Chapter 54 Accident
After Zed woke up the next day, he got up and opened the curtains to let the sunlight shine in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The sun outside was extremely glaring, and Zed hurriedly closed the curtains again.

"How long have I been asleep?" Zed muttered to himself, then shook his head and turned to go out for food.

Zed wandered around the company for a long time but didn't find any trace of Woz and the others. He didn't see Skye sitting in front of the computer until he walked to the monitoring room.

"Ah! You! You're awake!" Skye turned off the screen in a panic, trying to change the subject.

Zed asked suspiciously:
"Where are people? Why are you alone? What were you looking at just now?"

Skye also tried to lie, but Zed had already discovered the trick, and asked Skye persistently.

Zed grabbed Skye's arm and looked her in the eyes and asked:

"What the hell happened?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it any longer, Skye could only tell Zed the truth, "Someone attacked your house, Woz and the others have already rushed there."

Not only did Nick Fury watch the video of Zed's resurrection last night, but everyone who could get the video was already too excited.

These guys were afraid of King Shi's power and didn't dare to break their faces with Zed, so they threw all the burden on Nick Fury.


Things are different now!

Fear can overcome greed, and greed can overcome fear!
It is worth taking any risk for the immortal power of going back in time, and it is not a pity to pay more.

When the members of the Security Council were still urging Nick Fury to do something, Hydra had already been dispatched.

But this Hydra is not Pierce's, but the Hydra led by Daniel Whitehall.

Daniel Whitehall has been looking for the traces of the King of Time to take back the obelisk, but now the obelisk is no longer important!

The longevity obtained by dissecting Skye's mother, Jiaying, is not worth mentioning in front of Shi Wang's power of time.

This is the power that Daniel Whitehall dreamed of!
This is the miracle that Daniel Whitehall is looking for!
At the end of the surveillance video last night, the weak appearance of Shi Wang being supported by his subordinates on the Demon God Machine made Daniel Whitehall's fire of greed burn even more.

"Attack immediately! Grab Charlie Oleg's family! Force Zed Oleg out!"

Daniel Whitehall will be the first to eat crabs!

From the dark corners of New York, an unmarked special operations unit emerges.

Black armed vehicles surrounded the entire street, and helicopters blocked the entire sky.

In the Delta Wing Building, Nick Fury opened the corner of his mouth mockingly and ordered:

"Order the army to attack! Attack this army!"

Although Pierce in the other office was also envious of Shi Wang's power, he was still able to remain objective and calm.

Let Daniel Whitehall be the leader, and he is still hiding behind the scenes.

But when the S.H.I.E.L.D. team suddenly appeared and began attacking Daniel Whitehall's forces, Pierce finally realized something was wrong.

Pierce never received a report from his subordinates that there was a troop attack. This troop completely avoided Hydra's eyeliner in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pierce realized that Nick Fury was deliberately avoiding himself, and he might have been exposed!

And the purpose of Nick Fury dispatching troops at this time is also clearly revealed.

He wants to bypass the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. and establish contact with Zed Oleg in a private name.

Joey panicked:
"What's going on? Why is someone fighting outside?"

Old Charlie saw a small team rushing towards his house from outside, so he provoked the burden of the head of the family, blocked the door with a shotgun in his hand, and comforted Emma and Joey:

"It's okay! Calm down! Go hide in the basement!"

Emma wanted to take Charlie to go with her, but Charlie stood firm at the door and never left.

"Let's go! Dad!" Joey also cried and wanted to pull Charlie away.

"They're coming soon! You two, hurry up and hide! Quickly!" Old Charlie, who was usually amiable and amiable, looked very tough at this moment.

The Hydra team broke in through the window, but they didn't force their way in through the main entrance because they needed to capture the target alive.

Before old Charlie could react, he raised his gun and fired anesthesia bombs at the three of them.

But Natasha and Hawkeye rushed in to interrupt their shooting at the same time, and the two top agents teamed up to take out a whole group of Hydra soldiers.

After eliminating all the Hydra soldiers in the house, Natasha said to Charlie:
"Come with me! There are still people outside!"

Charlie did not hesitate to pull Emma and Joey to follow the red-haired woman who saved their family.

"Bastard!" Daniel Whitehall, who was monitoring the battle situation, slapped the table angrily, "Send out reinforced soldiers! Stop them!"

Four soldiers transformed into living weapons stopped in front of Natasha and her party.

Hawkeye took a step forward, stood in front of Natasha and said:
"I'll stop them! You take them away first!"

The four reformed soldiers in front of them were difficult to deal with at first glance, but Natasha had no choice but to hand it over to Hawkeye, and she led Charlie's family of three in another direction and fled without saying a word.

But Daniel Whitehall has studied aliens for so many years, and he has gained more than Jiaying's longevity ability. These reformed soldiers have also been transplanted with not weak abilities.

The body of one of the reformed soldiers began to melt and became extremely sticky. Hawkeye's bow and arrow passed through his body without any damage. With a roar, he rushed up and entangled Hawkeye.

Hawkeye turned on the communication while fighting and shouted:

"Go! They all have superpowers! The other three are chasing you!"

But it was obvious that Hawkeye's communication was already late, a certain reformed soldier was moving at an astonishing speed, and he had already stopped in front of Natasha.

Natasha wanted to quickly solve this obstacle, but the other party kept a safe distance just to harass Natasha, delaying time for her companion to come.

"Two more!" Charlie reminded behind Natasha.

Three figures descended from the sky at the same time in front of the three reformed soldiers.

Natasha bit her lip and said to herself:
"finally come!"

Woz, Xin, and Tan Lidou rushed over immediately after receiving the alarm from Sai Telang, just before Natasha was surrounded by the three.

Woz drew out his spear and said:

"When His Majesty the Demon King wakes up, his anger will burn you to ashes." Woz said this to the black hand hiding behind the scenes.

Daniel Whitehall knew that today's mission had failed, he sighed and ordered to retreat.

But Woz and the others will not let the three guys in front of them run away like this. If they don't kill them here, they are ashamed to be ministers!
After the three reformed soldiers were kicked to death by the three-shot knight, Charlie's family wept with joy for the rest of their lives.

Natasha walked towards Woz generously and asked:

"I'm going to bring them back to S.H.I.E.L.D. for their protection. Do you agree?"

Woz didn't know whether he should agree to Natasha. A retainer who makes decisions without permission is not a good retainer.

Just as Woz hesitated, Zed's voice sounded in Woz's headset, "Let them go."

Woz immediately got out of the way and let Natasha take Charlie's family back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was only when the vehicle that Charlie's family was riding in completely disappeared into the horizon that Zed walked out of the Time Demon Machine.

Zed looked into the distance, sighed, and remained silent.

Zed came back to his senses and walked to the transformed soldier's body and asked Woz:
"Woz, how is their strength?"

"Externally strong but capable. Their abilities seem to be transplanted. The degree of integration is not high, and there is a lot of rejection." Woz gave a pertinent answer.

"Ability! Transplant? Daniel Whitehall?" Zed recalled the Hydra who had been staring at the alien.

Daniel Whitehall's action against Charlie's family this time really angered Zed.

Daniel Whitehall must die!
Zed turned his head and said to Tan Lidou:
"Shrimp Dumpling, I want you to survey the terrain of Puerto Rico first and find an underground temple. I have already sent you information about the temple."

Tan Lidou saw that Zed's state was not right, so he didn't play tricks, he responded and boarded the Demon God Machine.

Then Zed walked back to the home where he had lived for so many years, slumped on the dilapidated sofa, staring at the ceiling blankly, as if a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

He is laughing at himself:

"It's all your fault! Hehe!"

Zed came out after a long time and said:
"Let's go! Target S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters! Letter! You go to Skye! Wait for me to come back!"

After Zed finished speaking, he took the lead to board the Time Demon God Machine and flew towards the Delta Wing Building, followed by Woz.

This time, the Time Demon God Machine was no longer invisible, but swaggered and landed in front of the Delta Wing Building.

"Stand back! If you don't back off, we're going to shoot!"

Zed turned directly into Tier [-], ignoring the warnings of SHIELD agents and walking towards the gate of SHIELD step by step.

"Stop! Time!"

Zed shrouded the entire delta wing building into the world of time stop, but deliberately did not stop their thinking.Let them watch themselves and Woz walk past them.

Zed and Woz walked into the hall unhurriedly, and happened to see Agent May, so Zed came to her and released her time stop.

Mei stopped and looked at Zed after getting rid of it:

"Zed Oleg! What are you going to do?"

"Take me to Pierce!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I say! Take! Me! Go! Find! Pi! Er! S!"

Mei froze in place, she had never felt such a strong murderous aura.Obviously it wasn't aimed at me, it was just affected, and I almost couldn't move my legs.

After taking a few deep breaths, May bravely turned and walked to the elevator, and took Zed and Woz to Pierce's office.

Pierce can only think now and can't move. He watched May open the door of his office and walked in. Behind May were Shi Wang and Woz.

"Start flowing! Time!"

Pierce looked at the three people in front of him, wanting to speak first.But Zed spoke first.

"Where's Daniel Whitehall?"

(End of this chapter)

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