Chapter 14
In the eight years since Zed came to Marvel, he has been strictly demanding himself according to the plan.Even if he was beaten into a shapeless shape by his second uncle every night, he would still continue training the next night.

The reason for such desperate efforts is not a great proposition like world peace, but simply not wanting to die.

Zed, who had already died once, clearly remembered the feeling of death—no feeling, nothingness, emptiness.
Although I vaguely remember from the Avengers [-] movie that Tony the Iron Man saved the world five years after Thanos snapped his fingers, but Zed didn't want to bet on which half he was in, let alone return to that half called " death" for five years.

For this you must have strength.The old devil king gave him the seeds of strength, and the final flowering and fruiting can only depend on himself.

Zed's attention returned to Bucky the Winter Soldier. His martial arts skills were completely overkill to deal with gangsters and terrorists.And Bucky the Winter Soldier, who has been injected with Howard Stark's restored super soldier serum, should be able to fight himself well.

Zed pointed to Bucky's hand and slowly opened it, palm upwards, "Let the horse come here!"

Although Bucky could feel the change in the opponent, the Winter Soldier who only knew that he had completed the task still rushed forward.

After taking a step back to the left and back to avoid Bucky's straight punch, Zed didn't stop and directly rotated his body to avoid Bucky's right fist and return to the elbow.While turning around, he hit Bucky with a backhand on the back. With the power of the Genm armor, even the backhand punch is as powerful as it is.

Bucky staggered to a halt.Suddenly, Bucky's hairs stood on end in shock from the huge crisis, and he directly rolled to the right on the spot, avoiding the heavy kick behind him.

Zed didn't take back his right leg that was still in the air after the shot missed, and kept his back to Bucky sideways.

How could Bucky, who has experienced many battles, miss such a good opportunity?
It rushed towards Zed's spine with eyes shining like a ferocious wild wolf.Just one punch!Just hit your target with a punch to the spine!With your own robotic arm, you will definitely be able to take down the opponent and complete the task.

Sensing the movement behind him, Zed sneered, "Huh~".

Slamming down with the left foot supporting the torso provides more grip and stability.While exerting force at the waist, it drove the left leg to rotate half a circle, and then the right leg hovering in the air was like a whip, and it was thrown directly at Bucky's face with a nearly 360-degree turn.

Needless to say, I inherited the power of my second uncle's roundabout kick. When my second uncle used the Kabuto (Kabuto) armor to teach me, I was beaten so badly.

It really complied with the famous saying "Your head will find my arrow~ Oh! No! It's my feet".

But Bucky is Bucky after all, a man who can compete with the famous Marvel [-]-[-] captain [-]-[-].At the last moment, Bucky forcibly retracted the swinging mechanical arm,

He covered his head with the back of his hand.

Even so, the huge force transmitted through the metal arm still took Bucky spinning and flying far away.It didn't stop until it hit a car and was deeply embedded in it.

Refer to God for torture!

"This move is called a roundabout kick beyond recognition. How does it feel?"

Although he knew that Bucky, the Winter Soldier, would not answer, Zed still couldn't help but mocked:

"Don't pretend to be dead! I don't have the power to kill! Is the Winter Soldier so good?"

As he said that, he walked towards Bucky with his six relatives denying Xiao Ming. (Extremely arrogant pace)
At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Nick Fury watched the live broadcast without blinking one eye, while the other computer screen was connected to Natasha's channel.

Nick Fury didn't turn his head and asked directly: "Natasha! Is this guy with a metal mechanical arm the one you met in Siberia?"

"That's right! It's him! I'll never forget the guy who made the bikini leave me forever!" Natasha said with gritted teeth.

Ignoring the second half of Natasha's words, Nick Fury went on to say: "This black and purple guy suddenly looks like a different person. Is it a dual personality? Or is this armored man himself a remote control type, just Because of losing to the opponent, did you change an operator?"

"Although the painting style is a bit~~hmm~cartoon~, but his breastplate, belt, shoulder pads, etc. are all in line with the human body structure, and the remote control type is unlikely!" Natasha replied.

"Bastard! How could this happen? The Winter Soldier is about to capture this guy, how could he suddenly look like a different person!" Pierce muttered darkly.

Feeling the chilling atmosphere in the office, Sitwell bit the bullet and asked, "Sir, is the plan still going on?"

Pierce rolled his eyes again and again, finally sighed, and said leisurely: "Let the Winter Soldier cover the retreat of the others, as for those who can't get away ~ they know what to do!"


Bucky pulled himself out of the deformed car with difficulty, knelt on the ground and shook his head.It seems that even through the metal arm, Bucky was kicked and concussed.

However, the command chip in Bucky's head was intact. After Pierce's order came, the Winter Soldier returned to normal.

Zed, who approached Bucky, saw his changes clearly, and couldn't help complaining: "It would be great if you were kicked awake by me like this! You are free! I also have a high probability of getting the dial! You must be your good base!" Did Captain America wake you up?"

However, the Winter Soldier can't control so much, and completing the task is his only thing.Pulling out the tactical dagger strapped to his waist, he rushed towards Zed.

Zed originally wanted to repeat the trick and use the smallest movement to cause the most effective damage, but who would have imagined that the Winter Soldier dodged Zed's attack and threw the dagger directly at Zed's head.Although the dagger couldn't break through the defense of Genm's visor, Zed still instinctively dodged his head to avoid it.

Bucky the Winter Soldier seized this fleeting opportunity, ran away from Zed's side, and ran towards the surrounding corpses, regardless of whether it was Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D. German shot.

While firing, he withdrew obliquely to the rear.


As a super soldier, Bucky is not good at face-to-face fighting like Zed, let alone crushing others with his own equipment like Dan Lidou.Anything on the battlefield can be Bucky's weapon.

Facing the slippery Bucky, Zed obviously has no effective countermeasures.Although Bucky's attacks can't hurt himself, the timing of bullets, grenades, and flash bombs is always just right.Constantly interrupting Zed's pursuit.

Somewhat exasperated, Zed switched the malfunctioning drive to gun mode, stopped right where it was and fired.The flames and smoke from the huge explosion completely blinded Zedd.

"Oops! Mistake!"

Seeing Bucky disappear into the flames and smoke, Zed immediately realized that he had made a mistake, and immediately scanned the audience to assess the situation.

Jessica went to find the sniper and hadn't returned yet. The Hydra died or fled. The S.H.I.E.L.D.A. is dealing with the last stubborn Hydra, and will be free to deal with itself immediately.

There must be an immediate tactical retreat.

Coulson on the opposite side also noticed Zed's sizing up, and the two made eye contact. After looking at each other for a few seconds, Zed suddenly stretched his right hand behind his back and clenched it into a fist, throwing it towards S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Grenade! ~Lie down!~"

Seeing this, Coulson immediately shouted, and a large number of agents fell down on the spot.However, after three or four seconds passed, nothing happened.

After getting up, Coulson asked Mei, who was not deceived, in embarrassment: "Eh~ where is the target?"

"Run! Turn around and run into the smoke!" Agent May gave Coulson an angry look, "I finally know why the director asked you to call me back to the field team!"

In the underground laboratory of the California coast villa, Tony Stark is experimenting with the flight system of the Mark 2.

Tony wears the latest leg armor on his feet and holds a joystick:

"Let's be safe first! Let's see how 10% of the axial load bearing capacity is! Let's start, three, two, one!"

The enormous energy from the leg jets pushed Tony back up and straight into the roof.

"Oh~ my handsome face!"

"No. 11 days, No. 30 seven experiments, configuration version 2.0. It's not difficult this time, start from 1%. Also! If I catch fire, you are responsible for putting out the fire. If I don't catch fire, If you still spray me, I will donate you to the university. Alright! Huh~ start the experiment!"

The parts on the legs and hands emitted bright yellow flames, holding Tony suspended in the air.

"Oh~fufufu~don't~don't~ hold on! My car!" Tony hovered stiffly and clumsily, but as time passed Tony's body gradually stabilized, "Jarvis's load was raised to 2.5 %! Oh~ this feels great!"

Although Tony, who was hovering in mid-air at this time, only had steel suit parts on his limbs, Iron Man's standard aerial stance had already taken shape.

After landing smoothly, Tony excitedly said to Jarvis: "Jarvis! Have you recorded it?"

"All recorded, sir."

"Um~ delete the part where I scream. Also start to optimize the Iron Suit dressing system. I wanted to do this in Afghanistan!"

After Tony stepped onto the workbench, Jarvis controlled one piece after another of silver-white metal parts to dress Tony.

Round nut buckles at the elbows, knee bends and crotch swivel to the inner battlesuit, with the breastplate, shoulder armor and visor following closely behind.The components of the carapace are arranged and adjusted one after another
Finally, the goggles for both eyes and the lampshade of the Ark Reactor on the chest light up.The silver-white Mark 2 is completed.

"Jarvis, enter the suit operating system."

"Entered, loading your behavior habits, sir, and starting to calibrate the simulation environment."

"Help me check today's weather and air traffic control, and start monitoring ground control information."

"Sir, there are still many calculations to be done before the actual flight, and many simulation experiments have not yet started."

"Jarvis! My father said, do it first! Are you ready? Three, two, one!"

(End of this chapter)

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