Chapter 69

A large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came and went in and out of Giovanni's estate.The rescue team carried bags of human beings onto the transport truck and drove away from the manor, while the cleaning team was responsible for destroying the evidence.

These living dead with tragic fate will be treated, but nothing that happens here will be spread out, and all will be buried in the files.

Mockingbird Barbara, who had a close relationship with Blade and had a one-night stand, was reporting the situation to Nick Fury in the underground blood cellar.

Barbara's complexion was not very good, and anyone who saw his own kind being treated as food in a sealed package would not be in a good mood.

Nick Fury, who observed the blood cellar through the camera at SHIELD headquarters, also turned darker.

"Sir, the blade has wiped out most of the vampires in the manor.

A small number of vampires who escaped from the manor, we are going to hunt them down, and we will destroy them all! "Barbara's words were full of murderous intent.

Nick Fury knows exactly what these vampires are hiding in the darkness and filth.

These vampires are not indestructible, as long as they are willing to pay the price, it is not difficult to eliminate vampires.

But the real trouble is humans!

There are always greedy and fearful human beings who will pursue the longevity of vampires.In order to survive, they don't care about the life and death of others, even if they can only live in darkness from now on.

So as long as humans are alive, vampires cannot be wiped out.

After the dirty deal, the existence of vampires was covered up by high-level human beings, and as a price, vampires must also hide in the dark peacefully.

But now these guys have run into Nick Fury themselves.How can there be no reason not to shoot?Even if you can't kill them all, you still have to hurt them.

Nick Fury immediately issued an order to send an elite S.H.I.E.L.D. operation force, equipped with special anti-vampire equipment, to march towards the position left by the blade.

After Nick Fury closed the communication with Barbara, he connected to Coulson's channel again:
"Colson, report the situation."

Coulson was wandering in the ruins of the Bloodwine nightclub at this time. After receiving the communication from Nick Fury, he immediately said seriously:
"We have confirmed from survivor accounts that Zed and Skye took over the vampire nightclub.

Zed's power has become stronger, and he has two more mechanical dragons that can shuttle through the mirror.Moreover, Skye can also transform, which is a brand new dial. "

Nick Fury had long expected that Skye would get a dial, so he was not surprised, and continued to ask:
"Any other valuable information?"

Coulson weighed an account book with his left hand:
"An account book, an account book about vampire transactions, with some human names on it."

"Good job! Coulson, start investigating these moths immediately." Nick Fury closed the communication after giving follow-up orders to Coulson.

Nick Fury looked up at Natasha in front of him, then pointed to the map and said:

"You know the situation. This ruin is where Zed, Blade and the vampire fought. I need you to go here to perform the mission."

Natasha immediately straightened her posture and asked:


Nick Fury looked straight at Natasha with one eye and said:
"The first goal is to confirm the mental state of Zed Oleg. The second goal is to obtain a dial from him."

Natasha has some doubts about the second goal:
"Isn't this enhancing Zed's strength? Doesn't it require me to hang his appetite?"

Nick Fury has already figured out Zed's character thoroughly, explaining:
"The situation has changed, Natasha. Our opponents are getting stronger, and we need to strengthen our own strength.

Zed Oleg no longer cares about the relatively weak dial.For example, the dial activated by Hawkeye has already been thrown away by him.

As long as the watch face you activate isn't essential, he doesn't care.

As for how to keep this dial, it depends on your ability, Natasha. "

Natasha understood what Nick Fury meant, it was easy to get the dial, but she had to rely on her own ability to keep it in her hand.

After Natasha got up and left Nick Fury's office, she boarded a Quinjet fighter jet and flew towards the ruins.

After Natasha left, Nick Fury continued to knock on the table thinking about Zed and Blade.

Blade has his own creed in life. Apart from hunting vampires, he is not interested in other things, and there is Barbara in S.H.I.E.L.D. who is holding him back.

Nick Fury believes that the blade will not fall to Zed's side, and the remaining problem is Zed's mental problem.

Tony Stark's mental problems are getting worse, and Nick Fury is already busy. If Zed goes crazy again at this time, there will be a big mess.

Skye, Xin, Woz, and two Wushuang dragons have been blocking the exit of the ruins, slaughtering the vampires who escaped.

It's not that they don't want to enter the ruins, but because vampires are constantly escaping from the ruins, who made the ruins only have this one exit.

But this can't be blamed on the engineering team, no one would deliberately leave emergency passages when excavating the ruins.

The Wushuang Dragon hovered in the air, swooping down from time to time to prey on these vampires.

It is rare for the two Wushuanglongs to eat so heartily. Anyone who doesn't understand dragon language can hear the excitement and satisfaction in the dragon's chant.



"Damn human!"

The vampires screamed and cursed, but none of this could stop the slaughter of Skye and others and the predation of Wushuanglong.

A small number of lucky vampires escaped from the ruins amid the blood and explosions.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a group of heavily armed soldiers surrounded the vampires.

The vampire thought that we couldn't beat those four armored men, so couldn't we beat you ordinary people?
Then the vampires roared angrily and rushed towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. action troops.

But these vampires don't know it.Since Blade and Barbara got on the line, all the weaknesses of vampires have been printed on the rules against vampires, and almost every member of the action team has a copy.

The members of S.H.I.E.L.D. calmly raised their special ultraviolet guns, looked at these vampires with disdain, and pulled the trigger.

In the screams, these vampires were wiped out.

"So weak."

"It's boring."

"Quiet, move on!"

A roar sounded, and Woz and others looked up.A Quinjet fighter gradually appeared.

After Natasha landed, these vampires were almost cleaned up, and they entered the ruins without any obstacles.

"Blade, let's see which one of us will kill this unbeatable Xiaoqiang first?" Zed didn't care about Dickon's reaction, and chatted with Daofeng.

Blade's cool answer:

"That must be me, I'm a professional vampire hunter."

Zed laughed wildly:

"That's not necessarily the case. Although my blade isn't silver-plated, it's enough to deal with this guy."

"You guys! You're bullying too much!" Dickon was so angry at the attitude of these two people that he couldn't help but stagnate.

At this moment, the ground under the feet of Zed and Blade exploded at the same time.

The two waved their sharp knives at the same time to kill Dickon, and behind Dickon was the wall of the ruins, and there was no way to retreat!

Dickon became ruthless, raised his machete to parry the silver-plated katana blade, and at the same time stretched out his palm to stop Zed's blade.

The blade passed through Dickon's palm, bringing out stinking blood, but Dickon had no time to cry out.

Resisting the pain, Dickon gritted his teeth and stretched forward to grab Zed's wrist.

Dickon was even more cruel to others, but Zed still laughed disdainfully:

"It's yours, Dickon, but it's not even close!"

Needle Loading
The blade on Zed's forearm turned into a needle and shot towards Dickon's eyes.

This sudden move made Dickon unable to dodge.The needles grew bigger and closer in Dickon's eyes.

With a puff, the needle pierced Dickon's left eye into his head, and the needle tip shone coldly through the skull.

Dickon covered his eyes with his left hand and screamed loudly. He no longer cared about Zed and the blade in front of him, and he stumbled and waved the machete.

Dickon is now a frightened beast with a head injury and has lost his reason. Only leaning his back against the wall can give him a sense of security.

But it's just a false sense of security!

The acupuncture gun in Zed's hand deformed and grew into a blade again, and then Zed pressed the drive kill charge button.

A tingling sensation came to his right hand, Zed couldn't help moving his knuckles, and the twisting fingers seemed to be dancing frantically.

Daofeng also took off the awakening whistle from his waist and inserted it into the mouth of the bat's belt. As the little bat played the whistle, a strange whistle sounded.

Blood-red mist filled the entire underground ruins, and the phantom of the moon hung high above the illusory sky.

Dao Feng handsomely opened his hands, and then raised his right foot high.

The little bat flashed past and shattered the chain binding Kiva's right foot, and the blood-red bat wings spread out on the right calf.

"Awesome!" (too handsome)
Dao Feng was completely overwhelmed by Kiva's handsomeness. He looked obsessively at the bat wing on his right foot, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

After Dao Feng came back to his senses, his left foot sank and leaped into the air to overlap with the phantom of the moon, he flipped back and kicked Dickon with a loud shout.

"Dark Moon Breaks!"

Zed also killed Dickon at the same time.

"Big cut!"

Two finishing moves fell on Dickon at the same time.When Dickon was divided into two halves, it was also deeply embedded in the wall of the ruins.

Not only are there traces of Dickon's figure on the wall, but Kiva's bat logo is also branded on the wall.At the same time, a huge oblique sword mark was also left on the wall.

After the blade landed, he spread his hands and stabilized his body.Zed remained motionless while swinging his sword.

Let's see who is more handsome!

"Cough, cough."

"So tenacious?"

Zed and Blade squinted at each other at the same time, and then immediately rushed to the bloody Dickon, trying to take the head first.

A round of ultraviolet ammunition hit Deacon.

(End of this chapter)

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