Chapter 36 Combat
"You're welcome," Dr. Stern stretched, opened the car door, walked down, leaned on the car and said with a sigh, "This car is the only thing I can touch."

Maybe it's because Stern became like this because of the system. The only thing he can touch now is that Death is rented out.

"You said you can only stay within a certain range of my side," Hades also got out of the car and leaned against the car, "Then what will you do next?"

"You don't think I can exist in this state all the time, do you?" Stern patted the Grim Reaper's taxi, "Pluto's car, um... it's just a Grim Reaper's car right now, but it will be sooner or later... What do you think the responsibility of the god of death is?"

"Transport the soul," Hades nodded suddenly, "I understand."

"This time, it should really be gone, um... who knows?" Stern smiled, and his body gradually became unreal. Looking at his home, he suddenly felt a little melancholy, "I I have spent my whole life on scientific research, but now that I think about it, I haven’t enjoyed the beauty of life~”

"I think it's nice to never see you again," Hades said. "Otherwise it's always like this, and it would scare me. People like me can't afford to be scared. . . . Are you right?"

The last sentence, Hades did not say to Stern, he has completely disappeared.

Hades turned his head and said this sentence to the dark alley not far away.

In the alley that was almost completely shrouded in darkness, the dim lights were completely swallowed up by the darkness without shining a few meters in. Except for the occasional sound of dripping water, there seemed to be nothing else.

Hades stared at the darkness, watching and waiting as if he could see something.

"Please, your breathing sounds like thunder, yes, it's you, don't look at others, the one with the night vision goggles." After a while, Hades shook his head helplessly and said .

As soon as the voice fell, it didn't take long for a few footsteps to be heard in the darkness, and then a group of armed squads wearing black armed uniforms and night vision goggles came out.

"FBI, put your hands up, don't move!" Although those people were very confused, the captain subconsciously yelled at Hades with a gun.

"Is there really someone?" Hades raised his right hand and scratched the right side of his head, and then scratched the left side, with a confused expression on his face, "I'm just talking casually!"

As for whether to talk about it casually, only Hades knows.

"Turn around and put your hands on your head!" ordered the captain. "I won't repeat it a third time!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry..." Hades sighed, and didn't turn around, but took out his ID card, "I'm a third-level agent of the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. We are our own people, don't get excited."

During the speech, Hades has been observing the expression of the other party.

"Throw over your papers!" said the captain.

"Okay, watch it, I'm going to throw it~" Hades smiled, scratched his lower back with his right hand, and threw the certificate out.

It's just that, along with the certificate, there was another black one - a flash bomb.

It was Hades who took it out from the armed belt on the back waist while tickling, and pinched the lead wire.

Coming here, it is naturally impossible for Hades to arm himself in the car without considering the existence of enemies.

Flashbang, the best deterrent weapon in a dark environment, can make enemies, especially those wearing night vision goggles, instantly lose their combat effectiveness.

Hades didn't know which faction this team of FBI came from, maybe it was the FBI, maybe the military, maybe it was SHIELD, maybe it was Hydra... Anyway, people from these forces often borrowed FBI A matter of name action.

Hades himself, for example, was one of them...

So, no matter what, Hades intends to subdue them all.

At the same time as throwing the flash bomb, Hades grabbed the frame of the Reaper's rental car with his left hand backhand, and jumped directly on the spot!
Everyone was attracted by the certificate, and then, the flash bomb that flew out along with it burst out with strong light and sound in an instant!
Hades had a good estimate of the time when the flash bomb exploded. When the flash bomb exploded, he was in the air with his back facing the flash bomb. In addition, he closed his eyes and put his right hand in front of his eyes. So it didn't affect his eyesight.

As for the loud noise of more than two hundred decibels caused by the flash bomb?

First, the place where the flash bomb exploded was five meters away from Hades, which exceeded the effective range of one to two meters.

Second, there are already two earplugs in Hades' ears at this time, which were inserted covertly when he was scratching his head.

Although the effect is not great, it is still a little bit, anyway...better than those soldiers in close contact.

Besides, Hades himself has a lot of physical fitness beyond ordinary people, and such a flash bomb has no effect on him at all when he deliberately avoided it.

However, it was different for these soldiers who were facing the flash bomb.

Although the captain barely reacted and closed his eyes, this obstacle was useless under the action of the flash bomb.

And the other team members were also wearing night vision goggles, which made things worse.

In an instant, this group of people were all blinded by the strong flash, and they were also temporarily deaf and tinnitus because of the loud noise as high as [-] decibels!

However, despite tinnitus, dizziness, dizziness and eye pain at this time, they seemed to have experienced such training many times, and they did not panic like ordinary people, but relied on their previous impressions to accurately face Hades. Shoot left and right where you are!
They predicted Hades lying down or rolling left and right, so the shooting area was very large.

Unfortunately, Hades prejudged their predictions.

They only thought of three layers, and Hades made five.

So, Hades was in the air, avoiding all the bullets perfectly.

The purpose of grabbing the car frame with the backhand of the left hand is to give himself a point of leverage. As soon as the arm is strong, Hades throws himself in the air to the other side of the death rental.

The pile of bullets that hit the Reaper's rental, while visually impressive, failed to leave a single mark on it.

Can Reaper Rent, which can withstand the hammering of Hades' modified hydraulic press, not be able to withstand these bullets?
Then, Hades, who landed on the other side of the Grim Reaper, charged up and jumped to the side, getting out of the range of the bullets.

The blindness and deafness caused by the flash bomb is not effective for a long time, but it takes at least a dozen seconds to recover a little, and it takes at least a few minutes to fully recover.

Especially this kind of flash bomb at night, coupled with the fact that some soldiers are still wearing night vision goggles, the duration will be even longer.


Street diary:

The pigeons raised at home have been "cooing" and "cooing". Is it implying something to me?
 Not much to say, continue to ask for votes!I had a whole day of class today, I was so tired, I went to bed first, and I will write Chapter 2 tomorrow!Goodnight everybody!
(End of this chapter)

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