Chapter 412
Scarlet, fluid, free movement in space... Zed guessed who it was at the first time, then restrained his breath, and completely integrated into the underground environment.

Like a patient king cobra, Zed hid in the depths of a dark cave, waiting for another king cobra to step into his attack range.

Evolto has been wandering in the universe, searching for one planet after another that is not too high in life level and not too strong in resistance, and devours them one by one.During this period, Evolto, who has fallen into Pingyang, also encountered several dangers, was hunted down, and was hunted down, but Evolto escaped successfully every time, and even reversed the killing many times, reversing the positions of the hunter and the prey.

Now, Evolto's injuries have basically recovered, and it's almost enough to swallow a few more small planets.But this time, the Sovereigns made too much noise, which caught Evolto's attention.

After following the Sovereign UAV troop to reach the outskirts of Ego, Evolto was stunned. The planet in front of him was like an independent living body, huge in size, full of energy, delicious and juicy...

"Fu! Haha~hahaha~! Today's luck is really good. After swallowing this guy, I can not only recover completely, but even go to the next level!" Evolto excitedly howled twice, and then turned into scarlet The meteor flew to the ground.

It was at this time that the invisible Stardust Cross detected Evolto's presence and passed the news directly to Zed.Zed didn't have to wait long before Evolto broke through the underground tunnel and successfully entered the underground battlefield.

Evolto floated in the air and looked around. The Sovereign drones were out of ten. Haidong and the Guardians of the Galaxy were in a bitter fight against Ego...

"Falke! It's that guy!" Star-Lord found Evolto floating in the sky for the first time, and screamed instinctively.

"Yo~ How are you guys?" Evolto greeted politely and then looked at Egg's clone and main body, "Wow! This is the best food I've encountered in a while!"

Evolto's undisguised greed and hunger completely angered Yi Ge. Yi Ge has always been the only one who devours others, so there is no reason for him to be someone else's food!

Ego's body immediately launched an attack on Evolto, and sarcastically said:
"Ants! It's up to you to think..."

Before Egg finished speaking, he was forced back by a scarlet hot current. Evolto gently brushed the horn of the infinite form with one hand, and said softly:

"You said, who is the ant?"

The terrifying energy storm spread out from Evolto's body, terrifying everyone present. Ego also realized that this enemy was different from Xingjue and others, and he was not an easy character to deal with.

Without waiting for Igo to react, Evolto directly raised his hand to call out the black hole, and smashed into the wall outside Igo's body.Xingjue's pupils constricted, and then roared in the communication channel:
"Rocket! Take Groot and run! Forget the bomb! Run!"

Rocket Raccoon who was still inside the barrier didn't know what happened outside, but he knew how nervous and urgent Star-Lord's tone was. It grabbed Baby Groot, ignored the time bomb, and let go Run wildly outside.

"Oh! Shet!" Rocket Raccoon felt a loud rumbling sound from the wall beside him when he was halfway running, and a large amount of rubble also collapsed like a landslide. "Help!"

Rocket raccoon grabs baby Groot and races against the god of death beside him, and has to overcome many obstacles in the tunnel, and is almost buried in Ego's barrier.Fortunately, Haidong summoned the Kamen Rider Beast in the form of a chameleon, and the beast master used the chameleon's tongue to pull Rocket Raccoon out of the tunnel.

Rocket Raccoon, who fell heavily on the ground, didn't complain, nor did he dislike the chameleon's tongue, he let out a sigh of relief and said:
"Oh, I bought it! I almost quit cooking completely."

Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot escaped from the barrier without any risk, but the time bomb was not so lucky. It was swallowed up by the black hole before it could explode.Egg's sphere barrier was not damaged too much. Even if Egg counteracted the black hole with his divine power, he was still wiped out by the black hole.

"You bastard! I want you to die!" The enraged Ego immediately released all his strength, and a huge monster composed of countless tentacles swallowed the barrier in one gulp.

There was a sound of thump, thud, and the huge monster turned into an extra-large cosmic octopus with Egg's face on it.His entire body is made up of milky white divine power, with a lot of earth, stone and metal attached to it, and Yigo's brain is hidden in it, which can be described as a combination of offense and defense.

Xingjue and Gamora supported each other, and it was very difficult to even stand still under the violent shaking.Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot have no direct combat effectiveness, so they took this opportunity to fly towards the ground.

Star-Lord shouted:

"Rocket, Yondu! We need backup!"

"No problem!" Yondu dodged while connecting to the communication with Kraglin, "We need to respond!"

After receiving the order, Kraglin flew the main spacecraft towards the ground. At the same time, Haidong also gave up his plan to hide his strength and took out the K touch screen from behind.

"I can't help it. My treasure cannot be taken away by others." It is absolutely impossible for Haidong to admit that he acted to save someone. After all, he still has to protect the dignity of the thief, "Transform."

G4, Longya, Didi, Longblade, Song and Dance Ghost, Jindou, Evil, Skull!Finally - Kamen Rider!Final ride!
The eight summoning knights stand beside Haidong, and Haidong himself has transformed into the full form of the God Lord.This surging power and this maverick shape made everyone present couldn't help but take a few more glances, and Evolto and Yi Ge couldn't ignore this new opponent.

Evolto looked at Yi Ge and Haidong, then jokingly said:

"Oh, you are really a sweet potato! Everyone wants to bite you. But, you are destined to be swallowed by me and become a part of me!"

"Hmph~ It's not certain who devours who!" Yi Ge snorted coldly and launched an attack on Evolto and Haidong at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!
Haidong, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, pulled the trigger unhurriedly, and at the same time taunted with a vicious tongue:
"Swallowing? You are so disgusting. You can eat this kind of disgusting thing. Do you understand the true meaning of cooking? You bastards."

When Haidong said disgusting, he was not simply mocking him, he really felt disgusted.After all, Haidong is a gourmet, and Zed, who is hiding in the dark, is not a gourmet, but he is definitely an expert in eating food. Zed also feels a little disgusted.

Zed's evolution from Amazon to Blood Diver is inseparable from eating a lot, but Zed is taking a high-quality route and will not eat the entire planet like Evolto.

——After all, there are many shishuo on every planet.

 I was busy a year ago, and there is only one chapter tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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