Chapter 70 Castle
Zed and Daofeng looked at the black ashes scattered on the ground in bewilderment, looked at each other awkwardly, and finally turned their heads to look at the stairs.

Natasha twirled the ultraviolet gun in her hand, blew a breath towards the muzzle chicly and charmingly, and then said softly:

"Natasha, one point!"

The corner of Zed's mouth twitched unconsciously:
"Your S.H.I.E.L.D. moves so fast! The action of grabbing heads is even faster!"

Natasha walked to Zed calmly, not caring about Zed's ridicule:

"These vampires jumped out to seek death. We SHIELD can't turn a blind eye. I haven't seen you for a few days, and your strength is stronger again."

Zed didn't intend to answer Natasha, turned his head to look at the blade and stretched out his hand to beckon.

After the blade understood, he removed the little bat on the belt, and the power of kiva returned to the dial.

Dao Feng held the dial in his hand, changed his previous cold posture, and wanted to say something a little awkwardly, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

Zed guessed that Blade did like Kiva, although Zed had a good feeling for Blade.But kiva is one of the main riders of Heisei [-] after all, and it is a dial that must be held in the hand.

Sensing the power inside the kiva dial, Zed moved his palm towards the dial.

The Kiva dial slowly levitated away from Blade's palm, and then flew into Zed's hand.

Zed threw the kiva dial in his hand and said:

"I can't give you this dial. I'm of great use!"

Natasha immediately realized that this bat dial was absolutely very important to Zed.

Natasha stared at the dial intently, trying to remember all the details, and at the same time trying to recall the specific appearance of the armor on the blade just now.

Daofeng curled his lips and forcibly said coldly:

"Hmph! I am the blade, I only trust my blade."

Anyone can see the arrogance of Dao Feng's pretentious posture.Zed couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"It's okay to be honest. Let me see how you are jealous of me!" Zed patted Blade's shoulder and smiled.

"I am the blade!"

"Forget it."

Zed waved his hand and stopped teasing Blade, and walked up the stairs first, walking towards the outside of the ruins.Natasha and Blade immediately followed Zed's footsteps.

Natasha followed Zed and said:
"You haven't used Zhanyue Dial for a long time, it's of little help to you, right?"

Zed guessed what Nick Fury meant, and asked:

"Is Nick Fury so naive? Even if I don't use it often, it's safe to keep the Zhanyue dial by my side. Is it really for you to give SHIELD?"

Natasha didn't care about Zed's ridicule, and continued:
"Just now you directly recalled the dial in Blade's hand, which shows that you have absolute control over the dial, right?"

"That's right, now I can fully grasp these dials." Zed said indifferently.

There's nothing to hide about this news, and speaking out can reassure some people.

Natasha seemed to be chatting with Zed, but in fact, there were hidden wits in the questions Natasha asked.

Natasha is evaluating Zed's mental state based on Zed's answers, expressions, and movements.

Zed did not show any mental problems, but Natasha felt that Zed was more aggressive and domineering than before, and his whole person exuded a casual and lazy self-confidence.

Along the way, Natasha and Zed were chatting.Blade walked silently in front of the two, beheading all the vampires that survived along the way.

When the three walked out of the ruins, Woz and the others had been waiting for a long time.On the other side, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Operations Forces also assembled here, and Woz and others did not interfere with each other.

After Natasha came out, she ordered these action team members to enter the ruins for general cleaning.

The narrow ruins are not conducive to the fight between humans and vampires, and the blade took the initiative to bring these people back underground again.

"This is my job." Dao Feng flicked his windbreaker, turned and set off chicly.

And Zed happily waved the dial in his hand to Woz:
"Just got it, it's not used yet. Get ready to celebrate, Woz!"

After Zed finished speaking, he immediately replaced the thousand-wing dial and inserted the kiva dial into the driver.

The phantom of the bat reappeared, sticking to Zed's back, and the spread bat wings closed to wrap Zed.

A treacherous whistle sounded, and then the bat wings spread out with a bang.Zed transforms into Kamen Rider Shiwang - Moon Knight Armor.

Woz stepped forward and said loudly:

Let's celebrate!Inheriting the power of all knights, the time king who knows the past and the future is called Kamen Rider Time King.At this moment, it is the moment when he inherits the power of another legendary knight, Kamen Rider Tsukiki!
As Woz's voice fell, a black spot appeared on the full moon in the sky.

The black spot is getting bigger and closer, Zed raised his head and saw its true face with extraordinary eyesight - Delanlong Castle!


Zed jumped up into the air, then stepped on the top of De Lanlong's head and looked down at the whole land.Mountains, lakes, forests, and ruins all seem so small.

Zed's mind couldn't help stirring up, and he shouted loudly to express his excitement.

"Is this a dragon or a castle?" Skye murmured suspiciously on the ground.

Woz opened the calendar of Encountering the Devil and looked it up:

"The strongest monster of the Dragon Clan—Delan, was later transformed into a mobile fortress, and it is usually the castle of the Vampire King. It really fits the residence of His Majesty the Demon King!"

Skye looked at the flying Delanon Castle and was already seeing little stars.Perhaps in Skye's heart, there are dreams of princes, white horses, and castles.


After the Delan Dragon Castle fell to the ground, it roared at everyone, showing off its title of the strongest dragon clan.

But Delanosaurus doesn't know it, its roar is not mighty, but cute.

"I know you're cute, open the door quickly! Don't be shy!" Zed said dotingly, patting De Lanlong's head.

De Lanlong complacently opened the gate of the castle and welcomed Skye, Xin and Woz inside.

Before Natasha could speak, Delan Dragon fluttered his wings and flew away from the vampire ruins.

Natasha watched Delanon Castle fly farther and farther, and then dialed Nick Fury's communication:

"Sir, the first goal has been completed, and Zed Oleg's mental state has no problem, or has been effectively cured.

The second goal was not achieved, but I confirmed that Zed Oleg has fully mastered the dial. "

Nick Fury asked in a deep voice:

"What does it mean to have full mastery of the dial?"

"Zed just waved his hand, and the dial flew into his hand. He himself admitted it." Natasha then described in detail what she saw.

"A very important dial? A flying castle dragon?"

Nick Fury rubbed his fingers on the table, not knowing what he was thinking, and said to Natasha after a while:

"Then the possibility of us getting a blank dial is even higher. Natasha, you still need to worry about this task."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

De Lanlong flew into New York under Zed's guidance, and then unfolded a twisted illusion to cover his huge body, and slowly landed on the top floor of the Dream Building.

After the landing position of Delanlong Castle was settled, Zed had the time to enter the castle.



The interior of Delan Castle reveals a noble and royal atmosphere everywhere. Curly chandeliers, flickering candles, incomprehensible oil paintings, etc., all show the taste of the castle designer.

Zed leaned against the wall and walked towards the interior of the castle, stroking the artistic patterns on the wall with his fingers along the way.

"It's beautiful!"

Although Zed doesn't understand art, he still has basic aesthetics.Zed deliberately turned around the entire castle, not only admiring the castle that belonged to him, but also wanting to see what other good things are in the castle.

But it was clear that Zed hadn't drawn the full-level large Delan Dragon. The castle was empty, and there was nothing good left.

Zed shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and stepped into the castle hall.At this time, Woz was already waiting by the throne.

"Your Majesty the Demon King! Please take your seat, this is your seat!" Woz saluted with one hand and moved out of the way.

Zed didn't hesitate, walked straight to the throne, and sat on it calmly:
"Woz, congratulate!"

Woz rolled his eyes, and then said ecstatically:
Let's celebrate!Inheriting the power of all knights, the time king who knows the past and the future is called Kamen Rider Time King.At this moment, it is the time when he comes to the king's city, and history has opened a new chapter at this moment!

Skye looked at the two people in front of him, covered his eyes and shook his head, feeling ashamed to look any further.Even though he has seen it many times, Skye is still not used to the two singing together.

Xin ignored the actions of Zed and Woz, and stood calmly but seriously on the right side of Zed, carefully guarding the demon king on the throne.

Zed got up and left his seat after not sitting for a long time, and said to himself:
"Go, move! Move our room to the castle."

Although Skye really wants to live in the castle, but Skye doesn't want to do such time-consuming and labor-intensive things as moving in the middle of the night:
"Now? Check what time it is! Go back to sleep! Move tomorrow!"

Zed turned to Xin and Woz, hoping that they could help.But both of them pretended not to see, looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey, it's all right, all right, sleep!" The helpless Zed waved his hand, ending this busy night.

Zed then returned to his living room in the company with Skye and Shin by the waist.

After Zed, Skye, and Xin left, Woz quietly flipped through the calendar of encountering demons and said to himself:

"You know my background, but you don't care at all. You always help me find opportunities to celebrate. You really deserve to be my majesty the devil!"

The blade and the S.H.I.E.L.D. operations team worked together to clean up the interior of the ruins without missing a single vampire.

Natasha stood beside Blade and asked:
"How does that armor feel on your body?"

Dao Feng looked up at the moon, pondered for a long time, and only uttered one word:


(End of this chapter)

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