Chapter 170

Fury came to the parking lot, got into his car, started the car, and drove out.

While waiting for the traffic light, Fury, who was bored, noticed a policeman in a police car on the side looking at him. He rolled his eyes and asked angrily, "Why, do you want to check my ID?"

It's not that Fury doesn't know that the policeman is likely to be the one who will attack him later. He just pretended not to know, so as to avoid the other party's suspicion. It would be bad if he didn't take action.

Soon, the red light turned into a green light, Fury started the car and started, and the police car next to him was one step faster than him, and drove directly in front of him.

Then, when Fury reached an intersection, he silently tensed up.

Fury had planned the route a long time ago, and finally found that this is the best action site, because the traffic volume is large enough to conceal the vehicles and personnel before the action, and there are enough routes when the time comes to evacuate, and it is not easy for official personnel to track .

If Fury came to direct the action, then Fury would definitely choose this place.

Fury is still very confident in the business ability of his subordinates, and believes that their business level is still strong enough, although this wave of business is to take his own life...

Shaking his head, he put this sad-sounding topic behind him, and stopped thinking about it. Fury drove the car as usual, waiting for the attack to come.

Just as he expected, when he passed the intersection, a car rushed out of his front, rear, left, and right sides at the same time, and hit his car at an extremely fast speed!
The impact at such a speed is actually enough to damage an ordinary bulletproof car, and some modifications have been added to those cars, such as some protruding steel spikes to increase damage, damage, and fix the car body. Let Fury escape.

However, those steel thorns were all broken.

Fury's car is made of the metal that Tony used to make armor, gold and titanium alloy.

Money is the problem?

For Fury, who can get so much land in New York, is that a thing?

If the public funds embezzled by Fury are counted in his personal wealth, Fury will definitely be able to rank among the Marvel rich list!

His safe houses are located in major cities all over the world, and some of them have directly reached the level of safe bases!

Calculated in this way, plus maintenance costs and the like, sure enough, Fury is also a hidden local tyrant!

The body made of gold-titanium alloy modified by Tony is not only extremely hard, but also has a very powerful shock absorption function.

You must know that Tony's armor was not damaged by the anti-aircraft artillery attack, and this was just a steel thorn driven by the vehicle at high speed, so it was even more impossible to cause any damage.

Fury sat in the car, but didn't feel any vibration.

It's like shaking on the boss chair...

"Being attacked, the scheduled personnel have already been notified... The signal is blocked and cannot communicate with the outside world." The on-board intelligence on the car said.

"I know," Fury said calmly, and he didn't panic because the signal was blocked. If they didn't do this, Fury would be surprised, and it would be too unprofessional. "How is the damage to the vehicle?"

"The damage to the vehicle is 0, all systems are intact, and the air conditioning system is very good." The vehicle intelligence said.

Fury: "..."

Why do you like to focus on explaining the air conditioning system so much!
Before he could figure out why the artificial intelligence presented by Hades with the car always liked to emphasize the excellent performance of the air conditioning system, the situation changed.

Fury was blocked at the intersection, and at this time all the vehicles leading to the intersection were stopped by the police arranged by Hydra, telling them to avoid this place, and then, several small trucks quickly Came here.

A bunch of special police officers jumped out of the pickup truck, they held submachine guns in their hands, and the few people who came down from behind came together carrying a hydraulic impact pile driver.

"A non-threatening weapon is detected approaching." The artificial intelligence said, "Do you want to activate the counterattack mode?"

"No need," Fury shook his head. At this moment, he didn't panic at all. He sat calmly in his seat and even wanted to light a cigarette for himself. "I like to see them look like they haven't seen the world."

Now that the people of Hydra moved their hands according to the predetermined plan, it is time for all the backhands that Fury had arranged before to be automatically activated.

The Hydra thought that they were flying dragons riding on their faces, and they were about to win a crushing victory. However, in fact, they were about to usher in an all-round fiasco.

At the same time that Fury was attacked, at the Stark Industrial Expo, Hydra also began to launch an attack according to the scheduled plan.

In an instant, four or five snipers launched an attack on Tony, Banner, and Hades who were speaking on the podium, and several plainclothes people who were hiding in the crowd also took out their weapons to attack them. attack!

They are official personnel, nominally here to protect the security and order of the expo, but in fact they are members of Hydra, so it is so easy to bring weapons in.

In their view, such a sudden attack is enough to put Tony and Hades to death!

After all, according to their intelligence, Tony and Hades were just ordinary people without armor, and they could be killed by a single bullet!

As for Banner... that is a monster, but turning him into a monster can drive him crazy, which is more conducive to creating chaos and evacuating!
At the same time, outside the exhibition center, a big man also laughed wildly. He tore off his clothes, revealing a battle armor made of crude equipment, and rushed into the expo.

However, something happened that made all Hydra's eyes widen in an instant.

A light screen surrounded the rostrum in an instant, and all the bullets that attacked them hit it, and then turned into ashes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is also one of the technologies displayed at today's exhibition," Hades smiled and did not forget to advertise, "The energy light screen can create an invisible light screen wall with a very strong defense. As you can see, anytime, anywhere, as long as you put this device in place, your personal safety will be guaranteed no less than a presidential level!"

So panicked that they stood up, and even some of the audience who had already started screaming and running around began to look at each other, they didn't know what was going on.

Listen to what Hades said... Could this be a test exhibition?
The test exhibition is so abrupt, didn't you explain it in advance?
Hades snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the attacking Hydra ceased fire, walked out from their hiding place, and stood in line with a smile on their faces.

If someone has studied psychology, they may be able to see the panic in their eyes.

This is not a pre-arranged exercise. Their purpose is to attack Hades and the others. However, at this moment, they are all unable to move, their bodies are completely disobedient, and they are doing other things!
Hades magically took control of their bodies in an instant, taking over control of their bodies.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic. This is a unique experience that you have never seen before. It's just a product development test," Hades said with a smile on his face. "They are all pre-arranged personnel. This attack is just to let you experience the advanced performance of our products, you see, this is all triggered automatically, I didn't press any buttons..."

Watching Hades' performance, Tony, who was standing behind him, glanced at Banner calmly, with a puzzled expression in his eyes.

Is this really my own?

Banner shook his head slightly, indicating that this was either someone arranged by Hades, or an accidental attack.

The corners of Tony's mouth twitched, and he remained silent. Looking at the Hydra members who were extremely cooperating with Hades' request, an idea came to his mind.

These people are too miserable. The plan has been seen through in advance, and the result was turned into a tool man by Hades to introduce the newly developed products...

Also, this guy Hades is really a set of lies, deceiving people without blinking...

Yes, that light curtain is not the magic released by Hades, but a real high-tech product. It is also an item produced by the combination of magic and technology that they have researched during this period of time!
For magic, to release such magic requires at least the level of an intermediate mage. For technology, to create such an energy shield, based on the current level of technology on the earth, the energy and materials required It is also an astronomical figure. However, for the combination of magic and technology...not only is the material simple, can be used by plugging in the electricity!
Draw a few magic circles, and then make an electric energy trigger device. After the combination of the two, the problem will be solved.

Of course, it is only a preliminary combination at present. This is just a test product. What Hades and Tony really want to do is how to use electrical energy as an energy source to describe the magic circle.

The mana in the current magic circle was instilled in advance by Hades.

If this problem is really solved, then they will really start a new era of technology.

However, before Hades finished his introduction, a big man with an Ark reactor on his chest and an electric whip in his hand broke in.

Hades recognized who this was almost instantly.

Isn't this Ivan Vanke, the one nicknamed 'Sangbian'!
How did this guy get here?

Oddly enough, Hades didn't give him a chance to play.

Putting on a magic spell, Ivan couldn't move for a moment, and couldn't speak a word.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our second tester," Hades said with a smile on his face, "He will demonstrate to us whether the electric shock whip made by the ark reactor can destroy This energy light curtain!"

It's just a tool man, one more is not too much, and one less is not a lot. Since they are all here, it doesn't matter if they stay and use them.

Tony was taken aback.

Wait, this seems a little strange!
This must not be someone arranged by Hades, Tony can be sure, that is to say, this enemy has an ark reactor?
Where did it come from?Was it stolen or made by yourself?

Can other people make it too?

Another genius like Hades?

Tony took out a pair of glasses, put them on, touched the switch next to him, and whispered, "Jarvis, investigate this person's information."

"Investigating for you, sir." Jarvis said, and then began to use facial recognition to investigate information about Ivan in the huge database. Soon, Jarvis found what Tony wanted. "Sir, I found information about this person in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, and I have put it on the glasses for you."

"Ivan Vanke, the son of Anthony Vanke, Anthony Vanke used to be a colleague of my dad, but he was deported back to China because of his conspiracy while researching new energy sources, and he passed away not long ago?" Tony rubbed his chin. The guy looks like a jerk?"

The reason why Tony said this is that after being expelled for so many years, he didn't create one himself, nor did he seek a good identity for himself, so he could only fall to that point.

If he was really capable and able to build the Ark reactor, Lao Russia would throw him in the basement and ignore him?

If you think about it, you know, that is absolutely impossible!

Therefore, Tony's "bastard" is not wrong at all, this guy has no real talents!
"I took some design drawings with me when I left, that is to say," Tony touched his chin, and looked at the tool man Yi who was constantly hitting the energy light screen with the electric energy oscillation whip under the command of Hades. Fan, "This person is quite capable..."

Since Anthony is a bastard, he must not be able to make an Ark reactor, but now Ivan has this thing in his hand. There is no doubt that Ivan also made an Ark reactor under such conditions.

But, that's not bad.

Having seen a lot, Tony's vision is now very high.

Hades is just a little bit behind me, so as long as there is no Hades genius, at most it will be a good evaluation!

Under the impact of Ivan's arc whip, there was no problem with the energy light screen, and it was still very stable and strong.

In fact, this time, it is not the energy light barrier protection provided by the instrument, but the magic barrier provided by Hades.

Because... this instrument was not designed with this level of attack in mind, so if Ivan is really allowed to hit it, it may be a face-slapping situation.

Hades didn't intend to sell that kind of electric energy oscillating long whip...

The audience in the exhibition center watched this scene, not knowing what expression to show on their faces.

The opening ceremony of today's exhibition is really exciting.

First, a group of hidden snipers and people with other firearms conducted a shooting test, and then such an inconspicuous person rushed in to test... To be honest, this arrangement is too weird.

The reporters and others wanted to think that these people were really the killers, not the people Hades arranged in advance. However, the problem is that these people... They listened to Hades very much.

If they were really attackers, terrorists, why would they listen to Hades so much, what would Hades tell them to do, and what would they do?

Who's killer would listen to the target's words and act?
The biggest problem can't be explained, and the previous doubts are completely unfounded.

Therefore, they can only believe that this is actually Hades' arrangement, but this indeed a bit strange.

All the reporters have already photographed this scene, and plan to describe it as a later event. They have already thought of the title, for example——"Shocked, there was an attack at the Stark Industries Expo, and the truth surprised everyone." You didn't expect it!", "Shocking, Hades' weird eccentricity!" and that sort of thing.

Never doubt a reporter’s ability to make up stories. There are some unethical reporters who intercept a paragraph of speech or choose a topic that looks very explosive but has nothing to do with the real content. For them It's completely commonplace.

After testing for a while, Hades smiled and said: "Today's product introduction has come to a successful conclusion. You can move to other areas of the exhibition to visit. See you next time!"

Afterwards, the group of soldiers and Ivan obediently followed Hades, Tony and others, left the exhibition center through the staff passage, and came to another meeting room.

"Magic?" Tony asked.

"Yes, they are under my control, otherwise it would be hard to say about those things at that time," Hades spread his hands and said, "This person is handed over to you?"

When speaking the second sentence, Hades pointed to Ivan who couldn't move.

"Okay, I'm going to ask him something," Tony nodded, then frowned again, "Did we forget something?"

"Uh...yes, Fury's side is probably under attack, I'll go and see," Hades also reacted, and everyone here was attacked, which means that Fury's side must have been attacked, so ...Did they forget to support Fury?

"However, don't worry," Hades said after thinking for a while, "After Fury's car has been modified by us, its defense is absolutely powerful. As long as he doesn't mess around, basically there will be no problems. .”

"Then what if he messes around?" Banner asked.

" long as the opponent doesn't bombard with a large number of anti-tank missiles and the like," Hades said, "it won't be a problem."

Not so long ago, over there at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Rogers, who was talking a little dry, was relieved when he found that the green light above his podium had finally turned into a red light.

That means, it's time.

Finally, it's time to start the real speech that belongs to you freely!

 Originally, I wanted to make more changes, but then I found that three courses were over, so I had to do six experiments and write six experiment reports... The problem is that I can't!I'm going to die woo woo woo~
(End of this chapter)

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