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Chapter 169 Ready to start!

Chapter 169 Ready to start!
Of course, at the same time, some other people also came here.

For example, Ivan Vanke, who had already prepared his equipment and wanted to avenge Tony.

Another example is the Winter Soldier Bucky who was controlled by hypnosis. He came on the order to attack Fury.

Except for these people, most of them are some organization members and senior state officials who want to cooperate with the science and technology association.



"Ready, Captain?"

In a room, Fury asked Captain America.

"Of course," Captain America said, "Are you sure you don't want me in your car?"

"No, they already know the news of you waking up. If they don't see where you are, they won't attack me. If that's the case, once such a good opportunity is missed, they won't know about it in the future. Is there such a chance?" Fury shook his head and said, "The defense of my car is completely sufficient."

"That's true..." Rogers also saw Fury's car, and after watching the test video, he was already shocked.

Have you ever seen a car that didn't even have a small dent after being bombarded by Vulcan with [-] rounds?

Anyway, Rogers saw it, and he looked dumbfounded as a matter of course.

This is a tank, it must be a tank!

And it can still fly!
The security is really high and ridiculous.

"Captain, your task is to give a speech to all SHIELD agents," Fury said with a smile, "It was normal and formulaic before, and I have prepared a speech for you with specific words. Don't worry, it's definitely enough. When I encounter an attack, it means that things are indeed as I guessed, then you can play freely. At that time, the people I arrange will control the scene. If If I'm not attacked, then everything is fine."

"Don't worry, I'm still very good at doing this kind of thing," Rogers nodded and said, "Although it's been a long time since I've done it...I'll try my best."

After the conversation, Rogers left, while Fury was still sitting in the chair, silent for a long time.

Although Fury said it was possible when he said the attack, in fact, according to the intelligence he planted, Fury discovered that some special personnel and weapons had been transported to New York.

Moreover, some of them are members of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was not his own order. After Fury asked his people to check it, he found that it was the order of the Hydra members who had already entered his small notebook.

Obviously, this must be preparations for big things, and Fury also knows what big things they want to do.

"Come on..." Fury closed his eyes and said, "Pierce...Unfortunately I didn't trust you, fortunately I didn't trust you..."

Misfortune is for Pierce, luck is for himself.

Fury really couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if he told Pierce the news about Hydra at that time.

Simply unimaginable!
But now, Fury doesn't trust Pierce, so it's Pierce unfortunately.

Meanwhile, Pierce is there.

"Hahaha, Fury is suicidal!" Pierce cheerfully looked at a message on his phone, which read——Captain America, who woke up from the ice, was invited by Director Fury to On the day of the Stark Industries Expo, a speech was held at the SHIELD headquarters to inspire the SHIELD staff to work hard, unite, fight bravely, and contribute to the love and peace of mankind.

In other words, the problem of how Captain America would restrain them, which they were still worried about before, is now directly solved by Fury himself by mistake!
Pierce received Fury's invitation and invited him to watch the scene together at that time, and also heard that Fury said that he was leaving halfway to go to the Stark Industry Expo to find Tony and others to understand something.

With the time, the personnel, and the opportunity to act, all those who might hinder the action will be held back.

Perfect!Absolute perfection!

On the side of Tony, Banner, and Hades, there are personnel ready to attack Banner according to the original plan to make him transform into a Hulk and destroy the surrounding things, and then take the opportunity to solve Tony and Hades;
For the US team, he gave a speech at the headquarters of SHIELD. Could it be possible that he can run over with the clone technique?
On Fury's side, there are already a lot of heavy firepower weapons waiting for him!

Moreover, the staff of SHIELD were still left inside SHIELD, which means that no one can help Fury at that time!
All factors have been considered and precautions are prepared in advance.

Pierce couldn't find a more perfect situation. He felt that after this, there was no better opportunity than this one.

Therefore, this opportunity must be seized tightly!
Pierce called Dressler.

"Dresler, what's the current situation?" Pierce asked, "Are you ready? Tomorrow is the day when the operation will start. You can't lose the chain at this time!"

"All preparations have been completed now," Dressler reported. "The Winter Soldier is on standby at any time, and our people have also made preparations at the scheduled operation site. We can start the operation directly at that time. Everything is ready. Just wait for tomorrow!"

"That's good. At that time, I will be invited by Fury to attend Captain America's speech," Pierce said, "I will witness your success on the spot and wait for your good news!"

"We will try our best to do it!" Dressler hastily responded.

"That's good," Pierce stuffed a sweet date. "At that time, after the plan is successful, I will give you a promotion. The inside of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the same as inside our organization!"

"Okay!" Dressler nodded happily.

After hanging up the phone, Pierce shook his head, poured himself a full glass of wine, drank it down, and shook his head in satisfaction.

He has already begun to fantasize that in the near future, the people of Hydra will completely control SHIELD, and then realize the beautiful vision of seeing opportunities and unifying the world.


The next day, that is, this morning.

Hades wore a suit and drove his AMGVGT, which was transformed into a Pluto rental, to the Sterker Industrial Expo site.

Since there was no need for Natasha this time, she decisively chose to go to Karma Taj to study.

Rather than wasting time, it's better to study magic hard. Now, Natasha, who is studying hard, has mastered many spells, and has initially learned to release the first magic!

After all... there is only so much study time every day. Since Hades has not produced the perfect anti-aging potion, Nan Guyi can't lead Natasha into the time loop to study now, so the study progress is natural is very slow.

However, Nan Gu Yi was not in a hurry, because he saw that Hades's research was progressing rapidly, and it would take about ten days to solve it.

After being able to solve the most difficult problems such as gene visibility and experiment speed, the three top geniuses did research together, and the progress of the experiment was naturally fast enough.

Hades wanted to take her with him, but Natasha has been obsessed with magic recently, and her enthusiasm for learning is very high. In addition, this incident is really meaningless, so she didn't force it.

It's just killing a bunch of hydra, sprinkle water~
In the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, all middle and senior staff of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters were concentrated in the lobby to listen to the speeches. Due to space restrictions, other low-level staff or all other divisions were concentrated in the office to watch.

There is quite a feeling of online classes, but it is a pity that there is no app platform called "DingTalk" or "Wisdom Tree", "Supernova", "MOOC"...

If these are used, it is guaranteed that their learning ability and thinking speed will be greatly improved.

Rogers wore his own traditional attire, stood on the speaking table, and then saw the speech prepared by Fury for him, and the corners of his eyes began to twitch uncontrollably.

This is the speech?
You call this A4 paper with a thickness of three or four centimeters a speech?
Have you misunderstood the concept of a speech and a book?
Looking at the speech that was as thick as a book, Rogers instantly felt the arduousness of his task. If he finished reading this pile of manuscripts...

It wasn't until now that Rogers understood the meaning of what Fury said before, "Don't worry, the speech is definitely enough".

Indeed, don't even think about it if you don't finish reading this thing for more than ten hours...

After blankly looking at Fury sitting on the director's seat and smiling, Rogers resignedly picked up a piece of A4 paper and began to read.

At this moment, the thought in his heart of "I hope Hydra will not appear, Fury's idea is wrong" disappeared directly, and turned into an extreme desire for Hydra to appear quickly.

I want to fight, I don't want to read it from the script!
"I'm sure many of you here have heard my name, yes, I'm Steve Rogers, Captain America, nice to meet you all..."

At the Stark Industrial Expo at the same time, Hades is presiding over the opening ceremony of today's expo on the rostrum.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Stark Industries Expo, and the joint Science and Technology Association Exhibition," Hades said with a smile, "Before I start announcing, I would like to ask, do you have enough camera memory? Yet?"

"Of course!" The reporters in the audience booed cooperatively.

"Very good, but I believe that these things are far beyond your imagination, because this is beyond the technology that can be designed in this era!" Hades shrugged and raised his arms, "Next, let us Welcome Mr. Tony Stark, Dr. Bruce Banner, and me, Hades, to introduce to you, the advent of a new era of technology!"

Afterwards, Hades exhibited the brand-new items that were traded from various parties during this period, and then upgraded and transformed for a period of time.

Sorry, your stuff is nice, but it's mine now!
After the upgrade and transformation, the effect of these things has been improved many times than before!
Of course, Hades is still very measured, like anti-aging potions and the like, he didn't mention it at all, but just made some other things to show.

The issue of life and death is undoubtedly the most important thing in this world, and it is something that everyone pays attention to. Although Hades already has the ability not to be restricted by the forces on the earth, don't rush to let it go. get out as well.

Before adequate preparations are made, this society is not yet ready for the longevity of all members. Whether it is social resources, jobs, working age, population expansion, resource shortage... these series of problems will all be solved. affected.

For example, if a random person could live for three or four hundred years, how long would he or she have to work before retiring?If there are many such people, are the environmental resources enough to consume, and can it bear the ever-increasing population base?
This is a chain problem. Anti-aging medicine is a technological product that has completely surpassed this era. If it is given to those civilizations with a high level of the universe, it will be no problem at all, because their activity space and available resources are all available. It can bear it, but the human beings on the earth have obviously not reached that point.

Moreover, the materials used to make this anti-aging medicine are also very scarce, and it is also a difficult problem to promote it.

Instead of painting a piece of pie there so that they can't eat it, it's better not to paint it at all, so Hades didn't mention anything about it at all.

All the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. took online classes... Well, no, all the members listened to Rogers' speech, Stark Industries Expo here, when Hades, Tony and others were introducing the released things, Fury looked at his watch , found that it was almost time.

The time has come to act.

So, Fury said to Pierce beside him: "Pierce, I'm leaving first, can you listen here for a while?"

"Huh..." Pierce didn't answer Fury, he was already asleep.

In fact, a large part of the agents on the scene were already drowsy.

At the beginning, many people still listened to it very interesting, but that was because of Rogers' identity, but after a long time...

Without him, Rogers read awkwardly according to the pile of manuscripts, without any emotional color or emotional ups and downs, as if he was a reading robot... Only Coulson was so excited and engrossed by listening to it that he was even taking notes.

If Fury hadn't remembered that he was going to act, he would probably have fallen asleep a long time ago.

Seeing this, Fury didn't wake up Pierce, but got up on his own, nodded to Rogers, and left.

When Rogers saw this scene, he was refreshed for an instant, and finally there were ups and downs in his voice, as well as a touch of excitement.

Happy, finally started!
Several agents who noticed Fury's departure pressed the concealment button on their bodies and notified their accomplices that the target Fury was about to leave the S.H.I.E.L.D. building and could start to act.

 I was really busy today. I went to the hospital for a check-up in the morning. After a whole morning, I finally found out that it was just an ordinary sore throat. Then I was relieved. In the afternoon, my mother took me to see the house again, saying that the house was very nice. , Then I went for another afternoon, but I was pulled over again at night, and I was also very upset. Today, I hardly have time to code words all day, and I have just finished writing codes until now.

(End of this chapter)

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