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Chapter 37 What Did You Do?

Chapter 37 What Did You Do?
There was plenty of time, Hades went around to the side, and then attacked from behind this group of soldiers, and knocked them all down to the ground without any resistance.

Hitting the body with a ton of fists is not a joke, Hades still controlled himself to lighten the force, which spared their lives.

Judging from the skills of this group of soldiers, their reactions to emergencies, and their reactions when they reported their identities, Hades can be sure that they are definitely not from the FBI.

It's not that the FBI is so powerful, but the FBI was not involved in the Hulk incident at all, so it is completely impossible to send a team of elites to search here.

After knocking out all these people, Hades walked to the trunk rented by Reaper, took out the rope, and called Coulson.

This group of people had already seen their faces and knew their identities, so it would be very troublesome if they let them go directly.

Then kill it directly?
It doesn't seem too good.

At least, Hades was not sure that the group of soldiers would disappear without a trace in this world before the police arrived.

The bullet casings, the bodies that would be left behind if they were to be killed, the equipment, the possible witnesses...there was just too much to deal with.

Such a fierce shootout, and it still happened in New York City, even if the police here are idiots, they should come soon. If they can't finish it, it will definitely be more troublesome by then.

Therefore, Hades intends to let Coulson solve the matter.

Backed by S.H.I.E.L.D., there is no use for nothing.

As for the issue of exposing one's own strength?
Hulk has come out, and Iron Man is coming soon, and it doesn't hurt to show his strength.

Furthermore, I was only exposed to Coulson alone, so it didn't matter if I was my own person.

Now that Ferry and Coulson have known the internal problems of S.H.I.E.L.D., they will not expose their specialness, but will keep it secret and use it as a trump card.

"Hello?" Coulson quickly connected the phone. He didn't seem to be asleep, and there was no sleepiness in his tone, "Hades? Why are you still up? What can I do for you so late? "

"Well... there is indeed a little urgent matter," Hades said, "Can you come to 124 Grand Avenue? There is something here that needs to be resolved by you."

"No. 124 Grand Avenue," Coulson asked suspiciously. After looking around, he walked to a corner that was a little deserted. "What happened?"

"I don't know what's going on. I just sent a guest over, but I was attacked by a group of heavily armed soldiers." Hades put the phone between his shoulders and his face, and began to faint on the ground with his hands. The fallen soldiers tied together, "So, I think it's necessary for you to come, after all... this team is still lying on the ground."

"Are you sending guests off at such a late hour? Aren't you already at home, and a group of heavily armed soldiers?" Coulson subconsciously lowered his voice when he heard what Hades said, "Which faction?"

"I couldn't sleep and went to the bar to play. Who knew I met an acquaintance, so I sent him back. As for which faction these people belong to... I don't know, they are wearing FBI uniforms, but they are obviously not," Hades said. Said, "I explained my identity, but they still wanted to do it, so I had to preemptively strike."

Hades did not lie in this sentence, he did observe the other party's intention to do something before he did it in advance.

Regardless of whether the other party wants to kill or not, Hades has never had the habit of putting his life in the hands of others.

"Wait," Coulson suddenly came to his senses, with an unconcealable surprise in his voice, "How did you get them...I'll be right over!"

In Coulson's impression, Hades is just a person with a high IQ, but has some eccentricities, such as liking to drive a taxi.

So, it wasn't until now that he realized the huge amount of information revealed in what Hades just said.

He wiped out a group of heavily armed soldiers by himself?

Or is it that the special status of the guests he carried, such as retired special forces, helped him achieve this?
Coulson originally planned to ask Hades how he did it, but then realized that this kind of thing cannot be said on the phone, so after saying something, he hurried outside.

He is still at the place where the Hulk fights the Abomination. The Hulk has naturally run away, but the body of the Abomination is still here. The military and SHIELD are wrangling here. Both sides want to win the ownership of this thing to themselves in the organization.

"Agent Coulson, where are you going?" An agent in a suit whose hairline reached the back of his head noticed Coulson's actions and asked.

"One of my agents suddenly encountered something. It was a task I gave him before. Let me go and deal with it," Coulson said with a smile, "Agent Sitwell, I will leave it to you first." .”

"Okay." Sitwell nodded, "Then you go first."

After smiling and watching Coulson get in the car and leave, Sitwell took out his cell phone and made a call.

However, the phone has not been connected for a long time.

"Fuck, what's wrong, is there another one?" Sitwell cursed softly.

"Agent Sitwell, the meeting has resumed!" An agent on the side announced.

"Okay, I'm here!" Sitwell had no choice but to hang up the phone and go to the negotiation meeting on how to deal with the abomination's corpse.


After Hades tied up all these people, he first went to Dr. Stern's house, found the freezer where Banner's blood was hidden, and then destroyed the bag of blood.

The radioactive lead plating is not enough to preserve the temperature of the blood... This is why Hades ignored this possible reason before, because the blood of ordinary people cannot be preserved under such circumstances, and it has long been necrotic up.

But Banner's blood was different, its strong activity allowed it to remain active in such a harsh environment.

Hades hadn't known the characteristics of Banner's blood before, so he was negligent for a while and didn't check it more carefully.

After destroying the blood, Hades erased the traces of his past, and returned to the street, waiting for Coulson's arrival.

To Hades' surprise, Coulson actually arrived before the police.

But this is also good, and it saves a lot of trouble.

A car drove up quickly and stopped next to Death's taxi. Coulson got out of the car and approached quickly, and the closer he got, the more obvious the surprise on his face became.

"What did you do?" Coulson looked at the pile of tied up soldiers on the ground, as well as the piles of weapons and equipment, as well as the scattered bullet heads and craters on the ground, and finally turned his head to look at the The Grim Reaper rented out the leisurely Hades, "Alone?"


Street diary:

I cut off my pigeons!

Actually wanting to prevent me from writing books for the readers is unbearable!
PS: For the sake of losing a pigeon, is there any reader who would like to give a recommendation ticket?
 Isn't it too much for us to ask for a recommendation ticket?

(End of this chapter)

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