Chapter 184 Ancestors
"Out of print!" Zed took out the Kronos dial directly, "It is appropriate to use the Kronos dial to deal with you."

The knight of Yutian, engraved with the chronicle, this moment is the ultimate time!
Against the backdrop of the green torrent of lightning and the golden Roman clock numerals, Zed's power is even more majestic, and the sky and the earth lose their proper color.

"Cronus? The God of Time! Grandpa? Bastard!" The golden spear in Xina's hand directly changed into a long sword, and immediately charged towards Zed.

After the end of the Eternal Civil War, about 5000 BC, the leader of the Peace faction, Kronos, lost his physical body in an energy experiment explosion.

But his mind became the physical embodiment of a cosmic abstraction, the embodiment of cosmic time.

Then Kronos' son Zulas took over the leadership duties and led the tribe to establish many new eternal cities, such as the Arctic City in Siberia; the Ocean Capital on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean; Olympia in Greece and so on.

And Hina is the daughter of Zulas, the real third generation of officials, and because of her outstanding performance, she has almost locked in the position of the next generation leader in advance.

A noble girl like Xina can't accept Zed's use of the name of Kronos, which is disrespectful to the ancestors!

An angry Xena rushed towards Zed, but Icarus was faster than Xena.

When Zed replaced the dragon tooth dial that could use the power of mirror reflection, Ikaris used his own retinopathy.

It's a pity that even if Ikaris is fully fired, he can't break through the strongest invincible time.

"Time, stop it." Zed stopped time as soon as the transformation was over, "Shh~ It's time for the trial."

Zed pushed open the "curtain" made up of lasers with one hand, wandered through the smoke and debris, and walked towards Hina unhurriedly:
"You are all extremely valuable commodities. If possible, I don't want to hurt you. But if you value glory so much, you must be prepared to suffer."

Zed stopped in front of Hina, reached out and took off Hina's golden mask:
"Yo~ She's still a beauty. Although she looks good, it's still not as good as my favorite dial."


Zed took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Xi Na's appearance, and prepared to hand it to Sai Telang when he went back.Zed walked up behind Hina and put the golden mask back on.

Zed punched Xina on the back with a backhand. Xina flew forward for a certain distance and then hovered in the air, with a big HIT wrapped around her body.

Zed took a step forward and kicked Sheena into Icaris' laser beam.

Then Zed ignored Xina, walked straight towards Icaris, stopped behind Icaris, and pressed the drive kill charge button:

"Absolutely, get used to it, this can't be out of print. Time starts to flow."

After time began to flow, Icaris's fully fired Retinazer bombarded Hina impartially.

"Xina!" Icaris hurriedly stopped Retinazer, but suddenly felt a chill on his back, "Oops!"

As soon as Icaris turned his head, Zed's right foot wrapped in golden light magnified rapidly in Icaris' pupil, like the toe of a clock hand piercing his throat.

"No!" Hina fell sideways on the ground, stretched out her hand helplessly and furiously.

The illusory golden clock hands pierced from the back of Icaris' neck, and a large amount of red blood and golden energy particles splashed around.

Zed and Icaris maintained this posture for three seconds, and then Zed slowly put away his raised right foot, and Icaris, who lost his support, fell back weakly.

"Hmph~ You have saved your life."

Zed swung his skirt and walked towards Hina, while pointing with his fingers:

"I saved his life, and now you are the only one left. I understand the glory plot of you old antiques, but I am the one who wins. The choice, surrender or continue?"

Xina fell sideways on the ground, looked up at Zed's Kronos armor, and asked:

"Cronus? Did you use the power of time just now?"

"That's right." Zed looked at Hina condescendingly, and didn't think there was any point in hiding it.

Call ~
Hina took a deep breath and said:

"You win. I'll give you the dial, but you have to heal Icaris."

"One yard is one yard." Zed took out the blank dial and shook it. "This is your bill, Ikaris's. After I cure him, I will ask him for it myself."

"Cut~" Hina barked and took the blank dial in Zed's hand. After looking at it, she couldn't see anything, then raised her index finger and pressed it down.

Immediately, a pink light lit up on the blank dial, and a ring-shaped zipper appeared above Hina's head, and then a pink peach fell and got into the dial.

"Peach?" Zed was puzzled after taking the pink dial, "Where did you get this golden armor? Why doesn't it match at all?"

Hina stared angrily and said:

"This is a copy of the armor my grandfather wore when he fought Uranus! This is a tribute!"

After getting the answer, Zed ignored Xina, and dialed the alchemist ring to summon the space gate above Icaris.

With a flick of the finger, the space door sank and swallowed Icaris.With another hook of the finger, the space door flew towards Zed.

"I'm going to repair my product now, and then squeeze out its value. How about you?" Zed disappeared into the space door without waiting for Hina to answer.

Sheena clearly remembered how Tony and Banner described Zed as a fanatical and paranoid collector of dials.

Hina thought that Zed didn't kill the donkey after getting her dial, so she should be in no danger, and more importantly, Hina didn't worry about throwing Icaris to Zed.

After taking a deep breath, Hina didn't dodge, and let the space door engulf her.As soon as she passed through the space, Menshina saw Zed tightly holding a handsome long-legged guy in a gray suit.

"Let go of me! Let me go! I want to dissect this experimental product!" Tan Lidou roared with a ferocious expression.

"Professor, quickly throw him into the repair cabin!" Zed explained to Professor Ling Ma on the side and jumped onto Tan Lidou's back, "Love is stronger than a seven-day lock!"

Tan Lidou, who was locked by Zed, staggered towards the direction of the repair cabin, and stretched out his hand to reach Professor Ling Ma:
"Ahem. Put down my experimental product."

But Professor Ling Ma ignored Tan Lidou, and threw Icaris into the repair cabin according to Zed's order, and then stood aside to watch the show.

"Shrimp dumplings, scan their bodies once, and take some blood!" Zed yelled loudly in Tan Lidou's ear.

"My. God. Er~"

(End of this chapter)

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