Chapter 77
Everyone lay on the grass, quietly watching the twinkling stars.

"Yi, your place is really nice, with beautiful scenery, delicious Chinese food, fruit wine and coffee, even the fruits and vegetables are so delicious, God, I found that I like this place!"

Ke Luo has a faint smile on his face, without exaggeration or flattery, it seems that he really likes this place, maybe it is a good choice to live here all the time?

The three of Christine looked at the scenery in the distance and nodded silently, feeling a little worried about gains and losses. No matter how good it is, what can they do? Could it be that they still live here all the time!

"Haha!" Qin Yi looked at the expressions of several people and couldn't help laughing, "I can still come if I want to come in the future. If I miss the life here, I can come here. It doesn't have to be camping. It's good to ride horses and drive cattle. What a way to relax!"

A few people thought about it, yes, it is not impossible to come in the future, maybe in a month, maybe not a month, even if Qin Yi has no time, it would be very good to come and graze with Ryan, or follow Susie to take care of the vegetable garden way to relax.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then went back to the tent to sleep. They were very tired after playing for a day, especially when they relaxed.Ke Luo and Christine had already returned to the tent. When Susa hugged Angel and went back to the tent with Liu Qimeng, Angel looked at Susa with anticipation, "Mom, I want to sleep with Uncle Yi, is that okay? Mom!"

"Uncle Yi is so tired, he needs to rest, Angel, please don't disturb Uncle Yi!"

"Okay, okay!" Angel pouted dissatisfiedly, and changed her request, "Then can I ask Uncle Yi to tell me a story? Is it possible?"

Angel was pitiful, Susa was a little helpless, and looked at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi is on the side, of course he is willing, telling a story is not troublesome, it would be the best to make the little girl happy, seeing Susa look over at this moment, she immediately said: "Of course, Uncle Yi likes to tell stories to Angel the most! "

One sentence made Angel smile. After finishing speaking, she took the little girl and carried her to Susa and the two's tent. The three men of Ryan smiled and waved to the little girl lying on Qin Yi's shoulders, watching them off. After entering the tent, they also went back to sleep.

Put the little girl into her children's sleeping bag, tell a story about a true and false monkey king to lull her to sleep, and let Susa and Liu Qimeng go to bed early.

After getting out of the tent, I looked around the camp, checked whether the horses were tied tightly, added some more firewood to the fire, and went to pet the dogs. At night, I relied on this group of dogs who were dedicated to their duties.Maggie next to him looked up at Qin Yi and continued to lie down to sleep. Teddy lay on his back with his belly upright, his round head resting on Maggie's stomach, snoring loudly, and slept soundly.

Qin Yi smiled, turned back to the tent, Ryan was stuffing bullets into the shotgun, "Tonight is really good, Yi, to be honest, I haven't relaxed so much in several years, when the Moore family managed the pasture, the rules of the ranch were very rigid, Working and living all day, lifeless, nothing new!"

After speaking, he looked up at Qin Yi, and found that he took a gun with a smile, and began to stuff the bullets, and then continued: "Yi, I have also heard some comments that are not optimistic about our ranch recently, oh, God, they Think you're god and know everything? They don't know about our ranch! Since you took over, we've all watched the ranch change, it's a lot better now and it will be even better, so don't worry about it Yat They, they are some people who are not doing business all day long and accusing everywhere!"

Qin Yi listened very interestingly. Ryan, an old cowboy, still knows how to comfort others?
"Of course, I don't care about those idiots' remarks. I know what I'm doing, and I also believe that our ranch will become better." He looked at Ryan and asked him jokingly: "Look at me like Does it look affected?"

"Of course, Yat, I know you don't care about that, because smart people don't care about idiot abuse. I didn't want to say it, but the boys at the ranch insisted that I say it, so you can know what everyone thinks."

Seeing Qin Yi every day, Ryan of course knows his recent state and is not affected by these at all, but he thinks that Qin Yi should know what the boys think.

"Thank you lads for me, maybe in a few more months, maybe not, we'll be able to expand the herd."

The two looked forward to the big ranch in the future for a while, and then fell asleep.The shotgun is placed on the side of the sleeping bag. If there is any movement at night, it can be easily picked up and loaded. At night on the mountain, you still have to be careful.

As expected, I didn't sleep well at night. Wolves howling and bird calls came from the distance from time to time, and there were occasional weird noises, which made everyone dare not sleep too deeply. Basically, they woke up at the slightest movement. .

In the early morning, the dogs suddenly yelled, waking Qin Yi and Ryan awake. The two quickly picked up the shotgun, opened a corner of the tent, and looked outside.

The fire outside only illuminated the camp, and it was still pitch black a little further away. The dogs bared their teeth and growled warily towards the east of the camp, letting them know that something was watching them and the others there.

It was pitch black and there was nothing to see, but it was more stressful not to see, and the unknown was more frightening.

Although the dogs and McGee were there, the two were unavoidably nervous. They grabbed the butts of their guns and looked at each other. The two put on their coats, got out of the tent, and stood behind the dogs. Trevor and Colin followed suit. He came out, held up his shotgun, and looked around warily.

When the dogs saw their master coming out, they stopped barking and took two steps forward with bared teeth, pretending to attack. Qin Yi patted Heimi and Maimai's heads to appease them, and turned on the strong searchlights. , facing the dark direction, and immediately saw, more than 50 meters away, by the bushes behind a few poplar trees, 5 pairs of green eyes were staring at this side coldly!

Those were five strong wolves. Facing twice as many dogs and several humans from Qin Yi with shotguns, they didn't even show any fear.

The five wolves were divided into two rows, with three gray and one black four in front, and a more majestic wolf behind, who should be the leader of the wolf pack.

"Damn it, this is the North American gray wolf. It is very ferocious. It is the top predator in North America! Fortunately, it is still summer, and there is no shortage of food in the forest. They should not attack us. If it is winter, they will be very hungry. They are very likely to attack, but it doesn't matter, we are not afraid of them!"

When Ryan saw the gray wolf, he was suddenly a little nervous, but then he realized that he had 9 guns on his side, and it would be no problem for 11 dogs to besiege two gray wolves, and McGee, the big brown bear, really started fighting. After torturing these 5 gray wolves, I am not nervous anymore. After talking about it, the more I talk, the easier it is!

Under the strong light, Qin Yi carefully observed this ferocious wolf. It may be that there is enough food now. The physique of several wolves looks very strong. The four in front are about 1.8 meters long, and the one behind is even bigger. It is 2 meters long and nearly 1 meter high at the shoulder.

Although there is a strong light, it is night after all, and it is far away, so you can’t see more details, but this size alone will completely blow up the current dogs. If they are on the bar now, these 11 dogs Dogs may not be able to beat these five gray wolves. Although the dogs have higher IQs, their physical strength data is quite different, and they have no fighting experience.

I don't know if fully grown dogs can single out gray wolves, but even if two dogs fight one gray wolf, it will be fine. After the dogs have offspring, they will form a huge dog army, surrounded Beat them!

Trevor looked at the gray wolf tens of meters away, and his heart was pounding. Although he had a gun in his hand, it was not a joke, "Oh, my God, this is the gray wolf? It's more shocking than the picture Oh, I never thought I could see real gray wolves, and I haven't been bitten by them yet!"

Colin's face turned pale. Like everyone else, he held a gun but didn't raise it. Now that the wolves showed no signs of attacking, raising the gun would only annoy them.

"Yi, what should I do?"

Susa and the others didn't come out. Each of them held a shotgun and leaned over the door of the tent to look this way.

"Don't come over, there shouldn't be anything wrong, and I'll leave after a while." Qin Yi shouted and didn't let them come over. Since they can't fight, don't let them participate.

At this time, Angel's somewhat happy voice was faintly heard from the tent, "Mom, is the big dog here to make friends with me?"

"Yes, the big dogs came to make friends with Angel, but they came too late and disturbed us to rest. This is very impolite behavior, so we will not make friends with them today! Go to bed, Tomorrow there may be a little bird coming to make friends with you!"

Susa smiled and was still in the mood to tease the little girl, not worried about the situation outside at all.

Liu Qimeng next to her turned pale with fright, and the same was true for Ke Luo and Christine who came over. They had never seen such a situation before, their green eyes were so cold that they broke out in a cold sweat!
Susa noticed their reaction and comforted them with a smile: "Don't be afraid, there are only 5 gray wolves, and McGee can handle it by himself, and it's summer, the food is plentiful, and the fighting spirit of the gray wolves is not strong."

Qin Yi listened to the conversation between Angel and Susa in the tent, and found it interesting. Another person would definitely say that Gray Wolf was very bad. Susa's education of children is really different. Maybe this is the formation of American thinking. Background it.

And what Susa said later reminded Qin Yi of Maggie. Ordinary brown bears, when encountering less than 5 gray wolves, would directly grab food. If it was a big male bear, it would be even more fearless and rampage all day long. of!

It seems that there is no need to wait for the gray wolves to retreat, let McGee drive them away!


Qin Yi yelled at Maggie who was still sleeping next to him, telling him to get up and drive away the big bad wolf.This guy, the dogs barked so loudly just now, but he didn't pay attention to it. It seems that he really didn't pay attention to the gray wolf.

McGee shook his head, licked Teddy twice, stood up slowly and walked this way, watched Qin Yi pointing to the big bad wolf in the distance, sat on the ground and stared for a while, then understood Qin Yi's meaning, slowly The movement seems to be slow, walking towards the gray wolf.

Qin Yi looked very speechless, this guy ran so fast, and his walk was really inkstained!The Trevor brothers breathed a sigh of relief, they forgot about the existence of McGee just now, otherwise they wouldn't be so nervous.

When Gray Wolf saw McGee approaching, the four in front were a little restless, but they were still far away, so they didn't retreat.

McGee twisted his buttocks, looked careless, and when he was more than 20 meters away from the wolves, he stood up suddenly, and slapped a poplar tree in front of him, only to hear a "click" , The trunk broke off at a distance of more than one meter from the ground. For a while, sawdust flew, and the trunk fell towards the wolves, and the broken branches and leaves crackled along the way!

That scene stunned Qin Yi and his group. Nima, I heard that brown bears are powerful, but this slap that knocked down a tree is too shocking. Is this a unique way of brown bears to show their strength?
But not to mention, this slap is really effective. Seeing the brown bear, the gray wolf, which had no fighting spirit, was so frightened by this sudden suddenness that it backed away with its tail between its legs. Even the leader behind couldn't help but backed away. two steps!

"Ahhh!" After knocking down a tree, McGee roared at the pack of wolves, and then saw the leader wolf howling softly, leading the four gray wolves back a few meters, turning around and disappearing behind the jungle.

Seeing this, McGee growled in a low voice, put down his body, and walked slowly towards the camp. Teddy straightened up excitedly when he saw the mother bear returning victoriously, patted his belly with two front paws, and roared twice with that immature voice. , as if cheering!
Qin Yi waited for Maggie to return to the camp, patted it on the head and praised it, and asked everyone to go back to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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