The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 7 Intelligence and Cooperation

Chapter 7 Intelligence and Cooperation

Matt has been very quiet in the past two weeks and has not come out to be a vigilante. One is that he is seriously injured and needs to rest, and the other is that there is really too much commotion in the dock warehouse.But Matt is a restless person. Since he can't fight at night, he devotes himself to the work of a lawyer during the day.

After Matt recovered from his injury, he started to go out and check out some information about gangsters.But today Matt didn't come out to collect information, but came out to meet his master.

On the dim rooftop, Matt waited alone. It seemed that his whole body was full of flaws, but his energy had been concentrated on his ears. He guessed that his master would catch him by surprise to test his quality.Stick is such an old man in Matt's impression.

"Matt, you don't have to be on guard. I won't beat you today." Stick walked up the stairs slowly.

"Master, why don't you play cards according to the routine?"

The stick man sneered at Matt: "Your wounds can't take a few moves from me. I'd be very sorry if I hurt you more. By the way, let me tell you about the strange ninja you met here. Tell me about the situation."

The stick man said as he walked, and pulled Matt to sit on the stone steps.

"That ninja is very skilled, and his breathing skills are also very strong. The strangest thing is that after being beaten to death, he turned into smoke and dissipated." King's news.

The old man was smoking his pipe, exhaled a puff of smoke ring and said lightly to Matt:

"I don't know about the armored man named Shiwang, but I do know about those ninjas. Matt, you should remember that I told you when I trained you that our mortal enemies of the Innocence Society? It's them, those damn Hands. Ninja."

Matt, who has lost his sight, is not only hearing, but also has developed other senses. He coughed and waved away the smoke around him, "Is that them?"

"Yes, Matt. Are you ready? Knowing about them means taking responsibility for fighting them from me."

"Don't! You know me, I won't let them run amok, just take your burden and forget it."

Stick hit Matt on the head with a pipe, "I can't even beat the lowest ninja soldiers. If you want it, I won't give it to you."

After knocking a few times, the old man continued, "The Hand, just like its name, has five fingers in total, and the five leaders are all traitors from Kunlun. They stole the keel to renew their lives in an attempt to gain longevity. Seniors of the Society of Innocence You have the experience of fighting them, and you don’t have to worry about them being resurrected when you fight with the low-level ninjas of the Hand, because the dragon bones will not be wasted on them, and once you defeat the middle and high-level hands of the Hand, you must destroy their bodies to prevent resurrection. Understand? ?”

As the mentor of the stick man, Matt could only let the pipe fall on his head honestly, feeling the pain of the pipe hitting his forehead again and again.After all, it hurts a lot more than a pipe to hit someone with a stick.

"What are you going to do with those who monitor you?"

"Don't worry about them, I heard them all when they called the report. People from the government wanted to inquire about that King Shi from me, but I don't know his situation." Although Matt didn't trust the American government departments, he He didn't want to confront them directly, so he hurriedly rejected the kindness that Gunsou was about to blurt out.

"Alright then, we'll start the next stage of training when you recover from your injury."

Late at night, Matt came back to the apartment door and stopped.Extraordinary perception ability, discovered outsiders in the room in advance.

The breathing and heartbeat are steady and powerful, and there is a power that is not inferior to his own hidden in his small body.While Matt was still thinking, the woman in the room said, "Don't worry, your friend is just asleep and won't disturb us."

Half an explanation, half a threat, Matt had to open the door and walk in.

"You're welcome, just treat it as your own home." The woman said lazily while lying on the sofa.

"This is my home, who are you?" Perhaps the woman's relaxed mood infected Matt, and Matt's vigilance dropped a lot.

"I'm Agent Rosa of the FBI, although you can't see my ID either." The woman took back the half-drawn ID after she finished speaking.

"How do I remember that you are from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency?" Matt couldn't help sarcastically saying that no one would be happy when his friend was knocked down and the other party was still talking nonsense with his eyes open.

As if sensing the surprise of the other party, Matt explained: "Although my eyes can't see, my ears can hear far away."

"No! I'm just curious that you can remember this name. I can't even remember it myself."

The woman stretched out her hand and said, "Let's get to know each other again. Security Bureau agent, Natasha."

After hesitating for a while, Matt stretched out his hand to hold Natasha, and then asked, "So Agent Natasha, why did you break into the house in the middle of the night?"

"Attorney Matt, I want to know where you went in the three hours you disappeared? Who did you meet again? No need to make excuses, you just said that your hearing is very good, so you should have heard us more or less I understand the reason why we did this." Natasha's momentum suddenly became stronger, oppressing Matt.

Matt stared directly at Natasha with empty and cloudy eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said: "I'm going to see my master, he has nothing to do with the King of Time, I can assure you."

Natasha didn't doubt and asked Matt directly: "So what information can you provide us about King Shi?"

"I was planning to help those trafficked girls at the port that day, but I was accidentally discovered by a ninja and then besieged. At that time, King Shi drove over on a motorcycle and stopped directly in front of the gangsters. The guns of the gangsters were completely useless to him. It works, but being shot in the torso or head by his gun is almost certain to die. The ninja and the gangsters were all shot by him. He claims to be the most vicious and evil devil king. He is about 1.8 meters tall and has a voice changer. The age cannot be determined. Before he left, he said that we would meet again. That's all I know." Matt told Natasha everything he knew.

"So when you come here, the king will come to you specially?" Natasha raised her eyebrows and asked back.

"should be."

"I want to talk to him in person." Nick Fury's voice sounded in Natasha's in-ear communicator, and both people present could hear it.

Before Natasha could speak, Matt raised his hand to signal her to continue, and Natasha stopped talking nonsense and turned on the communication.

"Mr. Matt, I am the director of the Homeland Strategy Bureau. Nick Fury is using extremely dangerous weapons at will and he doesn't seem to care about it. His behavior has seriously affected social security. I hope you Can you help us with our investigation. I would like you to inform us when Shi Wang reappears."

After thinking for a while, Matt replied, "Yes."

The two engaged in a 30-minute PY trade
"Thank you for your help. Mr. Matt, I would like to ask you a personal question before I leave. Why did you agree to help us so easily?"

Matt pondered and replied to Nick: "That man is dangerous. I can hear his excitement and joy when he kills. He must be controlled. This is my answer. I also want to ask you a personal question, Director Fury, why does your organization Turn a blind eye to the cancer that exists in this society?"

"Because we're not the police."

Back to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s car.

"Natasha, how credible do you think Matt's words are?"



"Ridiculous and honorable idealist."

"Where's the king then?"

"The guy who does whatever he wants."

In a cave in Afghanistan, Tony and Ethan stood with their heads in their hands. The real person in charge of the base, a bald man with a strange ring, stood beside Tony and said to Tony in English while stroking the reactor on Tony's chest: "Relax." Point! Bows and arrows were the pinnacle of weapons technology when Genghis Khan conquered the Pacific Ocean to the Ukraine. Today, all you need is Stark's latest weapon to rule. Soon it will be my turn to rule. "

After finishing the arrogant declaration of hegemony, he turned his bald head and pressed Ethan on the table, "You take me for a fool?" He picked up the red-hot iron with tongs. "I let you live, so you repay me like this?" The poker was getting closer and closer to Ethan.

Ethan struggled and said: "Weapons are very complicated, we have worked very hard." The bald head remained unmoved, "Speak! What are you doing?"

Seeing that the tongs were getting closer and closer to him, Ethan's tone was no longer trembling, but full of determination, "He's making Jericho missiles. He's making Jericho missiles."

Tony looked at his bald head and bruised veins about to erupt, and said wittily, "I need him, he's a good assistant."

The bald leader and Tony looked at each other for a while, then let go of the tongs.After all, there are only these two technical talents in the entire base.

"Tomorrow I must assemble my missile." After the bald head spoke harshly, he took his younger brother and left.

The patrolling terrorists are prepared for possible dangers around them, but they are unaware of the invisible robot suspended above their heads.

Zed's current mood is like the first 98 of the 90 ten companies are all blue sky and white clouds, and the No. [-] nine are finally shipped.The ups and downs of life are so exciting.

Although I had already prepared myself that I might not be able to find Tony, if I really put in my energy to do this and didn't get anything in return, I would most likely die on the spot.

Zed left after the time magic machine's scanner drew a three-dimensional topographic map of the terrorist base and deployed a small surveillance robot.Tony still needs one night to assemble the Mark prototype, and he also needs one night to prepare, including the excuse of asking for leave tomorrow and the first aid equipment for Ethan.

Well prepared after all.

(End of this chapter)

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