Chapter 439 Utopia

Magneto, who devoted his life to creating a utopia of mutants, finally knelt down at this moment. He did not knelt down to Zed, nor did he kneel down to reality, but knelt down to those compatriots he had failed.

Magneto does have the ambition and desire to control that rulers have, but his love for his race is not hypocritical.For the sake of fellow mutants and the future of many mutants, Magneto can be ruthless in sacrificing Little Rascal, as well as his own life and dignity.

"I know you are collecting dials. You have done so much just to get my dials, right? Agree to my terms and I will give you dials." Magneto knelt in the crystal cage and compromised with Zed, but he His attitude was extremely tough, and he insisted on this request, never giving in.

Zed squinted his eyes at Magneto and asked:
"Those mutants will have a hard time if they fall into the hands of the X-Men. The 'righteous' mutants don't take kindly to your brotherhood of mutants who broke the peace and dragged them down.

"Some of the guys who killed more people will definitely be handed over to the court for trial, and the rest of the guys with lesser crimes, tsk, it's hard to say what will happen to them. Are you sure you want to do this?

"Besides, you are not among these people."

Magneto snorted coldly, then lowered his head and laughed at himself:

"Hmph~, you can't let me go. As for the others, I believe that Charles' students will make the right choice."

Zed crossed Erlang's legs and touched his chin, and said to himself:
"Then, the fate of these people will be dealt with by the X-Men and the United Nations. Of course, I am more optimistic about the United Nations. Most of these mutants will spend their lives in special prisons, and very few valuable ones may was sent to the laboratory.

"But it's none of my business, and you can't control it. Um~, yes. I will let go of the authority of one finger. But if you die, don't blame me."

Zed's warning was casual, but Magneto knew that Zed would really order the slaughter without hesitation, the same as when he himself was determined to wipe out all of humanity.No, Zed is more ruthless than Magneto, because Magneto needs to make up his mind, and Zed doesn't.

Magneto slackened his original posture of kneeling upright, like a deflated balloon, kneeling weakly on the ground, and at the same time said in a low voice:

"Okay, that's it.

"The outcome between me and Charles was not decided until the end, and it still depends on these young people."

Magneto whispered divergently, gradually felt the existence of the index finger of his left hand, and moved around tentatively.

Zed analyzed a small part of his body out of Magneto's body and attached it to Magneto's right hand.A blank dial emerged from the dark red fluid, and Zed controlled Magneto's right hand close to Magneto's left index finger.

"Then, come on. Let me see if you will die? It's really exciting!" Zed was on guard, but not only was he not afraid of Magneto, but he even had some anticipation in his heart.

Zed's sinister and wicked smile flashed away, and then he began to urge Magneto to activate the dial quickly, and Zed was also ready to kill logically.

"What a bad character." Magneto glanced at Zed, and then manipulated his left index finger to press the button on the top of the blank dial.

Red and yellow lights lit up from the center of the dial, and a large banana fell from the zipper-shaped space door, which happened to land on the center of the dial, and then sank into it as a phantom.The dial of Kamen Rider Baron is also completely completed, lying quietly in the left hand of Magneto.

Zed complained half-excitedly and half-disappointedly:

"Old Wan, what's wrong with you? I thought you were a person who would never give up as long as there was a glimmer of hope. Even if you have already knelt down, as long as I show a little flaw, you will hold on to it tightly.

"But why are you so quiet? Do you think you can't break through the crystal cage transformed by my spiritual magic? Ah~, I'm really disappointed."

Magneto sneered through the crystal:
"Hey~, I think people are very accurate. Although you are still trustworthy, your killing intent towards them has not diminished at all. You and your subordinates are waiting for me to resist, waiting for me to break the contract, so that you can Kill them all without a sliver of burden, right?"

clap ~ clap ~ clap ~
While applauding, Zed looked at the murderous Xin, Wade, Nina, and Betty through Magneto's eyes, and sighed at the same time:

"Ah~ old age is a thief, this is not false at all. I think my killing intent has been hidden well enough, but you still found out. Tsk, there is no way, these guys have saved their lives Woolen cloth.

"Then you will be next."

Zed left the sofa and walked towards Magneto step by step, preparing to completely wipe out Magneto's consciousness and soul, so as to prevent future troubles forever.Magneto relaxed completely, leaning his back against the crystal cage, and said casually:

"Wanda and Pietro, how are they doing now?"

"Without you as their biological father, they would have lived a pretty good life." Zed raised his right hand that was burning with magic flames, and added, "Anything for them?"

Magneto opened his mouth several times to say sorry, but he couldn't say it, and finally he only sighed:

"Hey~ Tell them, their parents are the couple who raised them, just forget about me."

Magneto raised his head and stared at the colorful phosphorescence shining through the crystal, and couldn't help but think of his wife and daughter. A smile gradually appeared on his face, and he asked at the same time:
"I'm off to meet my family and my old friends, but before I go I have a question.

"Although your methods are very insidious, if you win or lose, you lose. I have nothing to complain about. What I want to know is, if you were me, what would you do?
"Leave your superior position, stand in my position, put yourself in the shoes, tell me, let me see what the devil will do."

Zed lowered his head and looked at Magneto, who seemed to have aged more than 20 years old and turned into a kind dying old man. He was silent for a while and said:

"If I were you, I'd kill Professor Charles and the X-Men the moment I came to the conclusion that mutants must wipe out humans to survive.

"Because, they are in my way and must be cleared."

Magneto murmured silently:

"I see, I'm still not cruel enough."

Call ~
The flame, the flame of colored magic, ignited and ignited the crystal cage.

(End of this chapter)

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