American Ranch

Chapter 774

Chapter 774

It may be that the tourists have returned after a day of play. Hamilton Island at night is more lively than during the day.

The originally quiet street was suddenly filled with groups of tourists. The fast food restaurants and restaurants along the street had a high occupancy rate. Everyone had a smile on their face, and they seemed to be deeply satisfied with what they saw during the day.

Most of the tourists are on family holidays, and it is also common for couples and friends to travel together.

Everyone sat around the dining table, enjoyed the delicious meal, and discussed with hand gestures. There were constant chuckles, and it felt like a petty bourgeoisie.

It is worth mentioning that the night sky here is very beautiful. It is not dark or starry, but presents a dark blue color, as if a drop of blue ink has been dropped on white paper and then wiped by someone. , not very uniform.

Qin Yi guessed that this may be the effect of the dark clouds and sea water reflecting each other, or maybe the night has not completely fallen, otherwise, why is there no starlight in such a clean night sky?

I took a few photos casually, and didn't get too tangled up. I found a restaurant, and it was important to get rid of my growling belly.

The group ordered steak and lobster steak as a side dish, but because they are used to eating high-quality beef from pastures, although the Australian Angus beef is also considered excellent, they are still not satisfied, but the side dishes are very popular.

Like grilled fish steaks, the lobster meat is sliced ​​and spread into a piece of grilled meat. The meat is very firm. When you insert the lobster meat with a fork and flick it lightly with a spoon, the shell of the lobster will easily peel off and stick to it. The sauce, the mouthfeel is elastic and compact, very delicious.

During the meal, Qin Yi also saw a beautiful Caucasian waiter.

The other party was wearing a white shirt and a black hip-wrapping skirt, which set off her figure very well. If she was walking on the streets of the city, no one would suspect that she was a company white-collar worker!
Ke Luo was more naughty and took a few photos with his camera.

As a result, when the other party noticed it, not only did he not mind it, but he also made a V-shaped gesture with his mouth pouting, and turned his body slightly to one side, showing the charming demeanor of protruding forward and backward.
Such a cheerful and generous personality made Qin Yi and others smile.

In the restaurant, there is also a free buffet for children under the age of 12. There are beef puree and fruit puree in the menu, just take some to feed the three greedy little guys.

As for Angel, she has both steak and lobster, and her mouth is full of greasy food, no one will worry about her meal!
On the other side of the restaurant is the bar, the furnishings are relatively simple, there are no bar chairs on one side of the bar, only some tables and chairs are placed in the hall, there are no colorful lights, only soothing music.

But after playing for a day, it is also a good pastime to sit down and drink a glass of beer quietly, rest your feet, and chat.

The family didn't stay here, they continued to walk forward and came to a leisure area.

Ke Luo and others ran to play billiards, but the children were interested in chess. Sitting on a super-large chessboard of a few square meters, the little guys were not as tall as the chess pieces. Maze-like, but also provocative.

Qin Yi was here with Susa and the others to amuse the children when he suddenly heard a noise coming from Ke Luo and the others.

Looking around, he saw a middle-aged white man dressed as a photographer, stalking the girls with a stern face, which made him lose his temper all of a sudden: Damn, this blind guy wants to taste the power of his fists ?
Smiling, he squeezed the little lion's fleshy face, and he got up and walked over there.

Sarah was rather timid. Seeing him coming, she immediately found a backer and explained in a low voice while holding his arm.

Maybe it was because they saw a group of beauties, they were so noisy and noisy, this middle-aged photographer came over, claiming to be a Hollywood scout, and kept fooling the girls, saying that their temperament is very suitable to be a big star
After Qin Yi heard this, he couldn't help but sneered, this old shameless wretched fat man who seduced beautiful women and didn't do a good job in advance, if he was really a Hollywood scout, how could he not know Ke Luo?

Even though Ke Luo has retired for several years, but the guy who really lives in the entertainment industry will never face her for a long time, but still can't recognize her!
Before his sneer faded away, the fake scout set his sights on him.

Just after taking a look at him, his heart skipped a beat by that fleeting sneer, wondering if Qin Yi had discovered something.

The scout hesitated for half a second, but seeing that Ke Luo and the others were so beautiful, if they got fooled by one of them, they would be very excited just thinking about it!
Therefore, he was really unwilling to give up, so he bit the bullet, put on an expression of pity for the pearl and jade, and persuaded Qin Yi.

"Hi sir, are all the beautiful ladies your friends? For God's sake, it would be a pity if such a star-studded lady does not step into the entertainment circle!"

With Qin Yi by her side, Sarah was no longer worried. At this time, like Ke Luo and the others, she gloated at the fake scout and looked forward to his unlucky scene.

Qin Yi put away his sneer early on, and put on a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze. Hearing the words of the big scout, he became more enthusiastic.

He winked at the girls, immediately smiled and waved to the big scout, then walked towards the corner.

When the big star detective saw this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was a little secretly happy. Does this mean there is something going on?

So hurry up and follow.

Ke Luo and the others giggled and continued to play billiards, while paying attention to how Qin Yi would play with this wretched man.

When the scout followed up, Qin Yi put his arms around his neck, pretending to look expectant: "Well, Mr. scout, do you think I have the potential to become a big star?"

Seeing his burning eyes, Mr. Scout was secretly happy, knowing that this guy was hooked, haha, the next thing will be easy!
He stared at Qin Yi face to face for a while, and finally shook his head with regret, and sighed: "Oh, you have a good temperament, but it's a pity that Asians are generally not favored in Hollywood. ah"

"Then you can't be a big star, you can accept being a small star!" Qin Yi looked eager, his acting skills, it's no problem to be an Oscar statuette!

Mr. Scout was choked to death, he really didn't expect Qin Yi to be so persistent
Not to mention the little star, in his eyes, even if he is a supporting role, Qin Yi has no chance, because he is a fake at all, and everything he does is just trying to trick those stupid girls!

It's just that Qin Yi needs to help fool Ke Luo and the others, so the scout feels that Qin Yi should be fooled first, so that the next steps will be smooth.

Alas, it's hard to cheat money, and it's not easy to cheat sex!
The big star detective gathered himself together, pretended to grit his teeth, and said as if he had spent all his money: "God is merciful to all beings! Well, seeing that you really want to go this way, I will help you, and I will find you in the horror film crew later." A supporting role for a murderer!"


Damn it, insulting people, right?I'll kill you first!

Qin Yi pretended not to like such a role, and waved his hands weakly: "God testifies, I have been afraid of horror movies since I was a child! Actually, I am still an overseas student, and I spent all my money on this trip. If you subsidize some travel expenses."

Qin Yi tilted his head and swayed his legs, looking dispensable, but his flickering eyes showed that if you don't give money, don't ask him to help!

Meeting such a difficult young man, the big scout was also helpless.

However, he has a lot of Australian dollars with him, and when he comes out to fool young girls who are not experienced in the world, let him talk about it, and he doesn't have the aura to throw out a few piles of money!
There is a good saying: If she is not deeply involved in the world, take her to enjoy the prosperity of the world; if her heart is already vicissitudes, take her to ride the merry-go-round.

The big star scout looked back at Ke Luo and the others, thinking that these beautiful girls missed this time, and they would not be able to find them after spending money. Moreover, from the performance just now, these ladies trust the Asian in front of them very much.

So he gritted his teeth, took out a stack of Australian dollars from his small satchel, glanced at Qin Yi, saw that he didn't care much, took out another stack cruelly, and stuffed it into Qin Yi's hands quietly.

Qin Yi weighed it twice, and sneered in his heart: Damn, I can't beat you to death, you old turtle!
(End of this chapter)

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