American Ranch

Chapter 78 2 Unlucky Eggs

Chapter 78 Two Unlucky Eggs

With Maggie's deterrence, the second half of the night finally calmed down. Apart from the faint howling of wolves in the distance and the chirping of unknown birds in the forest, nothing could disturb everyone's rest.

The performance of McGee and the dogs made everyone feel relieved. It was the time when we were sleepy in the second half of the night. Within ten minutes, everyone fell asleep one after another. When Qin Yi was in a daze, he vaguely heard someone snoring. Is it Trevor or Colin?
I don't know if it will disturb others, but it didn't disturb Qin Yi anyway, this guy was dozing off badly, and fell asleep after a while.

Woke up early the next morning, Ryan was already up, Qin Yi looked at his watch, it was almost 6 o'clock, rubbed his face, climbed out of the sleeping bag, the night on the mountain was very cold, and it was a bit cold in the morning, he picked up his coat and put it on, and went out tent.

The air in the forest is very fresh, better than in the pasture. Take a deep breath, say hello to Ryan, pat the heads of the dogs who came over, and brush your teeth and wash your face.

When Ryan got up, the fire was out, and he was rekindling the fire, and he was boiling hot water, and when everyone got up, it happened to be a cup of coffee each.As for cooking, let’s wait for Yi to come. There is no bread, only beef and vegetables. It seems inappropriate to eat barbecue for breakfast. Let Yi make beef soup, everyone loves it!
After washing up, Qin Yi came over to cook.Half an hour later, the fragrance permeated the entire camp. Everyone got up one after another, cleaned up their personal hygiene, and sat around the fire to chat.In the early morning, Maggie stopped fishing, and Susa gave half of the remaining basket of vegetables to her and her son, leaving a little for lunch.

Qin Yi was not afraid that the dogs had no fish to eat. He had prepared food for Maggie and the dogs, but it was worse than fish.Cook a pot of rice, scoop a few spoonfuls of beef soup, more soup and less meat, once mixed, it is breakfast for dogs.The dogs were not picky eaters, they ate up the two big rice bowls in a while, and then lay on the side to continue watching, which made Qin Yi very satisfied.

After breakfast, everyone took a walk near the camp. When we arrived yesterday, it was dark and we didn't appreciate the surrounding scenery much. Now we just happened to look around.

The dogs scouted the road back and forth, and everyone walked slowly up the mountain along the stream. On the way, Qin Yi picked some wild flowers and made a wreath for Angel to wear. The little girl giggled happily, and then looked at her mother, Without a garland, he looked at Qin Yi and said, "Uncle Yi, Mom wants it too!"

Susa, who was holding the angel, was very happy. She was such a good child, thinking of herself everywhere.

"Okay, I'll make up another one for Mom."

As we walked, we picked wild flowers, which were everywhere, and the air was filled with the fragrance of green grass and wild flowers.

"An Qier, why don't you help Aunt Liu make one, Auntie also wants to have a wreath as beautiful as Angel!" Liu Qimeng just couldn't stay idle, as if not teasing An Qier would lose a lot of fun.

"Yes, that's right! Angel, Auntie wants too, can you help Auntie talk to Uncle Yi?" Ke Luo and Christine also joined in the fun.

Angel pouted, not happy, "But Uncle Yi is so tired."

Hearing this sentence, everyone laughed. This little girl, her mother and Uncle Yi are the closest people, so she can't bother her Uncle Yi because of others!Of course, it could also be that the little girl wanted a gift. Now that people have become more lively, they have more careful thoughts. Of course, they are all children's playful ideas, and there is nothing wrong with them.

"Anqier, my aunt can make ice cream, do you want to eat it?"

That's right, the girl Liu Qimeng can't cook, but she can make ice cream, and it's delicious. She made it at home before, not to mention Angel, both adults, Qin Yi and Su Sa, think it's good.

Qin Yi guessed that girls might be like this now, they can't cook, but they can make ice cream or pudding, but boys can cook more.

Sure enough, when Angel heard the ice cream, she clicked her mouth and nodded her chin with her little finger, "Then, Aunt Liu will make it every day!"

This is bargaining. This girl has even learned this, and she doesn't know who she learned from.

Liu Qimeng teased the cute little girl, thinking it was very interesting, ignoring Angel's little hand pushing her, pinching her little face, "Then you can't steal it, mom agrees to eat it."

Angel nodded happily, and then looked at Qin Yi, "Uncle Yi, help Aunt Liu, Aunt Ke Luo, and Aunt Christine to weave a garland. We will have ice cream when we get home. Let's eat with mom!"

Qin Yi couldn't laugh or cry, he was a child after all, he couldn't resist the temptation of ice cream, but fortunately he remembered to eat with him.

Stopping and stopping, several women of all sizes had garlands, and the team walked several miles away. At this time, everyone saw a huge bird's nest on a big poplar tree in the distance, covering the entire treetop. Covered, it's like a little house!

Ryan took a look and introduced to several people: "That's the eagle's nest. It's not uncommon here. It may be a bald eagle or a North American golden eagle. As you know, their nests are similar."

"Will they attack us?" Christine looked at the huge bird's nest and was a little worried. She knew that these raptors had a wingspan of more than 2 meters. If they were pecked and scratched, they would lose a piece of meat!

Everyone looked at Ryan. He had lived here all his life, so he should be very clear about this.

"Of course, if they are found, especially now, the bald eagle is about to spawn, and the golden eagle may already be brooding. The forest is not suitable for them to move, but they may chase us down the mountain, so now, our best Better to hide behind a tree or just back away before being spotted."

Qin Yi thinks about it, let's go, it will be bad if they are found out, can they still be shot?Stop looking for trouble!
But before he could speak, he found a black object falling from the bird's nest. He raised the gun and looked at the sight, and found that it was a baby bird, flapping its wings, but it couldn't stop the fall at all!

"Look quickly, there is a baby bird that has fallen!" Qin Yi hurriedly showed everyone, but it was a pity that before everyone raised their guns, the baby bird had already landed, and he didn't know if he fell to his death or not.

"It's really a bird? You'd fall to your death at such a height!" Although Ke Luo said this, he still wanted to go and have a look, but he was afraid that the adult eagle would find him, so he didn't express his specific thoughts.

"Why don't we go and have a look? If the chick falls, it probably means that the parent bird is not there, otherwise there will be no reaction!" The kind-hearted Susa also wants to go and see, if the chick is not dead, maybe I and others can help it.

Ryan moved quickly just now. Among the few people, he was the only one who had time to take a look at the falling black shadow, which was the chick. Hearing Susa's words at this time, he thought it made sense, and nodded to Qin Yi. Qin Yi asked everyone to stay. Here, I followed Ryan to take a look, Black Rice and Wheat followed, and the other dogs stayed behind.

When I got closer, I saw a blood-stained young eagle struggling under the tree. A lot of its white tail feathers had fallen off, its wings had grown hard feathers, and its body was mostly down. Something torn off, looking miserable.

It may have fallen from the air, one of its wings and one leg had been broken, and it was drooping on one side. Seeing Qin Yi and the two coming over, he opened his lead gray mouth and let out a childish eagle cry. Wings and legs work together to crawl to the side, but there is no strength, it is all in vain!

Black rice and wheat stared at the young eagles as if they had found prey. Qin Yi hurriedly comforted them, but they didn't fall to death, but were bitten to death by dogs!

"Oh, God, poor little guy! Yi, this should be a golden eagle. It seems that the little guy accidentally fell down while avoiding it!"

Ryan sighed, and told Qin Yi what he knew, "If the parent bird hasn't brought back food for a long time, the little ones will be starved, and the strongest young bird will peck at his brothers , and even eat them all! It sounds unbelievable, but nature is so cruel!"

"Yeah, if Susa and I hadn't met before, McGee and Teddy might have died. Nature is really cruel!"

Walking forward, Qin Yi took off his cowboy hat and put it on the ground. He picked up the struggling golden eagle chick with both hands, put it inside, and patted its head to comfort it. Unfortunately, it was useless. After being attacked, it will calm down after a while.

Qin Yi and the two were walking back, and the clear and immature hawk chirping faintly came from above their heads, accompanied by the fluttering sound. When they looked up, they were surprised to find that another baby bird had fallen from the sky. The person reacted and fell to the ground with a splash, splashing a few leaves!
The two hurried over to check, this one was similar to the one just now, with blood stains, a lot of skin and flesh were pecked off, two legs were broken, but the wings were fine, Qin Yi and Ryan looked at each other with wry smiles, and were hunted down by their boss again , Brothers who share the same disease and pity each other!

When they came back with two unlucky guys, everyone looked at them and sighed in pity. Angel also said that these two birds who came to make friends are so pitiful!
The two young eaglets were seriously injured, and everyone lost interest in playing. Back at the camp, Susa took out a medical kit to bandage their wounds and fix their broken limbs.

The two bandaged eaglets couldn't run away anyway, and no one hurt them here. They have gradually adapted and stayed in the basket obediently.Qin Yi cut off a piece of beef, shredded it and fed it to them. The others gathered around the basket to watch them eat, discussing in low voices what the two little guys would grow up to be.

Everyone sat and chatted for a while, drank a cup of coffee, and started to pack things. It was about the same time. If we go back to the ranch now, we can get home before dark.

I rode a horse and trot along the way, the speed was much faster, and the scenery was almost the same. Except for rest, I didn't stop much, and I got home at 5 o'clock in the evening.It was a wonderful two days. Everyone was very happy, but they were also very tired. They went back to their rooms to take a shower and rest.

Qin Yi sent the two young eagles to the barn, told the dogs not to bully the poor little ones, and then went back to the house.After taking a shower and changing clothes, Qin Yi thought about what to have for dinner?

By the way, in the past two days, the leeks in the vegetable garden have been taken care of, and they have grown a juicy stubble, which is ready to eat.Angel and Susa haven't eaten vegetable dumplings yet, so it just so happens that they will eat this tonight, and they should like it.

(End of this chapter)

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