The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 440 Salt the Wound

Chapter 440 Salt the Wound
A legend of an era—Magneto King Max Eisenhardt, officially withdrew from the stage, heralding the complete passing of the heroic years of the older generation.

"Mission complete. One more obstacle has been eliminated, so it's time for me to speak." Zed controlled Magneto and slowly took off the helmet that shielded telepathy, while looking at the TV station helicopter in the distance.

Click ~ click ~
The desperate reporter on the TV helicopter shouted at the pilot:
"Closer! Come closer! Magneto's face seems to be flushed!"

The cameraman buried his head on the monitoring screen and screamed:

"Cracks! There are cracks on Magneto's face! Ah~, it's getting bigger and bigger!"

"Quick, quick! Aim me!" The reporter roared loudly, not wanting to miss this explosive shot. He had a premonition that what happened next would definitely shock the whole world.

After killing Magneto's soul, Zed didn't intend to let Magneto's body go. He didn't want to be like Logan who had an extra cloned daughter Laura. One day, a cloned son of Magneto suddenly appeared. After all, Magneto has enough children.

The dark red blood potential avatar recklessly devoured Magneto's flesh and blood, turning its interior into an empty shell.Even the surface layer of Magneto's skin cracked due to the loss of nutrition, breaking into pieces and falling down.

Large pieces of cracks covered Magneto's body, revealing the shapeless, flowing dark red blood avatar inside. This scene was naturally captured by the camera and broadcast to the whole world.

At the same time, Zed took out the space-time driver and the time king dial, suspended in the air, and transformed under the attention of the whole world.The phantom of the silver-white clock strap swept away Magneto's fragments and clothes, wrapping the humanoid red "liquid man" in the center.

"Transformation." Zed moved his body after the transformation, and then said, "Magneto is dead, and it is difficult for the fanatics of the Mutant Brotherhood to become popular. However, Magneto did not die because of some pretentious heroes. , but died at the hands of me, the Demon King."

There was still some distance between Zed and the TV helicopter, but Zed's voice came clearly to the helicopter, the radio microphone to be precise.

"Let me introduce myself again, I'm... no, no, this should be my retainer. Woz, congratulations." Zed paused for a while and then took out the dial of Chonghuang Shiwang.

"It's coming! It's coming! It's finally coming!" Woz is familiar with Zed's plan, and he is even more familiar with the congratulatory speech prepared for this plan.

After the ecstatic Woz handed over the position to Skye, he immediately flew into the air, suspended beside Zed, and celebrated with an extremely fanatical expression:
"Congratulations! The king of time who inherits the power of all knights and knows the past and the future, his name is Kamen Rider Shioh! This is the moment when he transforms into Kamen Rider Chonghuang Shioh, and it is also the moment when he conquers this world." The moment of the blue planet!"


Surrounded by the marks of twenty legendary knights, the King Chonghuang revealed his true body, shining golden light.

"What! Is he mad?"

"Rule the world!"

"What are you doing! Didn't he say he's not interested in ruling the world?"

"Shet! Damn damn damn damn damn!"


The whole world was shocked by Woz's celebration. No one thought that Zed would be so arrogant and unscrupulous, which made them deeply realize that this demon king is more dangerous than Magneto.

Zed raised his left hand, shook it briefly, then shook his index finger and said:

"I am not a superficial person. My rule is somewhat different from the rule you know. This difference comes from the difference in status and vision. I am not the dictator or careerist in the history books.

"In my eyes, this blue planet is a huge laboratory. Every creature living on this planet is an experimental subject in this laboratory. Your birth, your death, your coming and going It has nothing to do with me. Maybe a very small number of people can arouse my interest, but most of them are just passers-by, going through their lives doing nothing.

"Therefore, you don't need to be afraid of my rule, because you are not qualified to be ruled by me.

"Don't be angry or humiliated by this, this is the world, the true face of the universe. Before S.H.I.E.L.D. launched the 'Phase [-]' energy plan, Earth was not even eligible to be invaded by the Chitauri...

"Of course, if someone is dissatisfied with my rule and someone watching your dramatic life from above, just challenge me. I'd be happy to show you how far the human race is from the super races in the stars."

After the words fell, Zed waved his right hand, and the entire sky darkened.Countless stars suddenly lit up, and the sky turned into a curtain, showing the growth history of other alien races.A vast amount of knowledge has been unreservedly displayed before the eyes of all mankind, and it has inspired the hopes of a large number of new generations.

Zed's words were less a declaration of domination than a bitter sarcasm to rub salt in a wound.To sum it up, there are three points: Zed will become a transcendent demon king; the earth is just a tiny speck of dust in the universe; human beings are not the primates of all things, but just a drop in the ocean.

Some praisers of human beings feel that they have been greatly insulted. The object they have been praising - human beings, has been smashed to pieces by Zed.These people were crying and cursing, unable to accept that they had become as small as insects.

"Heretic! Heretic! Kill him! Where's the Avenger? Where's the government?"

"Damn bastard! Demon! He's a demon!"


Some people are crazy because they cannot accept the facts, while others are excited because they can see the way ahead, and they are so excited that they can't control themselves. Most of these people are scientists who pursue the truth.The cosmic picture that Zed unfolded for them is like an apocalypse, guiding them to move forward.

Many old scientists who studied astronomy all their lives but failed suddenly burst into tears, but they dared not lower their heads to wipe, for fear of missing a little bit and regretting for life.But it is impossible for Zed to move all the alien civilizations here. After all, human beings have to go their own way.Three to five minutes later, the carnival of knowledge came to an end.

Zed withdrew his mana and said to himself:
"It's up to me to shatter human arrogance, but it's really exciting to see if you can take this opportunity to rebuild your self-confidence."

"Your Majesty the Demon King, you are really far-sighted." Woz hadn't recovered from the congratulations just now, and said excitedly, "Instead of protecting the subjects, let them protect themselves."

Zed smiled and shook his head and fell back to the ground:
"Stop bragging, we still have work to do."

(End of this chapter)

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