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Chapter 42 I, Hades, Contented and Generous

Chapter 42 I, Hades, Contented and Generous
It was already seven o'clock in the morning when Hades returned home.

Although he hasn't slept all day and night, Hades doesn't feel tired.

After thinking about it, Hades decided to go out and drive a taxi to brush up on his [body].

Since [wisdom] breaks through a thousand points and will evolve into [wisdom soul], what will [body] become after evolution, and how much change will it bring to your body?
Hades was very curious, so he planned to let his [body] break through [-] points as soon as possible.

Now, his [Physical] is 857 points, that is to say, based on one order and two points, Hades would have to run a 72 order.

However, before that, Hades decided to collect the mission rewards from Dr. Stern first, and let's take a look at the special rewards for the first special mission since he got the system.

Quest rewards cannot be collected cumulatively. Hades has also experimented with this. If the reward of the previous order is not collected, the next mission will not be triggered.

This experiment lost about two [Body] points of Hades, because Hades deliberately picked up the next passenger without receiving the reward. As a result, the passenger did not trigger the task for Hades from getting on the bus to getting off the bus. ...

It can be regarded as one of the experiments that Hades lost the most.

[Reaper Rental Order 685:
Mission (Special): Deliver the spirit of Dr. Samuel Stern to 124 Grand Avenue, New York City

Task Status: Completed

Task Factor: [-]%

Please receive the reward]

Hades: "!!!"

The task coefficient is [-]%? ? !
Hades was really surprised this time.

Hades had already calculated the calculation method of the mission coefficient. It was obtained by rounding up the fare paid by the passengers to hundreds and then dividing it by [-] U.S. dollars.

This is also the reason why Hades could only add one or two points each time before. Although this upward rounding mechanism is really conscientious, the calculation base is too large, especially the one - I can't coerce the other party Pay yourself more fares, or give others money first and let others pay you, otherwise the mission will be invalid, which limits your performance.

If it is possible, Hades can give others 600 dollars every time, and then ask others to pay him as the fare, adding dozens of points at a time. With more than [-] orders, all points have already exceeded [-] .

Hmm...By the way, the experiment that tested the rule of not being able to give money to others or coercing others to give money was also one of Hades' most costly experiments, and he lost about one or two [body points] 】.

Why is the task coefficient [-]%?This is the biggest question in Hades' mind right now.

Dr. Stern didn't pay himself, that's for sure, and it's still a question of whether he would pay in that state.

Hades probably has two guesses: the first one is that the mission coefficients of special missions are all [-]%; the second one is that the mission coefficients of special missions are calculated according to another rule that he does not know yet. Satisfaction or something, Dr. Stern wants to complete the god-making plan, so the task factor for himself is [-]%.

Shaking his head, keeping these two guesses in mind, Hades is going to wait for a chance to verify it later.

Now, the most important thing is to receive rewards!
The task coefficient is [-]%, which means that I can clone one of Dr. Stern's attributes and skills!
However, immediately, Hades remembered what Dr. Stern said to himself when he was in the car—"You can't choose my [wisdom], your [body] is too weak, Unbearable."

too weak……

A great sadness welled up in his heart, and Hades clicked on Dr. Stern's data column with mixed sorrow and joy, and began to choose rewards.

Joy, of course, is because I can get a very generous amount of points, but sadness is not because of the sentence "too weak". If that is the case, Hades' psychological endurance is too weak .

The reason why he is sad is because he knows that a huge amount of points is in front of him, but he has no way to choose.

Clicking on the reward, Hades saw the most conspicuous column, and wailed, as if he was about to cry immediately.

What a loss, what a big loss!
It took a long time for Hades to recover from the great sadness. He reluctantly glanced at the five-digit number starting with nine, and then decisively chose the [body] above.

Seeing that [Body] increased by 84 points, it became 941 points, more than half of the goal of breaking a thousand was completed in an instant, but Hades did not feel ecstasy at this moment, but a touch of sadness.

As the saying goes, if you pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon, this is almost the case with Hades now, but the reasons are different.

Although the watermelon is a bomb that will explode, Hades also clearly knows that he cannot pick it up, but if he just throws it away and picks up a sesame seed, Hades still feels very reluctant.

But... after two seconds.

Hades instantly cheered up.

Level [-] skill - [Spiritual Intuition]!
Isn't this Stern's intuitive ability that can almost directly see the truth of things?
Although this ability doesn't have much effect on Hades, who has known the plot for a long time,

Thinking of this, Hades blinked and realized the fundamental problem.

Yes, this kind of skill is indeed very strong in other worlds. It can predict the enemy's next move and the like. It's like getting a big prophecy cheat with no consumption and no cooling. However, in the Marvel world ...

Although Hades can't say that he has a detailed understanding of everything in the Marvel world, but Hades himself doesn't have that much understanding of these things!

He just wants to drive a taxi, fight Thanos, and go home to farm!
Knowing the general direction of important things is completely enough for Hades.

So, this skill...

"Well, it's still very fragrant~" Hades happily chose to receive the skill.

Great prophecy with no consumption and no cooling!This is not happy, so don't you have to wait until Thanos is killed to be happy?

Hades said that he is a very contented and generous person. Good deeds like this are not very demanding, just about ten or eight times!

Street diary:

Me: "I'm sorry, Superman, I accidentally used the name of your hometown, Krypton, but now it's changed to Apocalypse, you won't blame me, will you?"

Superman: "... I don't have any objections, it's just... this Apocalypse seems to..."

(A thick hand is on my shoulder, I look back)
Darkseid: "Boy, you used the name of my planet?"


I am too difficult...... Σ(°△°|||)︴

 This Apocalypse involves my blind spot of knowledge, so I only found out after checking it out!
  Oh my god!
  Uncle Da is watching me!
  But... no change!Watch and watch, what can he do to me?
  ah!stop!don't want!It's too intense!

  Is it not too much to ask for the votes of the readers to protect the body?
(End of this chapter)

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