Chapter 193

Outside the castle, Zed still maintains an ambiguous posture of pressing Natasha under him, while the ordinary soldiers of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson still wanted to continue Xiaozhi's persuasion to Zed with emotion and reason, but just as Coulson was about to speak, he suddenly found that Zed had lost his mind.

Natasha also noticed Zed's abnormality, and tentatively said:

"What's the matter? Will I be interested in wearing this armor?"

Zed's heart is really surging right now, but it's not because of Natasha under him, but because of the picture from Setron.

The Evolution Drive has landed!

"Hmph~ Someone more attractive than you has appeared. Tell Nick Fury, don't meddle in your own business." Zed slowly removed the Blizzard gloves and let go of Natasha under him.

After getting up, Zed immediately ran towards the position of the alchemist's ring, consciously and quickly followed without Zed's further words.Within a few breaths, the two disappeared into the dark castle.

Natasha looked at Zed's back and said with certainty:

"It was the explosion just now! Something happened in the castle!"

Coulson also received May's communication at this time, relaying:

"Dom showed up! And he's got a drive like the Evolto!"

"What!" Natasha was shocked when she heard the news, "Dom joined Evolto?"

drop drop~
Nick Fury's voice came from the communicator:

"Natasha, can you still fight? The captain needs your help."

"I'm fine!" Natasha was in much better condition than Hawkeye, and she could definitely fight again.

Nick Fury then ordered:
"Help Captain arrest Doom, Driver and Blackstone, you decide on your own, Natasha."

Natasha responded and immediately followed Zed's footsteps into the castle, while Hawkeye was carried into the ambulance by the medical staff.

Zed on the other side drove straight in and rushed into the circular basement at the fastest speed, ignoring Mei and the others on both sides, and killed Dum straightly.
"Dum! I'm so glad to meet you!"

Woz and Steve immediately dodged to the sides, leaving Zed the front.The Blizzard glove slammed straight towards Doom's head, and Doom held the smoke sword instead to block Zed's punch.

"Hmph~ I haven't settled with you for that kick last time! Go to hell!" A lot of scorching steam gushed out from Kuangba's armor, and the bat-shaped goggles also lit up with a purple evil light.

Dum is worthy of being a scientist who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Reed and Tony. Although the evolution drive he made is still a fake, the actual effect is indeed better than the one used by Inland Sea, and its power is also greater.

Doom, whose strength was gradually rising, pushed back Zed's fist little by little, and laughed wildly at the same time:

"See? This is my power! You are all experimental products to test my crystallization of wisdom, you should feel honored! Hahaha!"

"Letter, exchange it with Woz." Zed's eyes sharpened and he immediately confronted Doom head-on, "Woz, recover the black stone."

The black stone without the protection of the protective cover is like a powder keg that ignites at one point, and Zed doesn't want to be sent to an alien planet by it at this critical moment.

With Zed's current attainments in space magic, he still can't teleport that far away, and basically he can't come back after he goes there.

After the letter topped Woz's position, Natasha also chased after her and joined the battle without hesitation.

"Bastard! You all deserve to die!" Doom, who was besieged by four people, could only curse angrily, there was no way to stop Woz from taking Black Stone away.

After Woz used the alchemist ring to teleport the Black Stone away, he immediately returned to the battlefield to take Zed's place.

"Fulfill your mission, Your Majesty the Demon King."

"Well done, Woz." Zed put the alchemist ring back on his left hand after quitting the battle circle, "Take us as a test? Let's see if you have the life to use these data!"

After the alchemist ring returns, God Invincible will be guaranteed, and Zed's confidence will be enough.Zed took out the Kronos dial with one hand and shouted:

"Evolto, your toy is too arrogant, you don't mind if I blow him up?"

A scarlet light flashed across the stage [-] snakeskin leaning against the wall, wandering:

"Don't be like this~ Do you still get off yourself when you watch a boxing match? Let them play by themselves."

"Hmph~ I knew you were watching in secret." Zed put down the Kronos dial and touched Blizzard's gloves, "Let's make gestures."

Both Zed and Evolto have the ability to turn the table, and it is more appropriate to hand over the main battlefield to the people under them.Anyway, it is impossible for Natasha and Steve to favor Dum. How can the four of them lose?
Evolto looked at the Blizzard gloves in Zed's hands and the Gris armor on his body, and sighed:

"Ah~ It's really nostalgic! It's been a long time since I heard that sentence that burns my heart, so I'll play with you for a while."

"Then come out and fight." Zed stepped on the basement wall and jumped out of the hole in the dome.

Evolto then drew out his smoke sword in the air and slashed at Zed on the ground.
"I'm bored during this time, it's rare to meet a fun toy, don't spoil my fun!"

Blizzard's fists and smoke swords ping-pong-pong sounded intertwined, and Zed and Evolto chatted while gesticulating.

Zed waved the blizzard glove exuding freezing cold, and said with a sneer:

"Hey~ I don't believe you can't see what kind of person Doom is. Are you waiting for him to betray you?"

"Ah~ You've seen it all!" Evolto kept holding the smoke sword in his hand, "Don't you think this is very interesting?"

"Hmph~ What a wicked guy! But, I like it. Hehe~" Zed couldn't help laughing.

Evolto also laughed out:
"Oh~ I'm not mistaken, you are indeed a bastard."

"Both each other, but don't underestimate Doom. However, it seems good to see you roll over." Zed threw a punch and knocked Evolto back a few steps.

"It's too much!" Evolto raised the smoke sword and shot at Zed, "Rolling over? There's no way, I can't get rid of the problem of being a wave, just like you can't get rid of the problem of greed."

Sword and fist pressed together, and Zed and Evolto looked at each other face to face.The battle is not fierce, but the confrontation of wisdom is already a shadow of swords and swords.

"Greedy? Planet hunters have the nerve to say that others are greedy? Is the blood on my hands worth your fraction?" Zed pushed Blizzard gloves forward with both hands.

"Hehe~hahaha~!" Evolto didn't reply but just laughed.

The two people on the ground were "comparing" anxiously, but the five people below the ground were fighting in full swing.

Woz, Xin, Steve, and Natasha all had more combat experience than Doom, but Doom relied on stronger armor to forcibly resist the siege of the four.

Although embarrassed, but not down.

(End of this chapter)

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