Open a rental in the world of comics

Chapter 41 The 1st net is exhausted!

Chapter 41 Catch all at once!
(The author of this chapter said that there is an apology statement. Regarding the Krypton planet in the previous chapter, it was changed to Apocalypse... Sorry woo woo woo~)

"..." Crete was silent for a moment, then shut his mouth in an instant.

A level seven agent is equivalent to a department head within S.H.I.E.L.D., not even his superior.

That said, things are serious...

"It seems that you are also aware of the seriousness of the matter," Coulson asked, "Who sent you here, and what is your purpose?"

"We are just performing normal missions, and you can't find out with your special agent level, because the missions are absolutely confidential!" Crete thought for a while, and then thought of a solution, "Release me quickly, if you delay the top secret mission , you can't afford it!"

"The top-secret mission does not mean that you have the right to act against the agents within the organization," Coulson shook his head, pointing to Hades who was sitting beside him, "He is my agent, but he reported himself at the time. Why are you attacking him?"

"As for your so-called top-secret mission," Coulson leaned forward, "I've asked the director to check it out, and there's no such thing, or is your officer's rank higher than Director Fury's? ?”

"Obviously he hit us first!" Crete became emotional instantly, "We just want to check his ID! The problem is that he hit us directly!"

Colson: "..."

Hearing this, Coulson turned to look at Hades.

"Hmm...Through micro-expression analysis and verbal communication, I think he has the intention to do something to me, so he pre-emptively strikes." Hades thought for a while, and said seriously, "Believe me, I have psychology. PhD."

In fact, with the dim environment at the time and the cover of these agents' equipment, Hades didn't see anything, such as micro-expressions, and he was purely preemptive.

"...It makes sense," Coulson thought for a while, intending to selectively ignore this matter. Anyway, catching a big fish is the last word, so he turned his head and looked at Kriter, "Leave that alone, you give it to me first." Let me explain, who assigned you the top-secret mission you mentioned."

Crete: "???"

This explains it?
At that time, the environment that required night vision goggles to see clearly, you tell me micro-expression analysis, are you titanium alloy dog ​​eyes?

Crete was a little autistic by this wave of explanations from Hades.

Of course, that's why he couldn't answer Coulson's other question.

"Don't pretend to be dead, Agent Crete, you must know who sent you the mission when it was dispatched, because the dispatch of missions through the system will leave a record in the system, and now, there is no record, which means that it is a face-to-face mission. A private mission sent out, or someone deleted the records, in that case, the problem will be even bigger," Coulson tapped the table, "Who the hell?"

"..." Krit closed his eyes, didn't say anything, just remained silent.

"Well, I haven't done these things for a long time. When I was in the academy, I was always the No.1 course in this area. I don't know if I'm unfamiliar with it now," Coulson got up and came to On the wall next to it, after pressing the switch, he said, "You should have experienced a lot of this kind of training in the academy,'s time to see which of us has mastered it better."

When the switch was pressed, the metal wall slid aside, revealing the pile of instruments of torture.

"Hades, do you want to go out for a while?" Coulson said to Hades after taking off a device, "The next scene..."

"Alright, then I'll make another cup of coffee." Hades nodded. He didn't have any habit of watching such things, so he turned and went out.

When Hades finished making coffee and brought over two cups, he saw Coulson, who was panting, sitting on a chair to rest, while Crete was bleeding.

"How, did he say it?" Hades handed Coulson a cup of coffee and asked casually.

"It won't be so fast, otherwise he won't be able to reach the level of a fifth-level agent." Coulson shook his head and took the coffee, "Thank you."

"Actually, I have a way," Hades said after thinking for a while, he was getting impatient here, so he wanted to leave as soon as possible, so he made a suggestion, "I don't know if you have heard of it, In ancient China, there was a punishment called Lingchi?"


An hour later, Coulson and Hades, who had obtained the information, left the safe house together.

Hades naturally went back to his home, while Coulson went straight to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

After Hades described the origin and implementation process of Ling Chi in detail, Kritt still felt that he could bear it with willpower at first, but after Hades actually did it, he didn't take long He gave in.

Death is not terrible, life is worse than death and tortured is the most terrible thing.

Coulson came to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, met Fury in the director's office, and reported all the information to him.

"Apocalypse, recently awakened memories and superpowers?" Fury frowned, "I'll find someone to verify it, this kind of thing can't be confirmed now, let's talk about the team of agents inside our organization first. , have you found out who sent their mission this time?"

"It has been explained," Coulson took a deep breath, "it is Sitwell, a sixth-level agent in the organization, and Kriter also explained many things he has done before, as well as a list of people he knows .”

"So efficient?" Fury asked in surprise, "Are you sure it's not false information? It's so easy to tell?"

"Actually, I don't think it's a fake. Agent Crete begged me to kill him instead of letting him continue to be punished." Coulson shook his head and said, "I came to interrogate at first. Yes, but there was no obvious effect until later, Hades seemed to be a little impatient, so he proposed a punishment called Ling Chi in ancient China... It was implemented with my consent."

"Ling Chi, I know this punishment. I've seen it in some materials... don't care about cruelty or not, it's good if it's useful, and pity for the enemy is persecution for yourself," Fury nodded. In other words, the accuracy of this information can be guaranteed. Of course, you can't trust it directly. You can keep the people on the list in your heart. When you leave this office, don't mention it to anyone else. , and don’t show any abnormal behavior, understand?”

"Understood." Coulson nodded.

"I have arranged for the right people to start investigating this matter," Fury tapped the table lightly, "We will catch all of them when we have investigated all the people and are ready!"


Street diary:

If you make a mistake, you have to correct it, and you have the courage to admit your mistakes. Although I am a slut, although this may lose my collection... Everyone, I am sorry...

In order to express my apology, I will update another chapter tonight. I hope everyone can tolerate me and don’t get out of the pit


 First of all - I'm sorry!

  In the last chapter, I originally wanted to play tricks, but when I wrote this chapter, I realized that I had played myself off.

  I just remembered this after seeing everyone's comments... It turns out that there are DC comics in the Marvel universe and they are very popular.

  sorry Sorry sorry!
  I found that no matter how round it is, I can’t make it round, so I can only change the Krypton in the last chapter to Apocalypse...

  I'm sorry everyone, I'm really sorry, it was my negligence that brought you a bad reading experience...

  I don't have the face to ask for votes today... It's good for everyone not to get out of the trap...

(End of this chapter)

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