Chapter 300 Omnic Crisis
After Ultron left the tattered steel drone, he transferred himself to Sokovia, and used the equipment left by Baron Sterak that SHIELD hadn't cleaned up in the future to create a new body "men" for himself.

"Peace, what a beautiful word, but human beings don't deserve it." Ultron, who was swimming in Baron Sterak's computer, became interested in the mutant brothers and sisters, "Hmm ~ interesting."

It is difficult for S.H.I.E.L.D. to find the contact information of Wanda and Pietro, but it is easy for Ultron, much easier than eating and drinking.

After sending the location of the church to Wanda and Pietro, Ultron wore a black robe and sneaked into the church in the center of the town at night.It didn't take long for Wanda and Pietro to arrive at the meeting place.

"Do you know? This church is located in the very center of the city because the bishop at that time believed that everyone should be able to enjoy the grace of the gods. Well, everyone is equal before faith." Ultron was no longer satisfied with Data knowledge, began to dabble in philosophy.

Wanda ignored Ultron's magic wand and put his left hand into his pocket to caress the dial of Zhu Gui, and cast chaos magic with his right hand, asking:
"Who are you? Why can't I sense your thoughts?"

"Because I am Ultron." Ultron lifted his black robe to reveal his real body, turned to face Wanda and Pietro and said, "Don't be surprised, this is just another form of life."

"What is your purpose?" Pietro was very distrustful of this big robot with scarlet eyes.

Ao Chuang hummed "wronged", and then said:
"Help each other, because our purpose is the same - to destroy the Avengers! I need your superpowers for this, deal?"

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other and agreed to Ultron's request for cooperation. With the weapons provided by Zed and the help of Ultron, destroying the Avengers does not seem to be an impossible task.

After confirming the cooperation with Ultron, Wanda asked:
"What should we do?"

"Ulysses Claw." Ultron looked up into the distance and said the target's name.

In the Stark Tower, Thor, who lost Loki's scepter, grabbed Tony by the throat and lifted him up, cursing angrily:
"It's all because of your ego, Stark! Why?"

"Sol, calm down, put Stark down. We can't fight among ourselves now." Steve stopped Sol in time and asked, "Stark, you need to give us an explanation."

"Haha~hahaha~!" Tony, who was under too much mental pressure, couldn't help laughing out loud, "Yes! Yes, I created Ultron. But this is a small mistake, I will solve it, myself!"

"Stark, calm down too."

"Oh~ calm down? When you are targeted, you will just bow your head and admit your mistakes? Is there no one who wants to solve the problem as quickly as I do?" Tony is unwilling to tell the future he sees, so he can only use an arrogant and domineering attitude Cover up your vulnerability.

While the Avengers were silent, the program of Stark Tower suddenly started to operate on its own.

"Jarvis? No! Ultron is here?" Dr. Banner could have thought that Ultron had returned, but the voice on the radio was not Ultron or Jarvis.

"Hello, Avengers."


"Yes, Mr. Zeid asked me to bring you two pieces of news. One, Ultron's target is Ulysses Crow. Two, Jarvis is still alive, and it is sleeping in the Nexus network hub in Norway , unable to wake up in a short time."

Although Dr. Banner didn't like Zed, these two news came too timely, and Steve asked:
"What is Zed's purpose in doing this?"

"Obviously, he's planning to take advantage of the fire to collect dials again." Tony mocked instinctively.

Satron generously admitted:
"Correct answer. In addition, Mr. Zed left a sentence, 'I must be the one who can surpass humans and evolve into the ultimate creature, Zed Oleg!'"

Hawkeye folded his hands on his chest and complained:
"He wants us to work for him and get rid of competitors?"

"To be precise, you are responsible for the mistakes you made. You are the source of the omnic crisis caused by Ultron." Saitron continued after explaining, "Mr. Zed said that the rewards for these two messages are all recorded in Mister Stark's account."

"Well, at least we don't need to pay for it." Hawkeye turned around and walked into the weapon preparation room after complaining.

After everyone else left, Setron said to Tony alone:

"'Your armor plan protects humans, but it also kills their possibility. Humans are no longer humans, but just shells.' Goodbye, Mr. Stark."

"Body?" Tony looked at the main computer blankly, and then pulled out the spare artificial intelligence, "Friday, it's time to go to work."

At the same time, Zed, who has become a blood diver, has lurked into Ulysses' ship and possessed a Neko.

"Nigo" Zed was too lazy to help Ulysses, so he found an opportunity to sneak back into the room, waiting for Ultron and the Avengers to arrive.

Having nothing to do, Zed walked into the stinky toilet on a whim, opened his trousers, looked at it, and sighed:
"So that's it, not every Neko's size is one step up to the stomach level. But none of them can compare to mine! I can imitate!
I really don't understand why there are no virgin whores or babes who come to me to throw themselves into my arms and develop a super friendship relationship.Alas~”

"Hey, what are you doing! Do you want to be lazy? Or is it that your ass is itchy and you need me to loosen it for you?" Zhuang Ni, the supervisor, found Zed who was being lazy, and laughed maliciously.

In the eyes of these smugglers who have been drifting at sea for a long time, it is normal to have a base. After all, they can't get to the shore several times a year, and they have nowhere to look for pheasants.

But this annoyed Zed, since Zed has always been the only one riding a foreign horse, there is no reason why he should be ridden by Neko!

"I'll fucking treat you to barbecue right now!" Zed's index finger stretched out the tentacle of the blood dive and pierced Zhuang Nigo's heart, killing him with one blow.

After killing this annoying guy, Zed threw it directly into the toilet cubicle and locked the cubicle door.Zed had just jumped out from the top of the compartment, but suddenly encountered a power outage on the ship and almost fell.

If he fell in such a dirty toilet, Zed would never forgive himself in his life.

Zed, who was scared for a while, cursed and said:
"Pietro, you bastard! Make such a big fight!"

Zed walked out of the toilet while making complaints, and wandered towards the office on the second floor.After all, Zed's prey was in that office.

(End of this chapter)

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