Leisurely Cultivation Time

Chapter 95 Bureaucracy

Chapter 95 Bureaucracy
The next morning Ye Fei woke up from his practice, took off the two kittens hanging from his body and returned them to their parents.

Let the little animals at home do whatever they want, go down and cook some porridge by themselves, and then go back to the rooftop to practice Hongquan routines.

It wasn't until eight o'clock that Ye Fei was sweating profusely, and then went to take a shower, and it was another day full of energy.

"Ye Fei, why are you going today?" Xiao Yi asked while eating.

"Go to Ye Yunqi today and ask him to tell Chen Yonglang about Lin She, and then wait for him to take the bait."

"That's good, I can't wait for a long time, there is a good show to watch." Xiao Yi said with a smirk.

After the two had breakfast, Ye Fei took Lin Musk out and arrived at the intersection of Ye Yunqi's house after a while.

Ye Yunqi seemed to be ready to go to work, and just came out of the house.

"Yun Qi." Ye Fei greeted him first.

"Ye Fei, why are you going?" Sylvia said with a smile.

"I was trying to find you."

"Is there something wrong?" Ye Yunqi asked doubtfully.

"Didn't I say the day before yesterday that I wanted to ask you for a favor?"

"Oh, what's the matter? Tell me, I will do what I can."

"Do you know what the two animals under my feet are?" Ye Fei asked, pointing to the two forest musk deer at his feet.

"I don't know." Ye Yunqi shook his head, and then guessed: "Are you asking me to raise them for you?"

"No." Ye Fei also shook his head and said: "These two are forest musk deer, a national first-class protected animal. It can produce a kind of musk in its body. The artificially cultivated musk can be sold for [-] to [-] per gram. And these two are wild ones, which can be sold for [-] yuan per gram, because they are national first-class protected animals, and they are priceless in the market. Many people are rushing to get [-] grams."

Ye Yunqi who was on the side was dumbfounded when he heard this, and was even more stunned in his heart. Fifty thousand dollars per gram, how much can these two musk deer be paid for?

Ye Yunqi asked nervously, "Then why did you come to see me today? Is it related to Lin Musk?"

"Yes, of course, I want you to tell Chen Yonglang the news, I think he will definitely not be able to stand this temptation."

"Ye Fei, do you want to rely on Lin She to deal with Chen Yonglang?"

"Yes, the crime of hunting national first-class protected animals is enough for him to go to prison for several years."

"This..." Ye Yunqi began to hesitate when he heard this.

"Yun Qi, you don't want to do it?"

"This... Ye Fei, if you come out to mess around, you have to show loyalty."

"Really? Then I'll let the whole village judge and see if there is a person in our village who betrays his brother who is worthy of the word "righteousness." Ye Fei threatened.

If the other party doesn't do what he says, he will tell the whole village about betraying himself.

Although I don't have much sense of presence in the village, but his father does, and his father is very kind to the village. He was betrayed by the people in his village when he came back as a son. Ye Fei didn't need to say more, and the people in the village would naturally They will trouble him to see if he can survive.

"No, Ye Fei, don't do this, my wife is about to give birth, and I can't stay in the village if you do this." Ye Yunqi said nervously.

"Then you just do what I say, and our affairs will be written off, and there is nothing else to discuss." Ye Fei said directly with a cold face.

Ye Yunqi struggled for a while, and then said: "Okay, okay, I will do as you say."

"Well, then find an opportunity to reveal it to Chen Yonglang, and then send me a message. Remember not to tell him on the phone, and don't send him a message on WeChat. Tell him in person, so as not to leave evidence to implicate you when you get it." Seeing that the other party agreed, Ye Fei explained.

"En." Ye Yunqi nodded: "That's good, there's nothing else, I'll go first."

"Well, go slowly." Ye Yunqi whispered.

Ye Fei nodded, then turned and left with Xiao Yi.Then the two walked towards Director Ye Rongrong's house.

He was going to ask Ye Rongrong for a piece of land, and Lin Musk must be raised in the village, so Ye Fei was going to ask the village director for the hillside behind his house.

As soon as he walked to the door of Ye Honor's house, Ye Fei saw Ye Honor's wife Zheng Xiuyun coming out of the house.

"Auntie, where are you going?" Ye Fei greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, auntie." Xiao Yi followed Ye Fei and called out politely.

"Okay, good morning, I'm ready to go to work, are you here looking for honor?" Zheng Xiuyun responded with a smile.

"Yeah, I have something to do with Uncle Honor."

"Then go in, he's watching TV inside."


"Then I'll go first."

"Auntie walk slowly."

After watching Zheng Xiuyun leave, Ye Fei and Xiao Yi turned and entered the room.

"Uncle, are you watching TV?" After entering the room, Ye Fei saw Ye Rongrong sitting on the sofa.

"It's Ye Fei, what's the matter?" Ye Rongrong asked, got up and pressed down the kettle, then took out the tea and poured it into the tea set.

"Uncle, I came here today to ask you for a piece of land."

"Ask me for a piece of land? What do you mean?" Ye Rongrong was puzzled.

"It's like this." Ye Fei pointed to the two forest musk deer at his feet and asked, "Uncle, do you know what kind of animals these two are?"

Ye Rongrong took a closer look, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "This is the forest musk deer, a national first-class protected animal."

When Ye Rongrong heard that it was a national first-class protected animal, he was very surprised. To be listed as a first-class protected animal means that the animal is rare and must be very precious.

"What are you doing?"

"I have now obtained the temporary breeding certificate for musk deer. I am going to prepare a musk deer breeding farm, and then I will apply to the government for raising musk deer. I am short of land now, so I want the village to rent the land on the hillside behind my house. Give me."

"This..., now the land in the village is under unified planning, and I have no right to rent it out." Ye Rongrong said after a moment of hesitation.

After hearing Ye Rongrong's words, Ye Fei rolled his eyes in his heart, the most worthless thing in the countryside is the land.

It costs more money to develop a piece of land than the value of the land itself. It is impossible for the village to develop all the land. The so-called lack of right to lease is just an excuse.

Otherwise, if he agrees to rent out, absolutely no one will object.Think about it, the director has only been in office for a few years, and he has played with the so-called bureaucracy.Seeing the other party's embarrassed expression, Ye Fei suddenly felt a little upset.

After thinking about it, Ye Fei said: "Since this is the case, forget it. I originally thought of breeding a group of first-class international protected animals, which should attract a group of tourists and have good economic benefits. After all, ordinary people usually don't see them. Animals are protected at the first level in the country, but since the land cannot be rented out, forget it, let me take a look at other villages.”

"Hey, Ye Fei, wait, don't worry, although I don't have the right to rent it out, I can discuss it with everyone."

"No need, don't bother everyone, the countryside is full of land, I'll just find another one." Ye Fei shook his head.

Anyway, if you want to develop in Yulan Village, you can raise it directly in Yulan Village, so you don't have to run around.

Originally, I thought that my father had done so much for the village, and after returning to the village by himself, he also wanted to bring some economic benefits to the village, didn't he.

But seeing Ye Rongrong's attitude, making himself feel like he owed others favors for renting a piece of land, Ye Fei immediately dismissed the idea.

Regardless of the other party's persuasion, Ye Fei and Xiao Yi left Ye Rongrong's house after saying hello.

(End of this chapter)

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