The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 6 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 6 Reaction of the Parties
Agent Coulson received an urgent order early in the morning, and rushed to the Delta Wing Building, the headquarters of the S.H.I.E.L.D.

As a good old man, Coulson is impeccable in his dealings with others.Usually at the headquarters, he would greet his colleagues and say hello, but today's order made Coulson very urgent, and he could only nod to his colleagues along the way and walked quickly to the elevator.

The bald Sitwell also came in, "Hey Coulson, how is your vacation? I haven't had a vacation in a long time, I envy you."

"Very good, it would be perfect if it wasn't an urgent order to recall." Coulson and Sitwell chatted casually.Out of the caution of a good agent, Coulson just complained about the failed vacation and didn't mention anything else at all.

After the elevator arrived, the unnutritious conversation between the two had to end, and Coulson hurried to the opposite office.

After knocking on the door and entering, a one-eyed black marinated egg opened his mouth and said to Coulson: "Look at this briefing for yourself first, and wait for Natasha to come. The Hilter union will tell you the detailed situation."

Coulson sat on the sofa and opened the folder, and the topmost one was the photo of Shi Wang.There are pictures from all angles, the space-time driver, the deformation of the clock needle gun and sword, and the close-up of Shiwang's face are all clearly photographed.There are also close-ups of the scene where the pointer gun and sword shoot the head of the truck.

Coulson's first thought was that this guy ruined my vacation and my happy life with my cello girlfriend.

In less than 2 minutes, a woman with red hair and a strange charm walked into the office of Black Braised Egg.

"Colson, give the file to Agent Natasha Romanoff. The meeting begins in 2 minutes."

"The target calls himself "Kamen Rider ZI-O", wears an unknown power armor and is full of clock elements all over his body, and the text on his head has been confirmed to be a Chinese character meaning 'King of Time'.The weapon is a gun sword with switchable modes. "

While Agent Hill was speaking, the screen also switched to a picture of Shi Wang shooting a truck, and even a short video shot by a passer-by.

"This gun is very powerful, and the energy ammunition used is completely beyond the existing technology. Not only that, but his dial also shows a suspected space folding technology. Here! After he took off the dial on his wrist and pressed the button, The dial is transformed into a motorcycle. We speculate that the dial carried by the target has more unknown technologies." Agent Hill said, pointing to the picture of driving the Raider locomotive.

"The incident took place at the edge of the port, and the number of witnesses has been effectively controlled. At the same time, a huge explosion occurred at the port where the target drove. It has been found to be a gangster human trafficking incident, and the Daredevil in the sixth-level file also appeared in the port. .”

Natasha lazily stretched her waist and said: "So, we are going to investigate a pervert wearing a high-tech tights?"

Nick Fury ignores Natasha and tells Coulson: "What do you think?"

"Sir, did the surveillance capture any suspicious people?"

Agent Hill replied directly: "The monitoring has initially investigated and there are no effective clues, and there is little hope for follow-up investigations. The other party may have undergone extensive anti-detection training."

Nick Fury said in a deep voice: "You are wrong Hill, the king doesn't have any anti-detection training at this time."

Hill looked puzzled.

"Action! Although his movements are clean and neat, they are obviously not in the style of secret agents or the army. To put it bluntly, he is more like an action star! No secret agent or soldier has such a flamboyant posture like him!" Natasha said in a timely manner. Solved Hill's doubts.

Hill and Coulson, who had just reacted, blinked and looked carefully at Shi Wang's photo.It seems~ the more you look at it, the more coquettish it is~
Nick Fury saw that the atmosphere in the office seemed to be distracted by Natasha, so he quickly said in a deep voice, "Now the question is, what method does the king use to completely avoid the monitoring of a layman without leaving any clues?" Is the technology he has mastered replicable? Will he cause harm to the world?"

"Natasha! Your mission is to find him!"

"Yes! Sir!" Natasha put away her playfulness and said with a serious face.

"Colson! Go and find out if there are any high-tech companies that have not been doing well recently. Stark's affairs seem to be a bit tricky. You and Hank will hand over the task."

"Yes, sir!"

In the same building, Sitwell walked into Alexander Pierce's office and began to report on the latest work progress.After the report, Sitwell did not leave immediately.Pierce also understood what Sitwell meant, after pressing a button.

"Okay, Sitwell, what do you want to report?"

"Nick Fury has called Black Widow and Coulson back for last night."

Pierce glanced at the report on the table, "We must get this person, keep an eye on them. If there is a chance, we will do whatever it takes."


On Monday afternoon, Zed was walking on the road alone after school.Now that Peter and Ned are busy people, it is difficult to have the opportunity to see each other after school.But it's also good that I have enough space to deal with things.

After returning home last night, Zed went over the proposal one last time and then burned it.Today is to deal with the blank dial in the secret base.Last night, didn't bring a blank watch face and missed the opportunity to have Daredevil activate the watch face.Although it is a pity, there will be more opportunities in the future, and in Zed's eyes, Tony Stark, who has the highest compatibility with build, is the most important.

After putting the blank dial and the low-profile heterogeneous dial into the four-dimensional chrysanthemum, Zed began to meditate.Originally, Zed planned to wait until Iron Man and Iron King fought to save Pepper to make a deal with Tony. Before that, he would not appear in public again.

But the existence of the time magic machine gave Zed more choices. Of course, Zed didn't want to travel through time to save Tony.

Zed doesn't know if he will be discovered by Gu Dayi's bald head when he secretly uses Time Stop, but he will definitely be discovered when he uses Time Demon God Machine to travel through time and space.

The old devil couldn't beat Gu Yi, he didn't know, anyway, he definitely couldn't beat him.Our villain knight has returned from a wave, but we must have a degree, and we can't learn from a boss whose coffee is extremely bitter.

The phantom of the second uncle's battle has dissipated, and Zed chose to run at night to keep fit during the free time at night. What a good reason.

"Uncle Charlie, I'm going out."

In order to prevent others from seeing the problem, Zed actually jogged on the road for a while.Then go back to the top floor of the small warehouse to summon the invisible time demon machine and fly directly to Afghanistan.

Zed only learned the name of the military base where Tony Stark finally arrived from the news. Zed didn't know its specific location, the location of the Jericho missile test site, the location where it was attacked, or the terrorist base.

Zed's plan is to search for the Baglan Air Force Base with the city as the center first, and then use detectors to check bit by bit after finding the base.Spend two hours every night flying a plane in the Middle East, if you can't win the lottery within a month, then you have to give up.

Not surprisingly, there was nothing to gain on the first night. After returning to the small warehouse, Zed took a look at his closet, craft watches, maintenance tools, game consoles, and the innermost big sister magazine.perfect~
Smiling in relief, Zed locked the door and ran to Charlie's house.

Seeing that the ring-shaped LED device made by Stark was connected to the electromagnet he made, Ethan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Isn't this like a Jericho missile?"

"Because it's a small Ark reactor."

"How about the power generation capacity?"

"If the calculation is correct, it is about 30 billion joules per second."

"That's enough for you to live 50 times."

"Or enough for a big guy for a quarter of an hour."

After speaking, Tony Stark took Ethan to his workbench and showed him his manuscript, "We will rely on it when we go out."

Tony's manuscripts are numerous and complicated. Ethan didn't see anything, and Tony reminded Ethan to overlap them.A steel exoskeleton mecha appeared superimposed on the design draft.

Ethan obsessed: "Very powerful!"

"You haven't told me where you are from?" Tony rarely relaxed and talked with Ethan.

"A small town called Gamila."

"Any family?"

"Well, go see them after you leave."

The face of Nick Fury in the Delta Wing Building was so dark that he could completely escape into the shadows to achieve the effect of invisibility, "It's been two weeks, haven't you found anything? Haven't you made any progress?"

Natasha said helplessly: "I'm sorry, sir. Shi Wang has never appeared again, and the agents we arranged in Hell's Kitchen did not find Shi Wang meeting Daredevil. The monitoring and review did not find any suspicious targets."

Nick Fury stared at Black Widow with one big eye and said to her: "I believe your abilities are more than that, tell me what else you have discovered or conjectured."

"Shiwang first appeared at the port and then chased the truck out, and finally returned to the port. He jumped directly onto the truck from the air, but there were no tall buildings nearby, and the satellite did not detect the plane. The biggest possibility is invisible flight, and he Would rather expose his transforming locomotive than fly back to port. Explain."

Nick Fury took over and said: "It means that he has a super aircraft that is more advanced than our Quinjet fighter. Agent Natasha. Contact Matt Murdoch and spy on Time King from him."

Nick Fury turned to Coulson again: "What about your mission? Coulson."

"Sir, after investigation, no technology company has an unknown technology similar to Time King. Stark Industries does have many unknown money transactions. I suspect that insiders were involved in the attack on Tony Stark."

"Follow up."


"The job assigned to us by the director is really a headache."

"Your task is always much easier than finding a ghost that I deliberately hid."

After Natasha and Coulson left, Nick Fury was thinking quietly in the dark alone.

(End of this chapter)

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