The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 194 Dangerous Dum

Chapter 194 Dangerous Dum
Dum, who was struggling under the siege of four people, laughed wildly:

"Ha~haha~! Is that all you have? To be honest, I am very disappointed. Is my expectation of you too high?"

Dum raised the muzzle of the smoke sword to the letter and pulled the trigger. He forced Woz and Natasha back two more times, and then jumped up and kicked Steve's vibrating gold shield.

After a round of explosion forced the four of them back, Dum raised his finger and clicked three times:

"White, green, blue, these three drivers should have more than that little power.

Is it the problem of you users, or the driver is not debugged well?
However, no matter what the problem, you are no match for the evolutionary drive I made, and even less me. "

The quality of the Kamen Rider Kuangba made by Dum himself has indeed surpassed the other three Kamen Riders present. This is the advantage of being a champion of warriors and scientists.

After Doom learns the mysteries of magic in Tibet in the future, Doom's power will also get an explosive increase.

With the double repair of magic and technology, coupled with the technology of evolutionary drive, Dr. Doom will definitely become a super villain among super villains.

With such a powerful Doom, he will eventually turn against his current master, Evolto.This is Doom's nature, cunning, greedy, but extremely clever.

Both Woz and Shin knew what Zed wanted, and the two had always maintained absolute calm, not emotionally agitated by the loss of the battle and Doom's provocation.

And Steve's emotions are very agitated at this time, not only because of the normal physiological reaction caused by the strenuous exercise of the body, but also because of the hatred for what Doom has done.

But Steve is the upright Captain America after all, he quickly calmed down his turbulent emotions, raised his vibrating shield and stood ready,
"Are you bragging about your own intelligence? By the time we send you to jail, you'll have plenty of time to brag to the wall."

"Dum, I know you can't be caught without a fight, so I won't ask. Go straight!" Natasha launched the first attack.

Dum sneered and rushed forward to meet the attack of the four, not caring whether he would be injured.

"Ha~haha~! Come again! Are you on this level?" Dum smiled crazily, but his eyes were coldly looking at the numbers that appeared on the goggles, "5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4"

Doom held the smoke sword horizontally with both hands to resist Xin and Woz's slash, but was slashed in the back by Natasha's sword, and smashed on the knee by Steve's shield.

Doom, who was kneeling on the ground with a roar, swung away the weapons of Woz and Shin, then rolled sideways in embarrassment to avoid Natasha's shooting.

"5.5!" Dum quickly stood up and glanced at the number, then rushed towards the four of them, "Again!"

Natasha felt something wrong looking at Doom fighting in a panic. Why was Doom so desperate?
If you have to fight because of Evolto's order, why fight in the stupidest way?Dum, who considers himself a scientist, is not in the special case of Banner.

"Captain, Doom has a problem, he was beaten on purpose." Natasha reminded Steve in a low voice.

Call ~
Call ~
Steve took a breath and nodded:
"Well~ Then what can you do? Even if we know that he has a problem, we still have to fight. We can't let him run away."

"Then take him all at once!" Natasha couldn't think of a better way.

Steve slapped the shield and roared and rushed into the battlefield again, followed by Natasha.

Three sharp blades slashed on Kuangba's breastplate one after another, bursting out brilliant sparks one after another.Dum staggered back, bracing his body and refusing to fall down.

"5.6." Doom gritted his teeth and squeezed out all his strength, brandishing the smoke sword and killed again, "5.7."

"5.8." Dum leaned against the broken wall, looked up at the four people who were slowly approaching him and smiled contemptuously, "Not enough! Come again!"

Doom swung his right hand and threw the smoke sword at Woz, and then rushed up with his bare hands.

Natasha's uneasiness grew stronger, and she always felt that something very bad was going to happen.Natasha then shouted:
"Grab him by the limbs and pin him to the ground! Stop fighting him!"

"It's late!" Doom roared to meet Xin's slash, and punched Xin's head, "5.9!"

Shin let go of the Terminator and let it fall to the ground, grabbed Doom's right hand with both hands, and spun his body to lock Doom to the ground.Natasha immediately connected, grabbed Doom's left hand, and used the joint lock technique.

Steve and Woz didn't dare to hesitate, and each grabbed Doom's leg.Dum, whose limbs were chained, lay on the ground like a turtle, unable to show his courage to fear death any more.

"Phew~ I finally got this guy!" Steve shook his head with a sigh of relief, "Dom, you lost."

Doom didn't answer Steve right away, he just laughed darkly, and it got louder and louder.

"Fu~haha~hahaha~! Lose? It's me, Doom, who wins!" As Doom laughed wildly, streaks of scarlet and gray-blue smoke rose from Doom's body.

The four looked at the others in confusion, not knowing what was going on now.Xin was the first to react, picked up the Terminator on the ground with one hand, and stabbed directly at Doom's neck.

Dum roared loudly with red eyes:
"Too late! 6.0!"

The smoke wrapped around Dum's body exploded instantly, sending Xin, Woz, Steve, and Natasha all flying out.

Dum in the center of the smoke slowly got up, and at the same time took out an unpainted silver metal trigger.

Dum's right thumb flicked off the anti-mistouch shield of the button, and pressed the taboo dangerous button without hesitation.

Danger is on! (Hazard On!)
"Even if I risk my life, I want to gain more power!" Dum inserted the trigger on the evolution drive and turned the handle.



Super evolution match!

Are you ready?
"Transform!" Doom's crazy but calm voice came out slowly.

Two black molds wrapped Dum's body one behind the other. After two or three seconds, the molds slowly opened, revealing the Kamen Rider Dangerous Tyrant who was covered in black smoke.

Runaway switch!
Black danger!

Oops! (YABEEI!)
The few remaining lights in the circular basement were flickering, and the sporadic rays of light falling down made the pitch-black Tyrant even more sinister and dark.

"It's troublesome."

Woz took off the mechanical dial and replaced it with a ninja dial, and Xin inserted the jade dial into the space-time drive without saying a word.

A bat-shaped purple light lit up in the black smoke, and then Dum's evil laughter came slowly,


(End of this chapter)

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