Chapter 53
Zed turned to look behind him after transforming into a second-order, and a ring-shaped space door with orange sparks emerged.

Gu Yi walked in front of Zed without haste, and then said:
"Absorb another self to achieve uniqueness, and use this as a basis to climb higher mountains. This road is indeed very powerful but also very dangerous!"

Zed knew that Shi Wang's second-rank power was not inferior to Gu Yi's own power.

If Gu Yi only used a little bit of the power of the time gem, the power of time mastered by the second rank of the king of time would be enough to deal with it.

The magic of Trinity Weishandi and the dark energy of Domamu are not easy to use.

Zed said warily:
"But I succeeded! This is enough! If there is nothing wrong with Ancient One, I will go back to save people first."

Gu Yi blocked in front of Zed:
"You have already changed the fate of Peter Parker and Ben Parker once. This time the end of the world line is the self-correction of fate. You can no longer interfere!"

Zed didn't say much and summoned the strongest limit sword belonging to the second-order weapon of the King of Time.Now the sword in Zed's hand became more slender, looking more like the minutes of a clock.

The hour hand and the minute hand combine to form the strongest time limit sword, Zed holds the limit sword and points to Ancient One:

"Step aside!"

Gu Yi opened his hands, two energy fans appeared in his hands, and said slowly: "Don't make the same mistake again!"

"Then fight!"

Zed brandished the ultimate sword to kill Gu Yi, and the sword power enveloped Gu Yi like a storm.

But Karma Taj's mages are not the ones who are weak and can only attack from a distance. They are all battle mages.

Gu Yi twirled the fan four or two times to push away Zed's sword move, and the other fan closed like a short sword and pierced Zed's throat.

Zed dodged to dodge the blow, and then swung his right foot towards Gu Yi's waist.Gu Yi floated back in the air to avoid Zed's leg whip, and at the same time dispersed the folding fan in his hand and began to cast spells.

Setorak's scarlet necklace emerged from the void and rushed towards Zed, trying to bind and imprison Zed.

Zed swung his sword to cut off part of the chains that came first, moved away and moved the limit sword, and pressed the charge button.

Dazzling golden light spurted out from the Ultimate Sword, forming a super huge lightsaber, and pink characters also appeared in the void and printed on the lightsaber.

"King's Ultimate Slash!"

Zed roared and slashed forward angrily.

Setorak's scarlet necklaces were all gathered together to block this overbearing slash.

But Setorak's Scarlet Necklace is known for its versatility and flexibility, and is not good at frontal defense.Even if countless chains gather together, they can't stop this cut.

The explosive power of the King's Ultimate Slash severed off Settorak's scarlet necklace, and still had the strength to charge towards Gu Yi.

Gu Yi unhurriedly stretched out his hands and cast the Seraphim Shield to block the aftermath of the King's Ultimate Slash.

"I saw it! Your next move!" The pointer of Zed's king's mask rotated to bring Zed a picture of the future.

"I also saw your sword move!" The Eye of Agamotto on Gu Yi's chest also opened slightly, revealing a gleam of green light.

"I see you see I see you."

"I saw you too and I saw you"

"Enough! There's no end!"

Zed and Gu Yi both stopped fighting.

If there is no advantage of crushing, once caught in the cycle of time and power, this fight will last forever.

Neither Zed nor Gu Yi wanted to fight each other to the death now.

This battle is more about probing, testing how strong the opponent is now, and the result of the probing is that they are not serious, and no one can do anything to anyone.

Then this battle will lose the meaning of continuing.

Zed took the lead to put away the blade and said:
"Master Gu Yi should save his strength to deal with Domamu! Your successor still needs your teaching, and I also want to save my strength to fight Thanos. How about stopping here?"

Gu Yi sighed, closed the Eye of Agamotto, and said:
"I hope you can protect this world and not bring disasters to it."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he turned and left, not wasting time on Zed.

She needs to go back and prepare her successor training plan, otherwise no one will be able to check and balance Zed after she dies.

Then, Zed turned and walked to the mirror and took a step out.

Let's celebrate!He is above all knights, transcends time and space, and is the king of time who knows the past and the future.At this moment, he transformed into the Kamen Rider Shiwang Second Order, and a new history has begun.

As soon as Zed returned to the real world, Woz waited here and loudly celebrated the birth of the second king of time.

As soon as Zed wanted to say something, Peter hugged Ben's body and jumped in front of Zed, and hurriedly said:
"Quick! Hurry up and revive him! You promised me to turn back time! Please!"

Zed motioned for Peter to put Ben's body down and held out a hand to Ben's body, saying:
"Turn back! Time!"

A clock imprint appeared on Ben's body, and as the clock hands rotated counterclockwise, Ben's body also began to twitch.

Peter watched nervously, not daring to blink for fear of missing something.Ben opened his eyes when the hands of the clock hit zero.

Peter rushed up and hugged Ben, crying:

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's my fault! Woo~ahah~"

Ben slowly recalled what happened just now, looked up at Zed who was standing aside, and said to himself:
"Turn back in time?"

Ben suspected that the watchman was Zed ever since he saw the blank dial hidden in the pocket watch.

Now this man really used the incredible time travel in order to save himself.Ben is now almost certain that the man in front of him is Zed.

But Zed saved himself and Peter, and he was kind to his family.Since he didn't tell Peter who he was, Ben wouldn't talk too much.

Ben looked away and patted Peter on the back:

"Okay! Don't cry! Didn't I come back to life? Don't cry! We should go home!"

Peter helped Ben stand up and was about to leave. Ben turned around and bowed to Zed and thanked him:

"Thank you! I have nothing to thank you for but to give you this back."

As he spoke, Ben took out the ray dial and handed it to Zed.Zed accepted the new dial without saying anything.

Seeing that the other party did not deny the word "return", he knew that he was Zed.

Ben took a deep look at Zed before turning around and putting it on Peter's shoulder and leaving.

Zed watched the backs of the two people drifting away, feeling very sad.

Even if time is turned back, Zed's inner memory cannot be returned.

But Zed knew that if he chose again and he didn't think of a better solution, he would still do it.

In the end there was only one sigh left!
Xin came from a distance and knelt in front of Zed:

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Get up! Xin! Come and help me!" Zed said and stretched out a hand to Xin.

Shin got up and leaned towards Zed's armpit, putting Zed's arm on his shoulder.

Zed is tired!

Xin said while helping Zed to board the Time Demon Machine:
"I went after Dr. Lizard and Venom. But they escaped from the sewers, and Shin couldn't catch them."

Zed smiled weakly:
"It's a good thing you didn't catch them. If you catch these two guys, you won't be stinky."

Zed spoke less and less on the Time Demon machine, and finally fell asleep on Xin's body.

Xin didn't dare to send the weak Zed back home, and the powerless Wang Mo Shiwang would be tempted by anyone in front of him.

The letter directly brought Zed back to the Fantasy Company, and helped Zed to bed with Skye.

Tan Lidou and Woz at the side naturally wouldn't just look for something to help, so they watched the two women drag Zed back to the room.

Woz turned to Tan Lidou and said:

"The identity of His Majesty the Demon King has been discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D., and sooner or later other organizations will find out. So the company's secrecy is even more important, and it must not affect His Majesty the Demon King's plan."

"Who do you think I am? I'm the new-Dan Lidou-Kami-sama! Such a small matter as running a company will be difficult for me?" hereby.

"So much the better!"

When Zed was sleeping, Coulson, who was far away in the North Pole, was staying on the survey plane and followed the professional search and rescue team to check the ice layer round and round.

"found it!"

Another reconnaissance plane spotted the target and signaled for Coulson's order.

"Clear the obstacles and set up camp to wait for us to arrive."

After Coulson gave the order, he rushed to the target location non-stop, wrapped in a cold suit and walked to the team leader.

Coulson yelled, trying to prevent his voice from being covered by the howling wind, "How's the situation?"

"Come with me!"

The two walked through the cordon and looked into the excavation pit. The person in charge pointed to a large piece of solid ice and shouted:

"This is it!"

Coulson walked forward irresistibly, and wiped away the snow on the surface of the solid ice with his palm, revealing the frozen figure inside.

Coulson looked at the figure's face and the shield that fell aside and murmured, "You're really still alive!"

Coulson was excited for a long time before he remembered his work and opened the communication with Nick Fury:

"Sir! We found it! We found it! He's really here! The equipment shows that he still has weak signs of life!"

Hearing the news that Captain America was still alive, Nick Fury, who had always been calm, couldn't help being a little excited.He tried his best to maintain a calm tone and said to Coulson:
"Bring him back!"

After Nick Fury hung up the communication, he turned to watch the surveillance video in front of the Osborne Building.

Whether it is the new ability to travel through the mirror, or the new armor of Shi Wang's second rank, it is not as shocking as the final resurrection.

Nick Fury gave up his plan to solve Hydra now, he wanted to indulge these guys who were about to be blinded by greed.

(End of this chapter)

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