American Ranch

Chapter 83 Irrigation System Completion

Chapter 83 Irrigation System Completion
In the next few days, everyone didn't go out to play anymore. Every day, playing with a few small animals on the lawn, or sitting on the terrace drinking coffee and admiring the distant scenery, they felt at ease.

But the easy days are always short-lived.

After enjoying a few days of comfortable ranch life, the vacation of Ke Luo and Christine finally came to an end. Although the four of them were a little bit reluctant, enjoying is not the whole of life, and it should not be a hindrance to their progress. Step fetters.

But there must be a concern in their hearts, let them miss this place, and look forward to the next time.

The night before leaving, Qin Yi cooked a sumptuous Chinese meal to fill everyone's belly.

Under Qin Yi's reassurance, Lai Pi finally asked the four of them to hug and take a photo, followed by Teddy, Ying Da Ying Er, and finally McGee.After a few days of getting along, Ke Luo and the others finally let go of their fear towards the friendly McGee. They came up one after another to give this simple-minded guy a hug when they were about to leave.

Before returning to the room to rest, Qin Yi gave them a gift, a bottle of fruit wine each, which surprised them very much. Ke Luo even gave him a big hug, not a courtesy, but a real hug Yes, the feeling of hugging a soft girl made Qin Yi feel very comfortable.

Early the next morning, except for the animals, all members of the ranch dispatched to send Ke Luo and the others to the airport. The two women took Ke Luo and Christine to say goodbye. This is their few friends. Now they are leaving. The point is to be reluctant.

Qin Yi and his two comrades can see it openly, fate comes and goes, people gather and others disperse, this is life.

As for Angel, lying in Qin Yi's arms, with big cute eyes, she kept staring at Ke Luo and Christine. Qin Yi understood what this little girl was thinking, and felt amused.

Sure enough, when the women finished talking, Ke Luo would come over, pinch Angel's little face, give her a kiss, and tease Angel, such a cute little person, they like it very much, "Angel, Auntie is leaving, Will you miss the aunts? The next time the aunts come, they will buy gifts for Angel!"

Angel wrinkled her little nose and reached out to wipe the drool on her face. She was a little dissatisfied. Aunt Ke Luo and Aunt Christine both liked the faces of relatives, and they both drool a lot!

But when she heard that there was a gift, she quickly nodded, "An Qier will miss the aunts very much!" Then, she stretched out her chubby little hands, hugging the heads of Ke Luo and Christine, and said with two big mouthfuls, "Auntie, come quickly, Angel misses you so much!"

Everyone laughed after watching Angel's performance, miss Auntie?It is true that you want a gift!

After seeing off the four of them, Qin Yi and the others wandered around Augusta before going back.

In the next few days, Qin Yi lived a leisurely life. He took Angel on horseback and told stories every day, and at night, he slipped out to sprinkle spiritual spring water on the pasture. The new alfalfa that had almost covered the entire pasture had completely occupied the pasture after a few days. .

In the past few days, Susa and Liu Qimeng ran back and forth between the small farm and the ranch, because they discovered another shortcoming and forgot to build a supermarket.

Supermarkets are still very necessary. After tourists come, they will definitely need drinks, snacks, etc. They don’t expect supermarkets to make money. The price is the same as regular supermarkets in cities and towns. The main thing is to provide convenience for tourists. Tourists find it convenient and enjoyable. Feel free to make more money.

Susa's plan is to build a small supermarket in the prefabricated house, with a salesperson to sell drinks, snacks, fruits, and some small daily necessities.Just place a vending machine over there at the stables.

This morning, Qin Yi came back for a walk with Angel in worker's attire, and received a call from Ryan that the small canal irrigation system was about to be completed, and Bill asked him to check the construction results.

Originally, Bill wanted to call Qin Yi, but recently Ryan was negotiating with them, so Bill didn't bother Qin Yi directly, and asked Ryan to notify them.

After breakfast, Susa and the two took Angel to the small farm. Qin Yi called Ryan to check the irrigation project together.

Along the way, Ryan said that compared with the past, the pasture cattle have gained weight rapidly recently, and the activity of the cattle herd has also increased. It seems that a batch of high-quality beef cattle can be expected in winter.

"By the way, Yi, there are a few cows on the ranch that are about to give birth to calves. These are the first batch of calves born on our ranch!" Ryan clapped his hands happily. For the ranch and the cowboys, this is worth celebrating matter.

"Really? This is really a happy event!"

When Qin Yi heard this, he was also a little excited. This is the first batch of calves since he took over the ranch. The birth of a new calf is a good sign. Life is hope, the hope of the ranch!

"About when, this great moment to welcome a new life, I can't miss it!"

Ryan looked at the excited Qin Yi, and understood his feelings very well. Although he had been a cowboy all his life, every time a new life was born, he couldn't help but be happy.

"There are quite a few pregnant cows, but not many are about to give birth. The most recent one will take about a week, and three cows are about to give birth."

Ryan is an old cowboy, very experienced in these things, and in the ranch, there are records for each cow, including pregnancy cycle, growth cycle, weight gain and illness, etc., are all recorded.

"Tell me when the time comes, I will also go to welcome the birth of the calf. At that time, we can all have a drink together, that is a memorable day!"

"Of course!" Ryan clapped his hands. When the calf was born, he had a drink to celebrate. He was already looking forward to it.

"Yi, look at the grass here, I really didn't expect it to grow so well!"

Although it looked like it grew up, it was still a little surprising.

When sowing, Ryan thought that it would be good to cover the farm sparsely. Unexpectedly, after a month, the ryegrass not only grew to a height of more than 20 centimeters, but also was very lush. Except that it was too far away from the ditch, the water source could not cover it. In places, ryegrass has completely taken over the farm.

This surprised Ryan, but it was more of a surprise.

Of course, Qin Yi would not tell him that he had poured water from the spiritual spring in the ditches several times, and with the completion of the irrigation system, the farm has no shortage of water sources, so the spiritual spring water can affect all the ryegrass, so it is normal for the growth to be good up.

"In a few days, we still need to organize people to harvest. It will not be lush enough without tillering."

"Well, I'll call the cowboy bar at night and find some cowboys." Ryan nodded. This is also his plan. One month after the harvest, they will be able to graze.

When they arrived at the site of the engineering team, the two got out of the car and looked around. The small excavators had already returned, and there was a long row of excavators on the side of the road, which looked quite spectacular.

Seeing the two people coming, a worker immediately took them to look for Bill. It was still the big tent. Before they got there, Bill had already been notified and was waiting at the door.

After exchanging pleasantries, Qin Yi and the others didn't enter the tent, and drove to other places to check whether the construction of the ditches met the quality requirements.Qin Yi had already seen the ditch that passed by on the way here, so everyone drove further north.

After several hours of busy work, Qin Yi had a rough overview of the entire irrigation system. It was impossible to read all of them. Qin Yi mainly checked whether the connection between the ditch and the river met his requirements, and then got off the car randomly to check the quality of the ditch. No problem, Qin Yi was very satisfied, he settled the final payment without hesitation, and sent Bill and his party away.

When I got home in the afternoon, Susa and the others were there, Angel watched cartoons with Teddy in his arms, Susa and Liu Qimeng were discussing about the cows.

Seeing Qin Yi's return, Susa asked his opinion, "Yi, now that the cowshed and stables of the small farm have been built, should we buy cows now?"

"Then buy it. Where do you want to buy it?" Qin Yi thought it was better to get these things done as soon as possible, and then talk to Wang Xixi and Fang Yue about the travel agency. If you have any ideas, come and have a look.

"I know there are several farms nearby with cows, but I don't know which one to buy."

Susa is very good at accounting, but she really has no idea about buying cows for tourism and so on!
Qin Yi thought of Walker who bought grass before. His farm fed a lot of cows, so why not go to his farm to have a look.

"I'll call Ryan back and ask him to take us to Walker's farm. Walker's farm has fed a lot of cows!"

Susa and Liu Qimeng had no objections, Qin Yi called Ryan and agreed to go to Walker's farm together tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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