter today."

"I just became a reporter and can come to this level of press conference, or sit in front?" Christine asked curiously, "I'm sorry, I'm Christine, you are..."

"Hades," Hades shook hands with Christine, "maybe it's because I'm more handsome."

"Haha, although you're telling the truth, it's definitely not because of your appearance that you can sit here," Christine was amused by Hades' words, "Make friends? Let's take care of each other when we work in the future."

"It's okay to make friends, but take care of work, um..." Hades raised his eyebrows, and slowly put the camera into his bag, "I'm going to resign after today."

"What?" Christine was confused.

"Haha, I'm just here for fun," Hades said with a smile and blinked, "Don't tell anyone~"

After all, Hades waved his hand, got up and walked outside.

And Christine also greeted subconsciously, but she was still a little confused.

It wasn't about Hades getting involved. Christine knew that such a press conference could not be entered without an identity, so she thought Hades was joking with herself. What she was wondering now was about Hades. The name Diess just said.

This name...somewhat familiar?

Street diary:

Today's online class is extremely lively, with snoring, fanatics, and singing. The reason is that the teacher clicked on the mic for all the staff...

The earphone party exploded in an instant.

I was so scared that I didn't catch the blind man's wave of R flash kicking four, four ah ah ah ah!
Even if I win in the end, I will not be happy, woo woo woo...

Hey, wait, what am I writing about?

Hmm...ahem, cross out the previous one.

I'm so scared that I'm not in the mood to type!

 Is it too much to ask for a ticket?I was coding while I was in class!

(End of this chapter)

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