Chapter 84
Back in the room at night, Qin Yi called Ye Fang.

"Third, are you interested in a travel agency?"

"What travel agency?" Ye Fang was stopped by his inexplicable question.

"My neighbor's small farm has been transformed into a tourist farm. I want to attract tourists in China. The tourism project here is not bad, and it should attract many people. I thought, let the boss and the second partner open a travel agency and organize Tourists are also their business."

"How about it, do you want to invest a little money?" Qin Yi told Ye Fang the details, just to let him get involved, it has something to do with it, and it would be better to save trouble.

Having said that, Ye Fang also understood that this was to help the two brothers. Qin Yi found a way out, and he had something to do with him, so he couldn't help much, but at least he wouldn't be embarrassing, so that the eldest and the second would have a career.

There are only so many people who can help, and the success of the business in the future depends on the individual's ability.

"I'm fine, have you told them?"

"Not yet, but it's easy to talk about. I'll call them right now, and you can discuss it in detail after it's settled. I don't participate in the travel agency."

After finishing speaking and hanging up the phone, Ye Fang promised that there was no accident at all, and he didn't expect the travel agency to make a lot of money, just to solve it by himself when there was trouble in the future, so that the brothers would not feel that they owed too much.

Qin Yi understands this very well.

Qin Yi is not worried about the boss and the second child, each of them pools up 10 yuan, and it will be enough to set up the shelves of the travel agency, and they can rent a few offices first.The tourism projects on my side have been completed, if they don't even have this bit of courage, then Qin Yi will stop meddling in his own business in the future.

Sure enough, I called the boss and the second child and talked about the matter. Both of them were very interested. The only thing I was a little suspicious about was that I didn't have much money in hand, but I heard from Qin Yi that each of them collected 10 yuan. There is no hesitation.

I have been working for two years, and I don’t have 10 in my hand, but I ask my family for a little, and I can always make up enough. If I miss this opportunity, it’s gone. Working with a billionaire’s old classmate, can I still lose your 10?

Now that the matter of the travel agency was finalized, Qin Yi didn't join in any more, left the rest to the three of them, and took a shower and went to bed by himself.

At around 5 o'clock the next day, the sky was still gray, so Qin Yi got up, washed up, and went out, and Angel just opened the door to come out. When she saw him, she immediately showed a big smile, and handed her her little hand to him. go downstairs.

Susa got up at 6 o'clock, Liu Qimeng got up later, and Laipi, it would be strange if he didn't sleep in someday. Next to the closet, Ying Daying Er was still lying on the floor. Seeing Qin Yi coming down, grunt Twice is a greeting.

Qin Yi didn't care about these, he took Angel to the lawn, petted McGee and Teddy who got up early, the dogs were already in high spirits, and after saying hello, he took the little girl and a group of small animals and started practicing Fist.

Of course, it was mainly Qin Yi who was practicing. The dogs were lying on the porch and looking left and right. Angel and Teddy were chasing and fighting. Scratching and clawing randomly, Susa and Liu Qimeng, who got up early occasionally, couldn't straighten up laughing when they saw it.

But Qin Yi is very satisfied. Although it is messy, it looks like a tiger and a tiger, and it is still very powerful!
After punching, he went back to the house to get a few apples. McGee made a fuss and was chewed by it three times. Teddy got one, and the little guy bit it crisply while holding it.

Maggie is a good mother. After eating his own, Teddy didn't even look at it, let alone snatch it. Every time he noticed this, Qin Yi couldn't help but praise it.

Dogs don't eat apples, the one left in Qin Yi's hand is Xiao Hei's breakfast before meals, one every morning, or apples or carrots, Qin Yi will never forget.

After brushing the horse, he took Angel for a walk, and ran until Xiao Hei was sweating all over before stopping. Then he let Xiao Hei graze, and brought a group of animals home for dinner.

Back in the living room, Susa was putting carp in the oven, which was the food for the dogs and Maggie. Seeing Qin Yi come back, she started cooking noodles.

These days, Su Sa has figured out Qin Yi's life pattern. Every morning, Qin Yi came back from a walk, took a shower and returned to the living room. Just relax and become happier.

Of course, Qin Yi sometimes criticizes this landlord and rich style of life in his heart, and reminds himself repeatedly that he should not be corrupted by the dross culture of Europe and America. Consume Laomei's resources!
Well, don’t do nothing because of the smallness of the good!

After breakfast, it didn't take long for 8 o'clock. Ryan and Hobbs came over. Yesterday they said they would go to Walker's farm to see the cows. Ryan and Walker are more familiar, so it would be better for him to take them there.

It was still early, Qin Yi invited Ryan and Hobbs in for a cup of coffee, Angel took Teddy to watch cartoons, and the adults sat and chatted.

In the past few days, Hobbs took over the work of the small farm, and Qin Yi didn't pay attention to it, but from the chat between Susa and Liu Qimeng, he knew that this bearded old cowboy did a good job, not only arranging the work of the small farm Well organized, also recruited 3 cowboys, ran a trip to the Rocky Mountains, and decided on the tourist route.

All of this made Qin Yi and the others very satisfied, and even Ryan was relieved. Hobbs was introduced by himself, and if he did a good job, then he finally lived up to Yi's trust.

During the chat, Hobbs also made some small suggestions, such as the tour bus for picking up tourists and visiting the farm, building a few cabins along the way from the farm to the Rocky Mountains, and so on. Although they are all details, they are indeed for the tourist farm. Considered.

After resting for a while, Ryan checked the time. It was almost 8:9. He called Walker yesterday when he received a call from Qin Yi. Minutes, it's time to start now.

That being the case, Qin Yi didn't delay any longer and called everyone to get on the bus.

Ryan also came here with a pickup truck. The semi-old pickup truck was equipped with a ranch. It has been driven for several years, because Ryan pays attention to maintenance and looks pretty good.

Ryan led the way with Hobbs, and Qin Yi followed behind with three women of all sizes and Lai Pi.

Laipi, it's unlucky to meet Angel.

In the past, when Qin Yi was alone, he slept late all day and no one cared about him. Now that Susa and others live here, Angel has become the big devil in his eyes.

In the past, Angel, who slept late, was often preached by Susa, and she had the idea that sleeping late was not good in her mind.

Now I live in the ranch, and I have developed a good habit of getting up early. When I see Laipi who likes to sleep in, I play with it all morning to prevent him from sleeping in.

During that time, it was Lai Pi's nightmare, tormenting him so much that he screamed all day long, pestered Qin Yi to complain, and when he saw Angel, he ran to the vegetable garden. He slept on the lawn under the floor of the porch.

In the end, it was Qin Yi who persuaded Angel, saying that Lai Pi was different from a human being, and would get sick if he didn't sleep in. This was the way to appease the little man, and Lai Pi lived a peaceful life for a few days because of this.

But after a while, Angel felt that Lai Pi had eaten too much, so she always took Lai Pi for a walk every day, and by the way, even Teddy didn't run away.But Teddy still enjoys this process, he is much more diligent than Lai Pi, in his heart, walking is similar to playing, he likes it very much.

Therefore, in Angel's words, Teddy is a role model, and Lai Pi has become a typical negative teaching material. In the past few days, he is often used to educate the eagles and eagles and two unlucky ones!
Every time I see Angel educating the small animals in the family like a little adult, Qin Yi and the three can't help being funny, but they still agree with Angel's approach in their hearts. , That really hurt them!

Now, Lai Pi's life is not as good as before. The good days of sleeping in until noon are gone forever, but at least I can sleep in a little late, and I can sleep until 8 or 9 o'clock every day.

After a nightmarish experience, it is also very content. It is woken up by Angel every day and plays with the little girl. After a period of time, its spirit is indeed much better.

(End of this chapter)

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