American Ranch

Chapter 546 The Attacking Sandy

Chapter 546 The Attacking Sandy

*December 12.18, when the power was suddenly cut off, hundreds of words were not saved. I rewrote it!
Accelerating all the way, he finally rushed back to the ranch half an hour later. Qin Yi asked Rachel to contact Ryan. After learning where Sandy was at this time, he didn't even go back to the main house, and drove over directly with the tractor.

Of course, when passing the living quarters, it was inevitable to drive the boa constrictor, McGee and the big cat out of the car.

These three big guys are all carnivores, and have a natural deterrent effect on herbivores such as cows and horses. Although cows and horses have a certain degree of adaptability to them who have lived in pastures for a long time, Sandy at this time is sensitive to giving birth. At any moment, any small risk factor will make Sandy feel uneasy, so if you let McGee and the others follow along, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents!

"Tu Tu Tu!"

The tractor was driven very fast by Qin Yi, the wheels rolled up some crisp and tender grass leaves, and it drove towards the Sun River a few hundred meters north of the living area like a gust of wind.

That's right, according to the news from Ryan on the phone, Sandy is walking there at the moment, but it's not right to say that it's a walk, because according to Ryan's analysis, Sandy seems to be looking for something, maybe a safe production environment!
After the tractor climbed to a gentle soil slope, I could already see a figure 200 meters away, hanging behind a brown horse at a distance of 30 meters. It must be Sandy and Ryan and his party following it. .

Worried that the sound of the tractor would have a bad effect on Cinderella, Qin Yi didn't dare to drive again. Instead, he asked everyone to get off the car and planned to walk there—no way, at this moment, pony is the most important thing, even The president of the United States is here, and he has to follow the rules of the ranch and walk over obediently!
"Hey, ladies and gentlemen! Do you want to see our handsome pony?" Qin Yi bent down and picked up Angel and Becky, who were standing on tiptoe eagerly looking at Sandy, and then chased them towards the river first. An excited voice floated along the slight autumn wind: "Then come with me!"

"Wow, let's go after the pony!" The two little girls sat in Qin Yi's arms, giggling, and waved their little hands to call everyone to go forward!
These two girls have the shortest legs, but with Qin Yi around, they can run at the front without any difficulty, and they can also play the role of navigator happily, which makes them very happy!
Su Sa looked at Qin Yi who was running fast while hugging the two girls, and smiled helplessly: "This guy is just a child sometimes!"

"Okay, Susa, Laura said that men are like this, and it has nothing to do with his age and financial resources!" Ke Luo laughed, patted Susa hard, and then ran out whining too!

Amanda and the others had already chased after Qin Yi.
Susa glanced at the group of crazy adults and children, and smiled brightly, then ran backwards while kicking her legs, and greeted the remaining two little guys: "Hey, ladies and gentlemen, you say, Can we catch up to the group of guys ahead?"

Vivian screamed and ran forward: "Of course, you can't underestimate me, Aunt Susa!"

Knox didn't speak, but clenched his fists, and just rushed forward!

"Okay, little ones, let them see what a healthy calf is!" Susa smiled, led them to run forward, and kept encouraging them with words, which encouraged the two children, even though they couldn't pull At close range, but they were not thrown away by Qin Yi and the others.

Teddy, a group of small animals, also lined up in a long line, dallying behind and hanging behind, pulling the line to a long way!

"Yi! Aha, Sandy is not ready yet, it's great, you can still catch up with this great moment!"

Noticing Qin Yi and the others running over, Ryan and the others turned sideways and waved their hands to say hello, but they were worried that they would frighten Sandy, so they deliberately suppressed their voices, but this could not stop the excitement in his voice!
"That's right, we're all lucky!"

Qin Yi stopped running and led everyone to surround him.

At this time, not only Ryan was present, but Mother Qin and Susie who were supposed to be cooking delicious food in the town, Hobbs who was supposed to host the farm show in the town, and neighbors like Walker, Marcus, and Jones who had a good relationship with Qin Yi, They were all there!
God knows why Qin Yi and his party are in such a hurry, they are still at the end!
But at this moment, he didn't care about the details. He bent down and put down the two girls who were swinging their calves and wanted to come down. At the same time, he looked at Sandy and asked, "How is it, Ryan, is there any problem? We need to do something what?"

"Don't worry, Yi, we've been following. Sandy has no problem! But what we can do is probably follow it." Ryan smiled and relaxed everyone's hearts.

Then he repeated his guess on the phone: "There is one thing that makes everyone very strange. Sandy seems to be looking for something! At first we guessed that it was a safe environment, but isn't the familiar stables safer? Why? Do you want to wander around?"

"That's right!" Hobbs stroked his beard and said with a puzzled face.

"The cowboys said that Sandy suddenly didn't want to be in the stables, and the cowboys quickly let him out, and then called Ryan. According to them, Sandy first went to the main house lawn and walked around there a few times. Going to the worker's room again, God, it looks like it's looking for someone."

Qin Yi and his men were discussing Xiandi's strange behavior. Susa and Ke Luo, with their children, got together with Qin's mother and chatted chatteringly. Of course, the girls paid more attention to Xiandi's behavior. But Qin's mother and her mother only cared about teasing the children!

At this moment, Ryan, who had been looking at Sandy, suddenly interrupted Hobbs, and saw him say in surprise: "Wait, Hobbs, maybe we all guessed wrong, maybe Sandy is really Looking for someone. Look, it's coming! God, it's looking for Yi and the others!"

In fact, there is no need for Ryan to remind, everyone's eyes are on Sandy in front, and they naturally saw Sandy's actions: Seeing the bulging Sandy, after noticing the arrival of Qin Yi and others, he first tilted his head and looked at it. Yes, and then he slowly leaned over!

This made everyone very surprised: Could it be that Sandy was looking for Qin Yi and the others after wandering around the lawn, worker's room, and living area for more than half an hour?
God, what's the matter?

Under everyone's amazed eyes, Sandy slowly leaned over, walked straight to Qin Yi's side, rubbed his head against Qin Yi's chest, followed by Susa, Ke Luo, Rachel, and of course Angel. And Betsy!
God, these are the closest people to it on weekdays!

Ryan and the others looked at each other and suddenly understood: Sandy, who is about to give birth to a foal, must be feeling uneasy, so she is eager to find Qin Yi and the others that she feels closest to and can give her the most sense of security!
Thinking about the area where it wanders, the lawn is the place where Qin Yi's family spends most of their time, Rachel's room is in the worker's room, and even the Sun River, where Qin Yi often takes everyone to fish.
God, this big guy is really looking for these people who make him feel close and safe!
Ryan and the others were still amazed, but the girls had already moved around Xiandi to appease them. Even Qin Yi was in a complicated mood for a while. These animals in the family can always make some emotional shocks. matter!

Everyone gathered around Sandy, who was standing quietly, and didn't say much, just stroked its fur gently, gave it support and comfort, and waited for the moment when the foal was born!
Qin Yi also looked at Xiandi quietly, through its big black eyes that blinked from time to time, Qin Yi could even feel its happiness and peace of mind at the moment!

"Oh my God!"

In such a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, Ke Luo suddenly lowered his voice and screamed with excitement, "Did you see that the little pony is kicking Sandy's belly! God, it can't wait to come out and see this novelty The world is over!"

Everyone hurriedly looked over and waited for a few seconds. Sure enough, they saw Sandy's belly, which suddenly swelled up slightly, and then returned to normal. It was a short moment, but it gave everyone great encouragement: Little Maju, you Is it finally about to be born?
(End of this chapter)

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