American Ranch

Chapter 558 Fooling Scott

Chapter 558 Fooling Scott

Although Qin Yi doesn't trust these politicians very much, because of Diana's relationship, in general, Scott is his best ally in Montana, and what happened this morning does not matter. It's too important!
Besides, I also cheated him, and I plan to continue to cheat him
So Qin Yi pondered for half a second, and decided to give him another chance.

"Okay, Scott. But you know, a group of us were tense all morning, and John even made a battle plan against the police! He planned to order the security team to ambush the police, and then lead us all to break out and escape to the God on Mars, almost scared me out of my wits!"

"Oh, damn it!"

Qin Yi's words really scared Scott into a cold sweat. Although he also guessed that if the security team did not receive the notification, it would cause some conflicts with the police, but he did not expect John's reaction to be so violent. Trying to resist with arms!
It's not that he didn't doubt Qin Yi's words, but a few days ago, when he flew to the Sun River Ranch in a newly purchased gunship, he was indeed locked by the unknown Apache's fire control system. In this case, a careless operation may cause a major accident.
This kind of experience made him have no doubts about the boldness and pride of the security team!
Moreover, as a member of the Federation, he has been exposed to more inside information, so he knows better than ordinary people that these veterans who have experienced fighting on the battlefield do not have too many scruples about the government and the police, so he feels that Qin Yi's words are not complete. It's an exaggeration!
This made him sigh again: The placement of veterans is really an important destabilizing factor in American society!
In fact, this is also an important condition for the legal existence of security companies like private armed forces.

Because security companies provide suitable jobs for retired veterans, they also restrain them, and security companies are subject to government surveillance and constraints. This is much less troublesome and more efficient than preventing retired veterans sporadically!

Scott holds several positions in the Senate of Congress. In addition to being a member of several committees such as energy, homeland security, banking, and Indian affairs, he is also a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee. Therefore, thinking about the issue of veterans at this time, he is a little distracted.

But he quickly realized that he was still discussing the issue with Qin Yi at this moment, and it was very rude to be distracted for a long time!
"****! John really had such a plan? God, this is insane! Of course, I mean ambush the police, not a goddamn escape to Mars. Because it's impossible, unless you take Area 51 can even repair the alien spacecraft inside!"

Qin Yi burst out laughing immediately, he didn't expect this old guy to be in the mood to make a joke, it seems that John's battle plan still didn't completely scare him!
"Yi, you have to be serious!"

Hearing Qin Yi's laughter, Scott shook his head helplessly, and had to warn him seriously: "You should really restrain your security team! You are right, this is the United States, not the Iraqi battlefield. Heart, good for us!"

"Yes, Scott, you're right about keeping your head down! That's what I've been asking them to do all along, but you know, veterans, you don't change your sex all at once! Take your time. "Qin Yi also knew that Scott was kind, so he could only comfort him like this.

But he didn't want to talk nonsense with the old guy, so he revealed his ultimate goal: "Let's discuss something else, Scott!"

"Other? What do you want to say? God, don't be like this, just say it! If you want to play a guessing game, I think Diana will like it very much. Why don't you go find her?" Scott was a little dazed, thinking Can't keep up with Qin Yi's thinking!
"Yi, I'm getting old, don't you have to play this game with me, an old guy? Pity my nerves are a little weak, and I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Damn it, talk about breakfast again!

Qin Yi can't stand him anymore, this old guy who only pretends to be pitiful, how can he starve to death if he doesn't eat?

"Okay, you missed a sandwich and a glass of milk, but think of us, we've been on tenterhooks all morning, lest Mr. Police suddenly break into the ranch and hand over an arrest warrant. God, I was scared to death, but a little There is no compensation at all! God is sorry, who have we provoked?"

Qin Yi pretended to complain, but what he meant was that he wanted Scott to give him something as compensation!

Scott understood, and was a little bit dumbfounded.

But speaking of it, my ally didn't help Qin Yi. Instead, he drank a lot of good wine from Qin Yi, and this morning, it was indeed my fault. In this way, I should show something!

It's just the specific content of compensation, Scott was a little embarrassed for a while, Qin Yi seemed to have everything. Could it be that he was invited to a restaurant in the small town of Augusta to eat a piece of Italian macaroni?
God, I can't afford to lose that person!

In fact, he really wanted to say that he was about to pay for his precious daughter, and there was really nothing more precious. In fact, it should be Qin Yi who compensated himself in turn.
Damn guy!
Scott really couldn't think of a suitable compensation, so he could only curse helplessly in his heart, but then, he remembered a resolution that the state government was discussing, and thought it might be a better compensation, so the idea came !
"Okay, Yi, there is something that I think you will be interested in, but the state government is still discussing it, so you have to wait until I get to the ranch to talk about it!"

I would be interested?
Qin Yi touched his chin and thought for a while, but it was endless, and he couldn't think of any clues, so he simply put it aside, anyway, Scott is also coming to the ranch today, and he won't come to witness such an important event as the auction No wonder!

Moreover, there are plenty of drinks and free-flowing beer, such a rare good thing, only an idiot will miss it!

Scott really thought so, but when he thought of fine wine, he remembered Qin Yi's words just now, and couldn't help confirming again: "Yi, you are an honest person, and of course I am too, so, honestly, I have always been very honest. I respect you who are equally honest!"

The old guy started drinking ecstasy soup, and Qin Yi knew that he had a crooked idea, so he was a little more careful, and then laughed and scolded: "Oh, God, when did you become so sissy! This is not the Si I know Kurt! Tell me what you have, I promise to give you the most honest answer!"

"Sissy? God, but this is the first time someone says that about me!" Scott laughed, and Qin Yi's teasing surprised him, "Well, Yi, I just want to know, Diana really doesn't intend to let I continued to drink?"

The old guy finally asked a question, he has been waiting for you here for a long time!
Qin Yi didn't answer his words, but pretended to be a little angry and said: "You should know that I, Scott, will provide you with a bottle of wine every month, will it affect me? God, I don't All that's missing is wine, precious as it is to you!"

Hearing Qin Yi's tone, Scott immediately knew that his little suspicion made him unhappy, so he quickly explained: "No, Yi, I'm not doubting you! Well, I'm just a little confused, Diana also Knowing how good the wine you make is, why don't you let me drink it?"

"Scott, you overlooked one thing!" Qin Yi's tone was full of regret, and he continued to play tricks on him, "Diana is angry!"


"Yes! Your performance this morning made her feel very shameless in front of us, so she got angry! That's the reason!"

Cutting off the drink supply was a trick, but Qin Yi didn't lie to him about this. Diana was indeed a little angry, although she didn't show it obviously!

"Is she really mad? God, it looks like I'm really embarrassing her in front of her friends. But it was a misunderstanding, wasn't it? Well Yat, that's it, I gotta explain it to Diana, anyway Said, never withhold my wine"

(End of this chapter)

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