The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 416 Devouring Gods

Chapter 416 Devouring Gods
A variety of different sources of power in Zed's body have long been fused into one under the baptism of Yajituo's divine power, but this does not mean that Zed has reached his limit.

On the contrary, Zed has just stepped into the starting point of infinite evolution, and Evolto is the predecessor on this road.

Senior Evolto desperately devoured Ego's brain in order to compete for food with Junior Zed.Because this is the most essential part of Egg's body, and it is also the part that cannot be shared with others.

Although Zed does not have enough scientific knowledge to prove that his conjecture is correct, Zed's intuition tells himself that Evolto's living universe evolution method, supreme intelligence's material boundary breakthrough method, and Dormammu's dark dimension assimilation method are combined. It will definitely be very powerful after one.Of course, the dangers that go with it are just as great.

While Zed was weighing the benefits and risks, Evolto sneered while devouring Ego's brain:

"Boy, I haven't seen you for a while, and I've grown a lot. You don't need to merge with that narcissist to compete with me, but it's not enough!

"After I absorb this guy's essence, I'll be able to recover immediately and even become stronger. Then I will completely defeat you and devour the entire universe. Fu! Hahahahahaha~!"

Evolto's wish is almost exactly the same as Ego's. They both devour the existing world in order to create their own world, eager to become the creator of the new world, the creator god of the new world.

What Zed wants is much more vulgar, immortality, immortality, invincible power, absolute freedom...

"Hehehe, I want it all!" Zed didn't respond to Evolto's ridicule, and murmured to himself, and bit off a part of Igo's brain, then turned around and rushed to the end of the mine vein on the planet Igo. A rich location.

Haidong, who was dragging Yondu away from Ego, looked at the ground in surprise, and was very puzzled by Zed's behavior. Why would someone give up the most essential treasures halfway, and instead pounce on those inferior things?

Haidong couldn't figure it out, but Evolto figured it out, because that's how he came here.

"Huh~, you have a good idea!" Evolto immediately swallowed the rest of Igo's brain, and tried his best to call out a super black hole to swallow the entire Igo star.

Zed didn't give up too much, he stretched out from the depths of the mine vein, as if he wanted to eat the entire Yi Ge star into the sky.Swallowing a large amount of basic material from the inside can not only achieve the effect of consolidating the foundation, but also avoid the erosion on the surface of the planet-killing two birds with one stone.

A large amount of metal minerals and organic matter were swallowed into Zed's body. There were far more than five kinds of super metals alone, and there were countless common metals. real body.

The boundaries between different substances are slowly broken, aggregated, and reborn... Zed's entire body is moving closer to the black matter in the dark dimension, gradually turning into dark red source quality.

——It is different from organic substances, and also different from metals. It is more like a brand new substance, but it can be transformed into any kind of substance.

"Hehehe~hahahaha~! Is this the infinite evolution that makes you obsessed? It's really a good feeling." Zed smiled frantically in his own black hole.

Evolto in another black hole sensed Zed's state, and looked a little embarrassed.Anyone who has worked hard for tens of thousands of years to achieve the results, but it takes a few years for the younger generations to equalize, no one will be happy.

Evolto sighed, tilted his head and said with emotion:

"What a natural born blood! It's a shame that you weren't born in my hometown. Maybe you can compete with my old brother. But times have changed!"

The current Zed reminds Evolto of his elder brother Killbus. He used to easily surpass others in a short time in the same way, and he has the talent to surpass everyone in the two things of devouring and destroying.But Zed's talent range is limited to the ability of blood dive itself, and the threat is not as wide as that of Killbus. More importantly, Evolto is confident that he is not inferior to Killbus.

"Times have changed? Well, that's right. Times have changed. It's not your time anymore, Evolto." The black hole Zed transformed into was getting bigger and bigger, and soon it was the same size as Evolto's black hole.

Two ever-expanding black holes erupted from the interior of the planet Yigo, like squeezed pimples, which was refreshing.And Yi Ge star was annihilated, and even the dust was swallowed up by Evolto.

Zed didn't intend to devour the surface matter of Igor, the humanoid clone of Igor who defecated everywhere; the domestic garbage of Mandis, the mantis woman; the corpses and excrement of the tragic death of Igor's son...

Let these things be left to Evolto alone.Although Zed knows that this is just self-comfort, it is better to have comfort than nothing.

The two black holes floated in the void of the universe, tentatively fought each other, and then each chose a direction to disperse.No matter how weak Egg is, he is still a real god. It is not easy to completely digest Egg's power.

"Ciao~" Evolto didn't forget to flirt before leaving.

Both Evolto and Zed are now on the verge of stomach bloating, and once they exercise vigorously, they are likely to spit out everything they eat.Zed didn't know if Evolto would eat his vomit, but Zed couldn't do it himself.

This battle, if you can't fight it, don't fight it.

Zed's black hole gradually disappeared, revealing the dark red fluid source matter avatar, and then staggered towards the invisible Stardust Cross.After returning to the Stardust Cross, Zed slumped on the sofa, unable to even change back into his human form.The dark red fluid kept bubbling, as if hiccupping...

After a while, Zed asked Woz to contact Star-Lord and the others.Yi Ge has been divided, and it is time for Mach and the hunting dial to be recycled, and the problem of the pirate Haidong cannot be delayed.

Zed slowly changed back to human form, leaned on the sofa and pretended to be a loose boss, then connected to the signal with the Yondu spacecraft, and said:

"It seems that you are all fine, so let's talk about business. I will take back the two dials I lent you at the beginning."

Zed saw the strange expression of Xingjue on the other side of the screen, and immediately added:

"Don't try to renege, and don't try to run away, or I'll put Groot in your ass. Understand?"

Xingjue shuddered suddenly, his whole body trembled, and finally Gamora pushed Xingjue away and agreed:

"Okay, we'll return the dial to you. Also, that Kamen Rider named Kaito is waiting for you."

Haidong, who has won part of Yigo's brain, already has a plan to deal with it, but he still has some doubts that need to be answered by Zed, so he is not in a hurry, and even has free time to tinker in the spacecraft kitchen.

The Guardians of the Galaxy, who have been eating sealed bags and canned food, were immediately hooked by Haidong and reduced to licking dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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