Chapter 413 Foodie

When Zed eats, he chooses first-class ingredients and seasonings. Although the cooking methods are not complicated, such as grilling, pan-frying, salt-baking, etc., they are definitely simple and elegant.

After becoming a Blood Diver, Zed will generally only devour some extremely pure energy or magical substances with specific attributes, such as Dormammu's Dark Origin or Vibranium, and will never directly devour a planet like Evolto.

Just thinking about those withdrawals will make Zed shudder, fearing that only a real warrior can do it.And Evolto is such a warrior. Evolto, who has devoured many planets, now has his mind on Ego.

This is also the first time that Zed has time to carefully observe Evolto's battle, and Zed is usually the one who fights.

Evolto summoned two black holes with both hands, and threw them at Haidong and Yigo, one left and one right, and laughed wildly:

"Fu! Haha~hahaha~! Fight to your heart's content! Only the final victor can get what he wants."

Egg's milky white tentacles were radiant and generous, rushing towards the black hole with surging divine power, trying to knock it back.And Haidong was so helpless, he directly summoned the Dimensional Wall to transfer the black hole to the top of Yi Ge's head, and fired several shots at Yi Ge.Several summoning knights beside Haidong also attacked Yi Ge.

G4 picked up his god-killing bazooka and faced Igo's big face with a wave of missiles to wash the ground; the 40-meter original force light saber of the emperor slashed at Igo's tentacles; the huge Kamen Rider who is the king of the Demon Realm The evil even went straight to the big octopus transformed by Yi Ge...

Jin Dou, who was holding a blue rose, accelerated his attack towards Evolto. He shuttled among the countless gravels, leaving pieces of blue rose petals behind him, and each blow could cause certain damage to Evolto.

Although Evolto is already in infinite form and his own speed is extremely fast, he is not a pure speed and time knight after all, and he cannot compete with Jin Dou in the speed field.

"Acceleration? It's really troublesome." Evolto's keen senses can capture the afterimage of Jin Dou, but every counterattack will miss, which makes Evolto inevitably a little irritable.

But this does not mean that Evolto really has nothing to do with Jindou.Numerous practices have proved that AOE has a miraculous effect on acceleration. If it doesn't work, it means that the AOE is not big enough, dense enough, or powerful enough.Coincidentally, Evolto, who has mastered the black hole, has the most perfect AOE skills.

"Swallow it! Black hole!" Evolto directly turned into a black hole and wrapped himself in it, using the terrifying gravity of the black hole to deal with the scurrying Jindou.

Jin Dou immediately braked and drifted, trying to escape the suction of the black hole.But he was too close to the black hole, lost the best time to escape, was torn into pieces alive, and sank into the black hole.

The broken golden bucket turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared into the black hole, which was not good news for Haidong.Haidong knew that Evolto should be strong, but he didn't expect that he could easily deal with Jin Dou.Wrapping yourself in a black hole is a despicable but effective trick.

"It's really scary!" Haidong shook his head, then continued, "But it's not over yet."

Haidong took out several knight cards one after another, fully embodying the summoner's fighting style.Of course, this is also a huge burden for Haidong himself, so many summoned knights are powered by him alone, if he can't support it first, it will be over.

This fighting style is really the coexistence of opportunity and crisis. The luckiest thing for Zed is that he played the summoner Chonghuang Shiwang in advance, so that he has the strength and background close to Dacheng when he just transformed into Chonghuang Shiwang.

However, Zed himself, who was hiding in the dark, didn't have so many thoughts. Zed had used this trick when dealing with Dormammu before, not to mention that the King of Time himself was a knight on the time side and was not afraid of Jin Dou at all.What surprised Zed was the process of Evolto devouring Jindou's energy, which was slightly different from Zed's devouring.

The curious Zed hid himself deeper, watching Evolto's battle intently, observing how he devoured, digested, and absorbed...

With the escalation of the battle, a large amount of mixed substances and redundant energies flooded the entire underground space, but Evolto absorbed them happily, and did not regard these things as "impurities" that must be eliminated at all.

"Why? Why didn't his body appear 'turbid'? It shouldn't be?" Zed became more and more puzzled, because pure unity represents great power and great potential, and this concept has become a solidified common sense.

But this common sense is being broken by Evolto a little bit.

Zed's expression became more and more dignified. He had a certain guess, but he was not sure yet.Maybe those "impurities" are not impurities, but the real building blocks.

——The universe is never pure and unified, but a complex and chaotic collection. Evolto has always wanted to create his own world, and his evolutionary direction is also moving closer to the living universe.

Then the answer is obvious, Zed can't completely digest Zhenjin, and the "turbidity" reaction in his body is because he pursues purity and unity too much, and ignores the accumulation of basic substances.

The more he thought about it, the more Zed felt that the correct rate of this conjecture was very high, so now he had to go and verify it himself.Zed took out the space-time drive and two dials, but he was not in a hurry to enter the arena. He wanted to pick a good time to catch them by surprise.

In a situation where the three bosses are fighting each other and a dog is secretly observing, the situation of Star-Lord and Gamora is particularly difficult, and Ego's humanoid clone has not relaxed its attack on them.Yi Ge needs the divine power in Xingjue to fight against Haidong and Evolto.Every extra power means more chances of winning, not to mention that Yi Ge had already planned to eat Star-Lord.

"Peter! Don't try to run!" Egg's humanoid clone quickly rushed towards Star-Lord and Gamora, and at the same time issued a powerful energy impact with both hands.

Gamora slammed the signal ax on the ground, blocking the energy impact with the ax face; Star-Lord rolled in embarrassment to avoid the blow, but the distance between them and Ego was not good.

Ego punched Gamora in the waist and abdomen, and Gamora, who had time to fight back in the future, flew upside down on the spot and rolled several times on the ground.Xingjue bared his teeth and roared:


boom! boom! boom!
Knowing that there was no hope of escape, Xingjue was furious and took the initiative to meet Yi Ge with the front wheel shooter in his heart.However, even as a clone, Ego can still control the matter in this space, and a large amount of gravel and metal turned into torrents and tsunamis rushed towards Xingjue.

Gamora staggered to his feet, but he couldn't rescue Star-Lord; Haidong was busy fighting and had no time to be distracted; Zed knew that there was a more suitable candidate than himself, so he didn't appear in advance.

Yondu flew towards Xingjue, pushed him out, and was buried by earth and rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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