American Ranch

Chapter 775 Qin Yi's Acting Skills

Chapter 775 Qin Yi's Acting Skills
Qin Yi took the money, sneered in his heart, but looked happy on his face, and at the same time planned a follow-up deception plan in his mind.

At this time, the big scout who paid [-] Australian dollars was also closely watching Qin Yi's every move, for fear that he would take the money and not do anything, but run away instead. Wouldn't that be a loss?

He felt a little distressed to take out [-] Australian dollars all at once!

"Sir? Maybe we should go and say hello to the ladies. It's not a gentleman's thing to keep a lady waiting, is it?"

Qin Yi was in a daze for two seconds, but the scout couldn't wait any longer, and hurriedly reminded him to fulfill his obligation in a low voice.

Seeing his expression like this, how could Qin Yi not understand the worry in this guy's heart?
So he patted him on the shoulder a little harder, and said with a loud smile: "Aha, of course! Don't worry, Mr. Scout, for the sake of the money, I will repay you well!"

The scout's shoulder was sore from his slap, as if his arm had been removed, and he almost couldn't help getting angry, but hearing Qin Yi's assurance, he had no choice but to hold back his temper, grunted, and rubbed his sore With a sore shoulder, he walked towards Ke Luo and the others first.

Qin Yi suppressed his smile, took out his mobile phone and sent a message, then walked over quickly, and at the same time made an OK gesture to the daughters-in-law who came over.

The girls smiled knowingly and continued to play billiards, but they didn't even look at the nagging scout.

Colo hit a billiard ball into the hole with a "snap", continued in another direction, and at the same time dealt with it absent-mindedly: "Okay, Mr. Paramount scout, tell us first, what do you know? A big star, a big director?"

Hearing this question, the scout thought the girls were relieved, and at the same time, he couldn't help but glance at Qin Yi, feeling a little regretful in his heart, he should have pestered him for a while earlier, now it seems that those two days were wasted for nothing. Ten thousand Australian dollars!

No, I will find a chance later, and I must get that money back. Damn it, you want to take the money without being helpful?

Go ahead with your daydreams, damn Asians!
With such a plan in mind, the big scout still had an upright and reserved look on his face as a professional scout. In order to better answer this question, he deliberately put on a restrained and proud posture, laughed twice, and then slowed down. Speak slowly.

"Ladies, you should know that we, Paramount, are one of the top film companies in Hollywood, and we have a happy cooperative relationship with many stars and directors."

Amanda didn't want to listen to his nonsense, and immediately interrupted: "Then do you know Peter?"

The big scout was taken aback, and blurted out: "Who is Peter?"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew something was wrong, so I quickly pretended to have suddenly realized it, trying to cover up one or two things.

But before he could continue speaking, Diana continued, "It's the bearded old man who filmed The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit!"

"Okay, okay, you don't need to remind me, I know that guy!" The big scout waved his hand pretending to be disdainful, as if he was disgusted by everyone's mention of Peter.

"That's a nasty old man, an old bug who deserves to go to hell! But these two movies are still worth watching, and the elf queen in them is very beautiful. Oh, of course, this is not a requirement for a good movie!"

"Looks like you loved those two movies, but unfortunately we all hated it!"

Ke Luo walked to Qin Yi's side, said yes, and gave Sarah a high-five, as if celebrating that they had successfully played tricks on this wretched scout.

The star scout finally came to his senses. This scene seemed to be out of step with his wishful thinking. From the beginning to the end, the ladies in front of him had no intention of becoming a big star.
Qin Yi also smiled and said: "Yes, we all hate these two movies, God can testify! But your evaluation of that bad old man is pretty good, which makes us very happy! Well, just to thank you for teasing us Happy, we decided to allow you to go shopping with us!"


The big scout immediately wanted to jump and scold, damn it, he spent so much thought and paid [-] Australian dollars for it, and it's over after just shopping?

God will definitely punish this group of demons, the scout thought bitterly in his heart, and at the same time, he was also thinking, should he find some hooligans to teach this young Asian man a lesson?

But then he found that the damn Asian who took the money but did nothing was secretly winking at him!

This made his mind come alive. Could it be that this Asian man still has some persuasion plan?
For a moment, he felt that he might have wrongly blamed the young man, that's right, he had been nagging all the time, and he couldn't get in the way at all, so how could he be of any help?

Thinking about it this way, the scout naturally agreed to Qin Yi's suggestion of going shopping, saying that he was about to take some photos of the night scene as well!
Although the girls didn't know what Qin Yi was going to do, they knew his petty temper very well, and knew that he couldn't simply let this guy go, so they didn't think too much about it, playing around on the street while waiting to see the good show.

Along the way, Qin Yi chatted with his wives, teased the children, and didn't say a word about the big stars, as if he forgot about it.

The big scout who followed was very anxious, but also a little embarrassed.

Because no one paid attention to him, he followed him without embarrassment, which was a bit disharmonious, and the tourists who came and went gave him strange looks.
Fortunately, after walking forward for more than ten meters, everyone came to a secluded path, which was remote and dimly lit, and almost no tourists would come.

Although it is strange why Qin Yi came to this place, but this is exactly what the big scout wanted - at least no one looked at him strangely!
But at this moment, a few muscular men rushed over from the dark, and without waiting for the scout to react, they covered his head with a black cloth bag and kicked him, followed by a thump Old fist!

The big scout screamed and struggled to dodge, but what's the use?
The sudden turn of events also startled the girls, and they shrank behind Qin Yi with a scream, but when Qin Yi waved his hands vigorously and winked, he came back to his senses, and after a second look, it wasn't the yacht's man who beat her up. Guard captain stupid bear!
Good guy, it turns out that this guy tricked big star scouts to come here and get beaten up!
The girls wanted to laugh, but they slapped him again, complaining that he didn't disclose the letter beforehand and that they had been taken aback just now.

Qin Yi chuckled, and immediately shouted, "Help! You're beating someone!"

The girls were also afraid that the bodyguards would beat him up indiscriminately, so they also yelled, and for a while, the scene was noisy.

Stupid Xiong punched and kicked a few more times, and then ran away with the bodyguards without a trace. At this time, the tourists who heard the plea for help finally rushed over, and gathered around not far away to discuss .

Qin Yi quickly went up to help the star scout who was lying on the ground humming, and took off the black hood, only to find that his face was only a little pale, and there was no injury at all.

This satisfied him secretly, and it seemed that John had conveyed his instructions clearly.

"God, what's going on here? Mister, you should call the police! We have to leave first. The group of people just now knew that we asked for help, and they might take revenge on us."

Qin Yi looked like he was worried about revenge after he had acted bravely, and he greeted the girls to leave.

But the big scout quit. He was beaten up for no reason, and he had nowhere to vent his grievances. Remembering that Qin Yi had cheated him of [-] Australian dollars, he ignored the pain and grabbed Qin Yi's arm when he got up. Don't let go!
"God, I caught you! Do you want to leave like this? Don't even think about it, I tell you, damn Asian boy, give me my [-] Australian dollars, or you won't want to leave today!"

The onlookers suddenly went into an uproar. Isn't this a simple beating? Why is money involved?
Qin Yi looked annoyed, and said angrily: "Sir, we don't know you at all. When did we take [-] Australian dollars from you? It's fine if you kept pestering us just now. Now we help you, instead of Grateful, but slandering us, you really think we are tourists, so you don’t choose to call the police? I really don’t understand, how can God allow people like you to exist?”

(End of this chapter)

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