The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 417 Printing Cards On Site

Chapter 417 Printing Cards On Site
When Zed rushed to Yondu's spaceship, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy had become Haidong's licking dogs, captives of delicious food, sitting around a small table waiting to be fed.

Groot stretched out the branch and grabbed the spoon and beat it. No matter how Rocket Raccoon educated him, it was useless; Yondu, who was saved by Haidong's shot, was gulping down alcohol, and the rest of his life would always need alcohol to appease him. ;The relationship between Xingjue and Gamora is heating up sharply, and they are slowly getting closer...

After Zed walked out of the gate of time and space, he looked at Star-Lord and Gamora who instinctively separated, and said jokingly:
"You keep going, you keep going. It would be better if you can return the dial to me before continuing, hehehe."

After Zed finished speaking, he stood where he was, not going anywhere, as if following Star-Lord and Gamora.Star-Lord takes one step back, Zed takes one step forward; Gamora takes two steps to the right, Zed moves two steps...

"Okay, okay, I'm so bored. Here you are!" Xingjue, who loves beauties but doesn't love country, took out two dials and handed them to Zed, and then dragged Gamora away, not wanting to see Zed again. De this ugly face.

Zed held the Mach dial and the hunting dial with a very satisfied expression.With these two high-quality dials, your basic data can also be raised by another liter.With Zed's current strength, most of the dials will disappear after their return, and it is difficult to make waves.It is already very good that Mach and Hunting can achieve such results.

Nebula walked to Zed and stared at the two dials, then said:

"I've proven myself. You promised me you'd kill Thanos and I'd be a part of it."

"Well~, that's right. By the way, I can give you two choices." Zed turned his head to look at Nebula on a whim, and said, "Which one do you choose, the dial that can transform or the operation that restores the human form?" ?”

Nebula was stunned, she didn't understand what Zed was talking about, and then retorted:
"Return to human form? Are you kidding me? I have been completely transformed into a mechanical life form, with no flesh and blood left!"

Nebula said that she was almost roaring at the end, which shows how much psychological shadow Thanos' cruel transformation of her left on her.Xingyun covered his left eye with one hand and supported the cabin wall with the other, trembling a little.

Zed put away the Mach dial and the hunting dial, took out an empty dial, and said slowly:
"My statement may not be very accurate. It is not to restore the human form, but to use more advanced transformation technology to simulate your appearance into whatever you want. You can change back to your appearance before you were transformed in this way.

"Activate this dial if you want, and then return it to me, otherwise, this dial is your new weapon. How?"

Nebula looked directly into Zed's eyes, wanting to make sure that Zed had lied to him, and after a long time he said:

"I want the dial first, and I will make a decision after confirming that this technology is really useful."

"Yes." Zed nodded, and then handed the blank dial to Nebula.

After taking over the blank dial, Nebula pressed the button on the top of the dial without any hesitation, but this time the activation of the dial was completely different from usual.This blank dial did not become the dial of a certain knight, but directly became the new red, white and black Amazon recorder armband.

"Ah? What's going on here? Is it half a knight? It's a big headache." Zed doesn't know how to deal with this armband now, because Zed has never seen such a scene.

After thinking for a while, Zed said:

"Leave this thing with you first, and wait for you to make a decision."

In the dining room, Haidong finished the sumptuous meal by himself. After untiing his apron with great satisfaction, Haidong said:

"The food is ready and everyone can serve."

Baby Groot and Rocket Raccoon were the fastest, followed by Drax, and Yondu, Star-Lord and others also took their seats one after another.Zed picked a comfortable position and asked directly without moving his chopsticks:

"Mr. Haidong, what can you do for me?"

Haidong sat opposite Zed and picked up a piece of sea cucumber, and said indifferently:

"Don't worry, I won't poison the food. As for the purpose, I'm curious where your time king power comes from."

Zed looked around and glanced at everyone, picked up the chopsticks, and said:

"I got the power seed that was split by the king of the devil. The rest is personal privacy, no comment. Hmm~, this sukiyaki with truffle is really delicious. It's a pity that you don't want to be a professional chef."

"Hehe, cooking is just a hobby, and precious treasures are my favorite. For example, the seeds of power you got... just kidding, just kidding." Haidong deliberately flirted, and then said, "This seed has been absorbed by you, That's worthless. It's not worth my shot, and I got a good treasure."

Haidong took out the piece of Egg's brain that he had taken while saying this, and appraised this piece of brain tissue with admiring eyes.

Zed frowned and said:

"If you don't wipe him out completely, he might be resurrected."

Xingjue, Yongdu and the others stopped gobbling when they heard this, put down the tableware in their hands and looked at Haidong in surprise.

Facing everyone's eyes, Haidong smiled casually:

"Hehe, don't be so nervous. It's not so easy for him to be resurrected, not to mention that I'm just dealing with him now."

Haidong took out a blank card and handed it to Xingjue, and said:

"Take this card and paste it here, and he can be completely eliminated."

"Why me?" Xingjue looked at Haidong suspiciously, but before Haidong could answer, Xingjue realized, "Yes, I should do it."

Xingjue took the blank card in Haidong's hand, and slowly approached Yi Ge's brain tissue.As the card approached, Egg's brain tissue began to glow and shake. He was struggling instinctively, like a severed snake's head, but still maintained a certain vitality.

"Don't be afraid, he can't eat you. He's just a fish on a sticky board..." Haidong guided Xingjue persuasively.

Zed always felt a little familiar when he listened to it, and it took a while to realize that this is not his usual routine?How did he steal his part?

But Zed didn't spoil Haidong's good deeds, and watched Xingjue send Yi Ge the last time silently like everyone else.

Xingjue stopped at the last moment, took a deep breath and said:
"Gamora, Rocket, everyone, come together."

Everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy smiled at each other, and then extended a helping hand.The blank card was successfully printed on Egg's brain tissue.

(End of this chapter)

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