American Ranch

Chapter 547 The Birth of a Foal

Chapter 547 The Birth of a Foal

The reaction from the belly made Sandy seem to realize something, so she blinked her big eyes quietly and lay down on the ground slowly.

"God, is this going to happen?"

At this moment, Qin Yi, who was carefully patting the horse's neck to appease Xiandi, was also a little nervous. After all, the pony was conceived under everyone's care and care, and it took a step by step to reach today. It's like your own child is about to be born!
Of course, this is actually a bit too much, but in any case, this will be a new and important member of the ranch family!
"Do you need us to do something?" Ke Luo also had a nervous and excited expression, a pair of white, tender and fleshy hands were still stroking Sandy just now, but at this moment, he didn't dare to reach out indiscriminately, for fear Can't help but add to the chaos!
It was the first time for her to see a pony being born, and she had seen a calf being born a few times before, but even so, she still didn't have much experience, so she wisely followed Qin Yi, even though it was very similar to touch Touch Sandy to comfort it!
Susa and the others were similarly the same, they gave up the venue to the men, and only led the children to watch nervously.

After hearing what Ke Luo said, Ryan, who surrounded him, arranged the work without looking back: "Okay, guys, we need to spread out to keep the air circulating. Sandy needs a more relaxed environment. Yi, you can Would you like to stand in front and talk to Sandy? You can gently stroke the bridge of its nose, as usual, this familiar feeling should make Sandy feel more at ease!"

Qin Yi was naturally obliged to do so, and quickly squatted down at the position slightly forward of Xiandi's left front shoulder, rubbing Xiandi's head: "Hey, buddy, do you feel it? Your child is about to meet you! Are you happy? Don't worry, it's okay, so many people are with you!"

Qin Yi spoke in a very soft voice, all of which were nonsense. Keluo, Susa, and Rachel all walked over gently, and stood not far from Sandy's side, cheering it on.

"Yes, that's it, Yi, keep this state and let Sandy relax, there will be no problem! This girl is just experiencing this kind of situation for the first time, and she is a little nervous, otherwise there is no need for us here!"

Ryan, an old cowboy, really dares to brag: If Sandy is not nervous, you won't come here?

Qin Yi glanced at him with a smile, thinking that even if Sandy wasn't nervous, Ryan would have to come over. This is Xiao Hei's first offspring, so it's no wonder he wasn't nervous. Look at the sweat on his forehead, isn't it cool? In autumn, can you sweat all over your head just by standing?
But when Xiao Hei was mentioned, Qin Yi noticed that the child was about to be born, where did Xiao Hei, the father-to-be, go?
This incompetent idiot, everyone is nervous about its child, but it is good that it has not shown up until now, and maybe the cat is leisurely in some corner with rich pasture
But there is no way, even though Xiao Hei is much smarter, can he still be expected to act like a human being?
Qin Yi didn't have time to worry about it, so he threw Xiao Hei aside and continued to appease Sandy, because Ryan was already screaming: "Pay attention! Guys, Sandy's water broke, and the great moment is coming! Be strong!" Pony, come on, man."

When Qin Yi and the others heard this, they looked back subconsciously. Sure enough, the amniotic fluid still flowed all over the floor, and some afterbirths came out. They were shaking from side to side with Xiandi's force, and everyone's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. a bit!

But their main duty is to appease Sandy, so although they are nervous in their hearts, they can't show it clearly on the outside, they still smile and talk softly: "Yes, that's right, that's it! Give birth to the foal hard, don't worry , will be fine"

Only Rachel, like having a convulsion, clenched her fists and kept waving, while talking very fast, but it was all about "come on, baby", "come on, Sandy, you can do it" Such non-nutritious words are not so much to cheer for Sandy, but to give oneself psychological comfort!
No way, this pony was promised to her, so naturally she was more expectant and nervous than the others!
"Sandy, come on! Pony, come on!."

A few children also followed Susa and the others, pouted their buttocks, waved their fists, and whispered encouragement to Sandy. They didn't feel nervous, but looked cheerful and expectant, which made the adults a little bit more excited. Some of the tension also dissipated partly.

Hobbs and Walker, the old cowboys, had already been busy in a nervous and orderly manner without Ryan's instructions. While observing Sandy's state, they took off the small bag they were carrying and took out various items from it: the medicine box , warm water, eggs, alfalfa grass, rye grass, bone meal, dried fish powder
There are all kinds of things, Qin Yi is dazzled, but he has to admire these experienced old cowboys, they are really well-prepared, and they have formed an emergency team for Sandy's childbirth and postpartum care.
Look at these things, the medicine box should be prepared for accidents, Qin Yi took a look, there were a few syringes in it, maybe something like a sedative, and eggs or something, they were used to prepare a postpartum nutritional meal for Sandy !

Good guy, just now Ryan said "If Sandy is not nervous, you don't need to come here", this is just "no need to come here", if you have to come here, wouldn't you have to move the whole animal hospital here!

While Qin Yi was feeling emotional, Hobbs had already skillfully prepared several syringes of medicine, and would take appropriate measures once the pony was born or Sandy's mood went wrong.

Walker, Marcus, and Jones cooperated with each other and prepared nutritious concentrates in the simple trough, so that they can supplement Sandy's nutrition later.

"Come out, come out!"

Hobbs suddenly yelled, the loud voice startled everyone who was a little nervous, and then glared at him in unison, this old guy is not afraid to scare Sandy!
After Hobbs shouted excitedly, he immediately realized what was wrong with him. He couldn't help touching his beard in embarrassment, and quickly lowered his voice to change the subject: "The pony is out! God, I saw the little guy's head, yes It's black, just like Xiao Hei!"

In fact, there is no need for him to explain, Ryan and the others who are standing behind have also seen it, and the ladies and children who comforted Sandy in the front also realized that the final moment is coming after hearing his first sentence!

Everyone was squatting or standing, or walking back and forth with fists clenched, all excitedly watching a black foal slowly being born into this novel world.

The little pony comes out with its head first, and the little pony looks very strong. As soon as its head and half of its neck are exposed, it can already turn around and look at it. The delicious smell of grass!

The birth of the foal went smoothly, which is no wonder, after all, Sandy's physique is extraordinary.

During the whole process, Qin Yi encouraged in a low voice, and with everyone by his side, Xiandi did not have any emotional problems as imagined, but was very quiet all the time, which reassured everyone a lot.

In everyone's anticipation, the little pony was finally born. This healthy and strong little guy was of course also naughty. The children clapped their little hands and cheered!

Qin Yi and the others naturally smiled, but the one who was most excited was Rachel. This girl was covering her mouth excitedly as she watched the pony jumping back and forth in Sandy and taking a mouthful of milk from time to time, her eyes were red, A bit like weeping with joy.

After learning that Rachel will become the pony's owner, everyone couldn't help congratulating and celebrating. Taking advantage of the festive atmosphere, Qin Yi simply announced that there will be a small party in the evening, not only to celebrate the pony's birth, but also to give Rachel's Celebration Dinner!

This naturally caused everyone to cheer.

But after a lively night, the dawn of a new day rose, and the day of the cattle breed auction finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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