Chapter 185 Returning to the Tower
The repair cabin of the World Tree Tower is stored in two places, one is the commodity warehouse, and the other is Professor Ling Ma's laboratory.

After Zed walked through the space door and entered Professor Ling Ma's laboratory, he did not expect that Tan Lidou was also here.Moreover, Tan Lidou was already trembling, and his eyes were staring at Icaris lying on the ground.

"No! Shrimp dumplings!" Zed immediately stopped Tan Lidou's bold idea.

"But I refuse!"

Tan Lidou raised his head and showed a healthy smile, then immediately grabbed the scalpel on the experimental table and stabbed towards Icaris' heart, planning to cut first and then play.

Fortunately, Tan Lidou did not transform, and Zed was still wearing Cronus armor.

Zed stopped Tan Lidou with his speed advantage and successfully stopped his bold idea.Only then did the scene that Hina saw just now.

"Don't worry about this mad scientist, I've subdued him. It's my duty to protect the safety of the product!" Zed locked Dan Lidou while looking at Xina who was standing aside.

Hina suddenly felt that it was a wise move for her to follow. If Ikaris was really to be left here alone, he would be dead, and he would still be sliced.

Professor Ling Ma took the initiative to walk towards Hina and asked:
"Is he your companion?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Hina didn't feel very good looking at this scientist in a white coat and a mechanical mask on his mouth.After all, from the perspective of visual senses, Professor Ling Ma is more like a mad scientist than Tan Lidou.

Professor Ling Ma pointed at Tan Lidou, who was struggling to move, and said:
"You saw it too, if we don't find something for this guy to do, he will keep pestering us.

How about I scan the body of the wounded with an instrument, and then take a little blood and tissue samples from the wound and clothes? "

"Yes, that's right! We will give you the data as soon as possible, shrimp dumpling!" Zed changed direction and continued to shout into Tan Lidou's ear.

"My. God. Zhi." Tan Lidou blushed, and said every word, and kept swinging his hands in the direction of the repair cabin.

"I have no choice but to use the last trick!" Zed immediately jumped off Tan Lidou's back, took off the space-time driver and pressed it directly on Tan Lidou's back, "Pokeball! Subdue!"

"No!" Tan Lidou shouted in despair, but was still forcibly absorbed by the space-time driver.

Tan Lidou kept beating the time-space drive screen, and roared with a ferocious face:

"Zed! Let me out! Let me out! I haven't used my godly talents yet!"

Zed directly put the space-time drive into the space.When will Ikaris' body data be available, and when will Tan Lidou be imprisoned in his own laboratory.

Seeing Zed and Professor Ling Ma looking at her at the same time, Xi Na could only bite the bullet and nodded:
"Scanning is fine, and samples are fine, but the rest has to wait for him to wake up, and you can ask him yourself."

"Let's do it, Professor." Zed walked out of the laboratory after explaining to Professor Ling Ma, "Let's go, do you understand what geniuses are doing?"

Professor Ling Ma frantically clicked and waved his fingers at the [-]D model, and large sections of complicated symbols kept scrolling.

Hina can understand these things, but these things are very common in the eyes of the Eternal Race, and they are not huge treasures.

Hina shook her head and then looked at Icaris in the repair cabin. After confirming that the wound on his body was gradually healing, she followed Zed out of the laboratory.

Hina couldn't help but asked behind Zed:
"Don't you wonder who I am?"

Zed has already taken a photo of Sheena's face, and after handing it over to Strong, she will be able to investigate Sheena's identity very quickly, so there is no need to worry about this issue at all.

"I've already got the dial, as long as you don't become my enemy, who you are and what you want to do, these have nothing to do with me." This is Zed's sincere words.

Hina shook her head and laughed, then took off her golden mask:

"Sure enough, you are exactly what Mr. Stark said. Sheena, an eternal clansman, is now a scientist of Stark Industries."

Looking at Hina's outstretched right hand, Zed felt that he had done useless work, but he couldn't help it. The problem of taking one step and counting two steps has been deeply rooted in his bones, and he can't get rid of it at all.

Zed sighed secretly and stretched out his right hand to hold Hina together:
"Zed Oleg, King of Kamen Rider."

"I heard that you can see fragments of time? I want to discuss a business with you, Mr. Zed." Hina looked seriously into Zed's eyes.

Walking to the door of the living room, Zed opened the door with both hands and was about to invite Hina in for a detailed talk, but saw Wade slumped on the sofa with his feet on the coffee table, watching the late-night adult program while eating a meal with Tony's head on it. small biscuits.

Ah. Ah. Um. Oh.
Zede's head was full of blue veins, he gritted his teeth and said:
"Wade! What are you doing!"

"Oh~ Boss Zed is back! I'm eating Tony Stark biscuits, I bought them at a convenience store down the street, so I don't have to worry about copyright at all." Wade groaned after finishing speaking.

"I'm asking you, is this your apartment or my reception room?" Zed had already pulled out the space-time drive.

Wade put the biscuit in his mouth, and instead of stretching out the two knives with his free hand, he picked up the remote control and turned the volume of the TV louder.

Ah. Ah. Ah. Um. Oh. Yeah.
"Satron, turn it off for me." Zed really couldn't stand others doing this on his own territory, let alone without his own consent.

"Okay, sir." Setron immediately turned off the TV.

"Wade, I think I have to teach you how to be a guest. Otherwise, you really treat this place as your own home." Zed laughed darkly.

Hina curled her lips, not wanting to watch the two play tricks anymore, and directly pressed Zed's shoulder:

"Let's switch to another room to discuss business."

Call ~
Call ~
Zed took two deep breaths, turned around and left, leaving only one sentence:
"Sai Trang, keep an eye on Wade. If he dares to resist, just send an unmanned watermelon armed force to chop him into four pieces, no, eight pieces!"

Wade watched Zed's back disappear into the corner of the corridor, then pouted his lips and complained:

"Fack! Damn woman, actually ruined my seamless plan! Oh, no, my compensation!"

"It's been recorded, and it's being passed on to sir." Saitron's smiling face appeared on the TV that had been off the screen, as if mocking Wade.

Wade stared at Setron, his jaw retracted involuntarily:
"Artificial mental retardation, you also target me?"


(End of this chapter)

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