Chapter 94
I saw Zheng Bin replied: "His family conditions are very good. You may have heard of the name Ye Rongtian. He is quite famous in our entire Lantian County. A rural child has become the chairman of a listed company after more than ten years of hard work. .”

"At the beginning, he donated the cement road in Guihua Village. It was Ye Rongtian who led them to develop Guihua Village into a resort. He also took out 100 million as the start-up capital. Ye Rongtian even donated a building in the county a few years ago. teaching building."

"What? What's the relationship between Ye Fei and Ye Rongtian?" Zheng Xingwu, the village director, asked.

"Ye Fei is Ye Rongtian's son, so I don't think Ye Fei is a liar, and I don't think he will be short of funds. As long as you make it clear before signing the contract, the contract fee should not be a problem."

"Then let's see if we can raise the price a bit more." Zheng Yong, the deputy director sitting next to him, asked.

"Why not, call tomorrow to see if his price of [-] per mu is acceptable," said Chen Xiuzhu, the women's director.

In the end, Zheng Bin made a final decision and said, "That's fine, I'll take a look at it tomorrow. If it's really not enough, I'll go to [-]. It's a little low, but it's better than going to waste forever, right?"

Seeing that Zheng Bin has made a decision, everyone will naturally not object. This is already the best result.

Then Zheng Bin said that the meeting was over, and everyone went home with their flashlights.

On Ye Fei's side, it was already six o'clock when I got home, I cooked some dry rice, and tonight I will serve it with the smoked goods brought back from Shanming City.

After dinner, Ye Fei sent Xiao Yi to tidy up, and took out the herbs and medicine jars he bought at noon.

Then I went to the yard to build a small earthen stove, found some dry firewood and started it up.

Then put a can of clear water in the medicine can and put it on top. After the water boils, put some medicinal materials first.

After boiling for a period of time, add some medicinal materials and continue to boil, and continue to add some medicinal materials after boiling for a period of time.

Boil like this for a while, add some medicinal materials, boil for a while, add some medicinal materials, until all the medicinal materials are added, and then boil for another hour, and then filter out the cooked medicinal materials.

"Is this all right?" Xiao Yi asked beside him.

"Not yet, I'll give him some additives." Ye Fei took out the yellow paper, cinnabar.

He added two drops of his own blood, and drew a rune with cinnabar.Illuminate the rune with fire, and then melt into the potion.

Then a miraculous scene happened, the potion, which was originally dark brown, instantly became clear, as if it hadn't survived before.

This time Ye Fei didn't avoid Xiao Yi, he intentionally let Xiao Yi see it.

Anyway, there are many runes that will be used in the development of the planting industry in the future. I have been staying with Xiao Yi all the time, and it is impossible to hide it from him all the time, so it is better to figure it out at the beginning.

Anyway, if there are any problems at that time, they will be pushed to the mountain god, just to provide the mountain god with a chance to restore their faith.

When witnessing the miracle, Xiao Yi was stunned, his mouth grew wide, which he could see clearly just now.

The dark brown potion turned into clear water in this way. Although the idea of ​​magic flashed in my mind, it was quickly rejected. I have been watching here all the time, and I took all the medicines in it by myself.

It's just a bowl that can't be more ordinary than ordinary, there can't be a mechanism there.

"Ye Fei, you just...?" Xiao Yi asked tremblingly.

"This is a rune, and this additive can release all the properties of the medicine, making it easier for the body to absorb." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Runes? Could it be that the movies are all real, and there are really ghosts and gods in this world?" Xiao Yi said nervously.

"Ghost, I haven't seen it. God, I have seen a mountain god. He taught me the knowledge of planting and breeding, and he also taught me these runes."

"Is there really a god?" Xiao Yi's nervousness turned into surprise.

Ye Fei said with a smile: "If you believe it, you have it. If you don't believe it, you don't. If you really pray to him, he will bless you. If he doesn't believe him, or even belittle him, he won't trouble you."

"The mountain god has no good or evil. He is a conceptual body born in nature. He follows the laws of nature every day and assists the evolution of nature."

"Oh okay?"

"That's right, even gods cannot violate the laws of nature and affect the evolution of nature."

"Then you just now? A bowl of dark brown potion suddenly turned into a bowl of clear water? Is this still the law of nature?" Xiao Yi said with question marks in his head.

"Of course, that rune just released the power of the medicine, and it didn't change in essence."

Ye Fei went on to say: "No matter how the herbal medicine is boiled, it is impossible to boil all the medicinal powers out of the perfect fusion, and it is impossible for people to drink the medicine to absorb it completely. Depending on the individual's physique, some absorb two layers, and some absorb four layers. But it is impossible for anyone to absorb all the power of the medicine."

"And the role of the runes is to stimulate all the power of the medicine and make the most perfect fusion, so that the person who drinks the medicine can absorb all the power of the medicine perfectly. The same is true for the fertilizer I prepared last time. I used runes to stimulate The fertility of those feces allows them to blend perfectly, so that the peach trees can absorb them perfectly, and this is the result of the current peach forest. They just grow normally, and there is no rule of natural taste."

"It turned out to be like this. Then the animals listened to you because of the mountain god?" After hearing Ye Fei's introduction, Xiao Yi probably understood in his heart.

"Yes, so the first thing I plan to do after signing the contract is to build a mountain temple next to the reservoir. He will be of great help to our planting industry. You see?"

"Okay, since the mountain god can provide us with great help, then we naturally have to build a mountain temple for him."

Xiao Yi paused for a moment and then asked with a grinning face, "Ye Fei, does Grandpa Mountain God care about marriage?"

"I don't know about this, you have to ask him yourself." Ye Fei shrugged and said.

"Ask him yourself? How do you ask?"

"Ask him after the mountain temple is built." Ye Fei said while filling the melted potion into two small watering cans.

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded, looked at the potion in Ye Fei's hand and asked, "When shall we do it?"

"Let Ye Yunqi tell him about Lin She tomorrow. I don't believe in this thing worth millions. A poor rascal like Chen Yonglang won't be tempted. Then wait for him to take the bait?"

"I can't wait anymore. His grandma's dog, I, Xiao Yi, was the only one who made trouble for others before. No one would dare to make trouble for me."

"Okay, the medicine is ready. It's past ten o'clock now. Take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow, I have to find fodder for the two forest musk deer. These two little guys are so good at eating. I haven't stayed at home today. , A bag of fodder was eaten up by them."

"Yeah, go to bed." Saying that, Xiao Yi took his clothes and went to take a bath.Ye Fei tidied up casually and went upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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