American Ranch

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

*Sorry sorry, I was delayed by something today, so I stayed up all night to continue writing.

"Okay, Scott! Since you are a reliable cowboy and have not violated our agreement, then you are calling this call not to apologize, but to inform me privately of the police drill on your own behalf. I can do this Do you understand?"

Qin Yi's tone became much more relaxed, he sat down on the sofa with a smile, and even dangled his legs, looking quite happy.

"If that's the case... well, even though the news was an hour late, you finally called! What more can you ask for, you know, Senator Scott is always busy, so he can find time to call It's an honor to call, isn't it?"

He looked as if he was just letting it go, but what he said made Scott a little dumbfounded. What do you mean by "it's an honor to take the time to call"?
God, Scott makes it sound like Mr. President.
This guy, while lowering his position to pretend to be pitiful, turned a corner and satirized himself, which made Scott sigh: I know that these capitalists are just like politicians, no matter how sincere they usually look, they are still not A fuel-efficient lamp!

"No, no, Yi, it's my honor to help you, but you made a mistake this time!" Of course Scott did not admit that he made this call to inform, otherwise, wouldn't Qin Yi be convinced? what?

"I called, just to wish the auction a success! Regarding the police exercise, I believe your security company must have received the information and figured out everything, so I don't think I need to notify you!"

"Wishing? Haha, this is great! Thank you, Scott, for a great support of Sun River Ranch!"

Qin Yi laughed, and suddenly changed the subject, see you soon!

"By the way, Scott, Diana said you've been busy lately, and you've been drinking a lot. It's not good for your health. I mean, I'm afraid I can't serve you any more. God, don't you You know, Diana complained to me about this many times."

"No, no, no! How could Diana do this? Also, what have I heard, drinking the fire and dawn will harm the body? God, if you don't drink this kind of fine wine, or even drink less, is it harmful to the body? Have a heart!"

Scott became anxious immediately, and his voice became a little louder. Qin Yi even heard the sound of slapping the table. My God, did this guy just lose his composure?

This is simply unbelievable for an old political bastard who pays attention to appearance!
Scott was in a hurry, but Qin Yi became more and more leisurely, lying on the sofa, smiling and "persuading": "I don't want this to be true, but Diana did. I'm sorry, Scott Te! You know, I can't have a pretty lady complaining to me all day! That's not what a gentleman would do!"

"Oh my God, you're kidding, aren't you? Well, she sure didn't let me drink before! But she brought me the first bottle I got, from your ranch, God, I was so excited at the time, not only the delicious food, but also Diana! She has grown up, has good things, and knows to leave a copy for her dad."

In the end, perhaps because of recalling the first bottle of Fire Wine brought to him by Diana, Scott's mood fluctuated a bit.

Through the phone, Qin Yi could feel the comfort of the old guy, which made him a little embarrassed, and felt that it was a bit too much for him to tease him with Diana
After all, Qin Yi was a soft-hearted person, but after hesitating for a while, he decided to continue this rhetoric, anyway, it had already started, and it was just to tease him, it was also a small revenge for his failure to report the police action in advance in the morning!
"Listen to me, Scott! Diana should just be mad at you for stopping me from serving you drinks!"

Quack, I'm a bad guy!
"The police took a large-scale operation in Augusta, but we didn't receive your advance notice—imagine, Scott, what would happen if the security team clashed with the police because they didn't receive timely notice?" What? Diana is here!"

In the end, Qin Yi was a little angry. No matter what was delayed by something in the morning, or if he forgot for a while, this old guy, Scott, has always failed to fulfill the covenant of mutual help and win-win!

The most important thing is that until now, he still has no correct attitude!

Well, let’s not talk about the obligations of allies, just because Diana stayed on the ranch, Scott should have called in advance to inform the state government of the interim resolution!

Qin Yi's voice was still unhurried, but the trace of anger contained in it was still captured by Scott, which made him shake his head and smile wryly.

"Well, I knew you'd be mad!"

Scott sighed, put away his joking thoughts, and began to face up to the problem in front of him, "If I said that the temporary meeting in the morning was over, I had asked my assistant to call you as soon as possible, would you believe it?"

Qin Yi was a little surprised, but felt that it was reasonable. The police's action, no matter how big or small, was an incident. Logically speaking, it is impossible for a political guy like Scott not to know the sensitivity of the security team, let alone Will forget to call ahead to notify myself.

As for why he didn't receive it in the end, Qin Yi didn't ask any questions, but drank tea quietly and listened to him.

Seeing that he was silent and did not delay, Scott continued to explain: "Let's start from the beginning. After the resolution on the security exercise was passed in the morning, I wanted to make a phone call in person, but I haven't had time to leave the meeting, Mr. Governor Just ask me to meet in my office about something about the position of Speaker of the State."

"Should I congratulate you, Speaker?"

Qin Yi said with a light smile, but the meaning in the words made people feel weird
Scott smiled wryly again, mocking himself helplessly: "Are you mocking me? I can hear it! Well, I have to admit, I really want to sit in that position, but it's not clear that's it, I I had to rush to the governor's office, so I left the phone call to the assistant, but this idiot broke my trust!"

"He forgot? Or, did he betray you?"

Qin Yi is a little unbelievable. For a political guy like Scott, the assistant is an absolute confidant. If the assistant can still betray, then Scott must be blind!
But thinking about it, I don't think it's wrong. Even if you want to betray, it shouldn't be such a trivial matter as missing a phone call. After all, what is the value of this!

Did Scott really foolishly hire an idiot as his assistant?

"Betrayal? God, do you think I'm an idiot? My assistant is absolutely reliable!" Scott growled, probably still angry with the assistant.

"But he's an idiot! My God, he accidentally dropped the phone in the toilet, and he couldn't get your number back until I came out of the governor's office. God, he's been with me for ten years, since There has never been such an accident”

Qin Yi is also a little speechless, there are coincidences everywhere in life, and he can only comfort him in a soft voice: "Look out, Scott, I think your assistant is still very good, but today, God did not stand Your side!"

"I really don't know how to punish this idiot! Damn it, I knew you would be angry, so I called you right away! Goodness, I didn't even have a bite of breakfast. Well, Yat, we still A reliable ally, isn't it, since I've been so busy in the morning that I haven't had a sip of water!"

Scott began to pretend to be pitiful again!

(End of this chapter)

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