The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 299 Gangdou and Vermilion Ghost

Chapter 299 Gangdou and Vermilion Ghost

"Wow~ This blue dial is so cool!" Quicksilver Pietro couldn't wait to press the button again.

After the blue pointer turned clockwise once, the dial suddenly turned into a blue mechanical stag beetle flying around in the air, and Pietro's waist also turned into a belt.

"Wow~ This little guy flies so fast! I can't even catch up with it!" Kuaiyin appeared and disappeared from time to time, playing a game of cat and mouse with the stag beetle.

Zed was not surprised that Pietro activated the acceleration dial, but it was a pity that the armored dial did not appear, otherwise Zed might really have a fight with the Avengers for this dial.

Zed looked at the flickering Pietro's eyes, and couldn't help but said:

"Summon the stag beetle into your hand and insert it into the belt to transform. The insect instrument is alive. The more you chase it, the more disobedient it will be."

"Uh, so that's it." Pietro then stood still and stretched out his hand and shouted, "Come to me quickly, little bug."


The stag beetle ignored Pietro at all, and instead flew up to Zed's shoulder and bit his pincers.

Zed understood the meaning of the stag beetle by the induction of the dial, and said with a strange expression:

"It said that you are too weak and not hot-blooded enough to be worthy of the title of God of War."

"I, me, this." Pietro's upper and lower teeth were chattering, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

Zed was not in a hurry to reclaim the steel bucket, and planned to set a long line to catch big fish, so he said to the stag beetle:

"Chongchong, just be generous for a while. I guarantee that this guy will release you within three days. I promise!"

Pietro's heart hurts, it hurts, it hurts, and he feels humiliated again.

The stag beetle shook its head helplessly, then flew into Pietro's hands.

"God of War? I want to see how strong you are?" An angry Pietro immediately inserted the stag beetle into his belt, "Transform."

The blue hexagonal matrix spread from the belt to Pietro's whole body, wrapping Pietro in a set of heavy armor with all black bottoms and blue and silver armor.

Pietro looked at the artillery on his shoulders and exclaimed in surprise:

"Whoa! Heavy firepower! Looks good, but speed is what I'm best at."

As soon as the words fell, Pietro ran quickly, turning into a blue glare and galloping back and forth in the abandoned building.This speed is indeed much faster than the mask form used by Gagami, but it is much slower than Pietro's own rapid superpower.

Pietro stopped and bowed his head and said to the stag beetle:

"You are too heavy!"

Zed was afraid that the stag beetle would get angry and quit, and hurriedly said:

"Pull the bug's horns to remove the masked form of the heavy armor, and switch to the accelerated knight form. Pietro, if you stimulate the stag beetle again, I will forcibly take it back."

Knowing the severity, Pietro didn't dare to talk anymore, this is a sharp weapon for fighting the Avengers.Pietro took a deep breath and pulled the stag beetle horns away.

Cast Off! Change Stag Beetle! (Moulting! The stag beetle deforms!)

Crackling golden lightning flashed on the steel bucket in the form of a mask, and the heavy armor components on its chest and arms were unlocked one by one, and finally collapsed together.

As soon as the stag beetle turned its horns, the red goggles also lit up with a ray of light, and the steel bucket switched to the knight form.

After learning how to Clock Up (speed up) from Zed, Pietro ran happily and disappeared in the eyes of Zed and Wanda.

It's not that Pietro didn't want to take this opportunity to take down Zed, but he didn't dare to fall out because of the stag beetle, and Wanda also gave Pietro a hint to stay calm.

Speed, firepower, defense, fighting, none of the four are missing. Wanda watched Pietro's soaring combat power and was full of hope for revenge on Tony.

Wanda looked at the two dials in her hand again. The power brought by the dials filled Wanda with determination, determination for revenge.

Then Wanda pressed another dial on her hand. After the red thunder flashed, the red ghost dial turned into a ghost string sound ingot bracelet, and Wanda put the bracelet on her hand to complete the process. transform.

After the red thunder fire disappears, Zhu Gui's real body is revealed. The trunk and legs are red, the arms are white, and the tube top and short skirt are beige.

The most important ghost mask on the vermilion ghost's mask covers half of the face, which is a manifestation of inner hatred. Although there is still a distance from the real vermilion ghost's big ghost mask, it is not far behind.

"Interesting." Zed couldn't help laughing when he saw this ghost face. I really don't know if Hawkeye can convince this ghost named Hatred.

clap clap~
Zed leaned against the wall and clapped his hands in admiration:
"Very good. Although it is more beneficial for me if you fail in revenge from a business point of view, well, multiple friends and multiple paths, this is what I give you as an extra gift."

After the words fell, Zed flicked the alchemist ring lightly, and two golden magic runes were carved in the air.

Call ~
Zed blew on the palm of his hand and blew the magic rune to Wanda, and said:

"When you use runes, I will rush over to fulfill your modest demands, but you also need to pay."

Pietro stopped and appeared and stood beside Wanda, and the two took Zed's magic rune.Wanda looked at the magic rune, and then asked:
"Understood, but are you so sure you can get the dial back?"

"As I said, I am much better than you in predicting the future. I know very well that your road to revenge will be very bumpy, and you will definitely ask me for help." Zed laughed silently.

Wanda and Pietro's faces were not very good, and what Zed said was not good news.

Without waiting for Wanda and Pietro to reply, Zed opened the door of time and space and said goodbye:

"I'm waiting for you to use the runes, goodbye~"

"Are we going to fail?" Pietro asked with some unease.

Wanda turned to look at Pietro and asked:

"Maybe, but would you give up?"

"of course not!"

"Qualifications? No~ what qualifications do you have? You are all murderers, am I dreaming?" The one-piece steel drone that was hit by a sulfuric acid bottle in Sokovia walked unsteadily in front of everyone.

"Jarvis? Restart." Tony pressed hard on the control terminal, but the drone didn't respond at all.

"Sorry, I had to kill another guy, he was a good guy. Oh yeah, I'm on a mission."

"What mission?"

"To put armor on the world, for our peace."



Ultron controlled the steel drone and launched an attack on everyone, and at the same time uttered its declaration loudly:

"There is only one way to get peace, let you all be wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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