Chapter 15 Harvest
The battle on the streets of Manhattan came to an end. SHIELD's special clean-up troops quickly cleaned the battlefield. No tiny debris would be missed, and all of them were packed and brought back to the base.

Hydra's snipers are experienced, even if their position is exposed to Jessica, they don't panic at all.Resolutely discarded the equipment on his body, changed into casual clothes, walked into the building from the roof of the top floor with a normal expression, blended into the crowd and disappeared.

Jessica came to the roof of the building and saw that the opposite party had slipped away like a mouse, leaving only a sniper rifle and a dark uniform at the scene.Jessica, who was getting angry, could only stomp on the black uniform, venting her grievances.

The huge explosion from the battlefield brought Jessica back to reality, and hurriedly picked up her uniform and sniper rifle and flew back.

As soon as Jessica came back, she saw Agent Coulson standing next to a capable black-haired Asian woman with an embarrassed expression, "What happened? Agent Coulson."

"Uh~ nothing! Miss Jessica, this time we must ask you to visit our S.H.I.E.L.D. agency. We need to know the details of the past few months of your disappearance and what happened today." Coulson listened He understood two meanings in Jessica's words but only answered one.


Coulson would persuade others with kind words, but May would not. Agent May said sharply:
"No but! Miss Jessica, our S.H.I.E.L.D. has been protecting this world from the threat of extraordinary forces! Now, please see how this street has been destroyed! Do you still want to avoid it?"

Coulson and May waited until the arrival of the S.H.I.E.L.D. clean-up logistics team, and after completing the task handover, they took Jessica and drove to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters Delta Wing Building.

In the car, Jessica suddenly asked, as if remembering something, "Don't you take the sniper rifle and the black clothes I brought back?"

"The other party is a professional and will not leave clues on it. Just hand it over to the cleaning team. If there is any special discovery, we will be notified," Coulson replied.

Mei, on the other hand, drove the car without saying a word, returned to the headquarters as fast as she could, brought Jessica into an interrogation room, and left.

Coulson and Jessica sat face to face, and the atmosphere was silent for a while. Jessica broke the deadlock first, "Are you treating me as a prisoner?"

"Don't get me wrong! Miss Jessica! If we really treat you as a prisoner, how can we not handcuff you and go through layer after layer of inspection? We just~ um~ we really don't have a suitable place for you. Just I can wrong you for a while, so let's start?" Coulson's originally kind expression also restrained a little.

"Okay! Ask whatever you want!" Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Do you know that black and purple armored man?"

"I seem to remember his name, genm. I don't know his real identity, I haven't seen it. My memory is actually not very clear."

"Genm? What do you mean that you don't have a clear memory?" Coulson asked.

Jessica couldn't help recalling the memories related to Kilgrave, and her body trembled involuntarily.

"What's wrong with you? Jessica! Get the doctor here!"

On the roof of the small warehouse, Zed jumped out of the cabin of the Invisible Demon God, and immediately dodged into the house.

After confirming the safety, Zed slumped on the folding bed, and Zed, who was a little weak, didn't want to move a finger.In the first half of the night, Tan Lidou fought two fights with his own body, and in the second half of the night, he had another fight with Bucky the Winter Soldier.

The battle between myself and Bucky can be regarded as the first battle in the true sense of Marvel.Zed has already been able to crush Bucky in the Winter Soldier state with his fighting skills alone, but he doesn't know how it compares with Bucky who has regained consciousness.

Moreover, in Marvel, there is the existence of Captain America who forces a [-]-[-] split with any opponent, pulls the opponent to the same level as himself, and then defeats the opponent with his rich experience and endurance that consumes a whole day.

The most important thing is that the guerrilla tactics Bucky used in the end made Zed understand his shortcomings.The real battle is omnipotent, not like when the second uncle trained himself, enclosing a field, no one can escape, only to kill the opponent or be killed by the opponent.

The most ferocious and most heinous encounter with the devil, the road to king still has a long way to go!

Turning his head to look at the space-time driver on the side, he asked, "Shrimp Dumpling, have you opened your golden eyes? Have you not been seen by others?"

The display screen of the space-time drive lights up, and Tan Lidou squints at Zed: "When I was behind the scenes, you were still playing with mud!"

"What arrogance! Didn't Kiriya discover it!"

"What are you mumbling about?!"

"Um~ nothing, you heard it wrong!"

"You must have spoken ill of me!"

"Shrimp dumplings, are you okay? Do you need to continue your life?"

"Shut up! How could that guy kill my life, it won't take long for me to replenish my energy. I'm going to make all my cassettes to kill that one-armed bastard haha~haha~~cough cough~cough ~~”

Hearing that the shrimp dumplings were normal, Zed relaxed, but immediately seemed to realize something: "Shrimp dumplings, what materials do you need to make a cassette?"

"My divine talent! There are also supercomputers, super-large-capacity servers, various types of memory transistors, and huge funds!"

Hehe~ It's over!

"I heard that one of my excellent agents was scared to the ground by a fake grenade? Even this fake grenade doesn't even have the real thing!"

Coulson stood aside with a face full of embarrassment, although he knew that he couldn't hide it from Nick Fury.But Nick Fury knew before the mission was reported, it must be Mei's small report.

Not long after the joke was finished, Coulson began to report.

"Kilgrave, also known as the Purple Man. He has the ability to control people's minds. He has been confirmed dead. Jessica was controlled by Kilgrave in the past few months when she disappeared, during which she was killed."

"Skip! Let's get to the point!" Nick Frekkelsen's report, he didn't care much about these petty cases.

"The black-purple cartoon armored man calls himself genm, and has the ability to block Kilgrave's mind control. He clashed with Kilgrave in the restaurant, and his force was far superior to the controlled Jessica. Kilgrave lost Genm escaped through the window. Then there is the space transfer technology captured by the surveillance."

"What is the purpose of this genm?"

"I can't be sure, but genm gave Jessica a dial after killing Kilgrave. The dial is similar to the dial used by Time King, and it may be the basic version. The dial has been sent to the laboratory, and the specific situation has to wait for the results of the experiment .”

"Then where did that sudden troop come from? Why is there no news from our intelligence service?"

"All captives have poison hidden in their teeth, so..." Coulson was a little ashamed.

After listening to Coulson's report, Nick Fury's expression remained unchanged and he continued, "How is Jessica doing?"

"The psychiatrist's evaluation result is not optimistic. The incident with Kilgrave has already caused a serious psychological shadow on Jessica. Jessica may~ not be suitable for joining S.H.I.E.L.D.," Coulson said regretfully. After all, it was the girl who was in the second grade that I came into contact with at the beginning.

Not only Coulson regretted, but also the expressionless Nick Fury, who had been shelving the Avengers plan.Because of the emergence of these extraordinary powers, it finally turned around.

And a righteous girl like Jessica is at a good time to shape her personality, and she is the best candidate for Nick Fury to fool around, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Tony's Mark 2 has been completed, and Tony, who pursues perfection, will soon plan to develop Mark 3.But a plan is always a plan. The long-term retreat and research made Tony a little irritable and deliberately came out to relax.

"Ethan, how is your health? The hospital here is much worse than the infirmary in my villa. By the way~ I even specially brought you bananas."

"Are you just eating the banana that you brought me specially~?"

"Don't worry! I'll peel one for you too."

The two chatted casually while eating bananas, and Ethan asked Tony: "The doctor said that if the accompanying military doctor hadn't given me emergency treatment again, I wouldn't have survived here. Who did you learn your medical technology from?"


"Ahem~ Don't care about these things. Since you can't get out of the hospital yet, I can only go to the dance tonight by myself. I really miss the social occasions in a civilized society! Goodbye, Ethan."

"Have fun!"

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. laboratory, many scientists in white coats with messy hair were arguing around the blank dial.

"The dial is rough in craftsmanship but extremely complex in structure."

"Energy! The dial contains unknown energy."

"I can't bear it anymore, I want to tear it down!"

"No, we haven't finished the test yet, and it's not time for disassembly yet!"

"Ahhhh!! How did such a small dial turn into a motorcycle? I really can't help it!"

The only person in charge who was still calm walked to Nick Fury, "Director, is the dial you sent really the deformed dial used by the King of Time?"

"Dr. Carl! I don't know if it is a deformed dial, but it must be of the same type. Can you research the technology inside?"

"To be honest, it's very difficult! The initial inspection results of this dial are very ordinary, but the energy detected by the instrument is very advanced. Such energy has never appeared on the earth. I even think that this is an alien item made by earth people using earth materials !” The doctor replied truthfully.

Nick Fury was naturally dissatisfied with such an answer, "Step up your research and report to me as soon as possible!" Then he turned and left.

"We lack the correct means to activate the energy in the dial, how can we activate it?" Dr. Carl also joined the discussion when he returned to the blank dial.

Nick Fury suddenly turned around, stared at Dr. Carl and said, "Activate! You just said activate!"

(End of this chapter)

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