American Ranch

Chapter 538 Ono's Coffee

Chapter 538 Ono's Coffee

*Replenish a chapter in the morning (I stayed up until three o'clock yesterday and fell asleep halfway through writing)!Wait for two more chapters.

Qin Yi brought Onoji to the backstage, and Susa and Ke Luo, who were greeting everyone to chat, immediately greeted them. After all, the guests have come to the door. As the hostess, if they don't come forward to say hello, wouldn't it be Will be very rude?

They don't want to discredit Qin Yi in front of outsiders!
Qin Yi gave a brief introduction to the two parties, and everyone greeted each other with a few polite words and went through the motions, which was regarded as a formal acquaintance.

On the other hand, Sara and the others didn't come over, they just smiled and waved to Qin Yi to say hello, then put on a reserved smile, nodded indifferently to Onoji, and just let it go, it seems that they didn't intend to get to know each other .

However, when Sara and the others nodded, Onoji bowed to them to express his friendship. After all, these girls are Qin Yi's friends, and they seem to have a close relationship. Thinking about it, it would be worse than him who just met. The old man is much bigger!

Therefore, Yoshi Ono dare not be negligent, otherwise they will speak ill of him after he walks on the front foot, which is really a very bad thing!

If Qin Yi knew the idea of ​​judging others by himself with swollen eyes, he would definitely sneer: This guy can't be called a gentleman himself, but he thinks that others are also villains, and his thinking is very unhealthy!

Sara and the others are not that boring, and it is not known whether they will remember such an insignificant soy sauce character like Yoshi Ono after he leaves for half an hour, so how can they bother to pay attention to what kind of image he is.
After saying hello, Susa and Ke Luo went to the girls' place again, and did not entertain Onoji with Qin Yi. Usually, on occasions where the other party did not bring a female family member, the hostess did not need to participate in the conversation between men.

Besides, Ono Yoshifi is not only not a good friend, but he is also a damn Japanese—since the cow-stealing incident happened, the Japanese are the ones everyone dislikes the most!
This is just a temporary performance tent. It is naturally impossible to want a sofa. Originally, according to Qin Yi's idea, after inviting Japanese friends to come in, they can sit on the cart and talk directly. This is a private meeting. He thinks Sitting on the scooter will make the whole conversation more relaxed!
What's more, the cart is covered with a beautiful and comfortable handmade wool blanket, which is the top wool produced in the ranch, and it was woven by the handy Rachel with a group of curious ladies!
Qin Yi felt that it was a bit wasteful to sit on such a wool blanket for swollen eyes.
But at this time, there is no need to feel a pity, because when he went out to meet Yoshi Ono, the daughters-in-law found some chairs, cartoon ones, red ones and blue ones. Temporarily borrowed from tourists.

Qin Yi smiled and looked back at the daughters-in-law who happened to be looking over. Seeing them making an "OK" gesture, he couldn't help being even more amused. It seemed that they felt that the existence of a few chairs would be more thoughtful in terms of etiquette.

Although it is a few cartoon children's chairs!
Qin Yi greeted Onoji with a weird face to sit down on the chair, smiled and said apologetic words without a trace of apology: "This venue is used for temporary performances by children, and I didn't expect that there would be distinguished guests visiting. Zhou’s place, Mr. Ono, please don’t mind!”

"how come!"

Onoyoshi was sitting on a blue cartoon seat, rubbing the armrest of the seat full of novelty, feeling the comfort brought by the ergonomic seat, hearing Qin Yi's words, habitually Standing up and bowing, the man under the well, who was pouted but smiling, quickly got up too!

"Mr. Qin is too polite. I came here in a hurry and brought trouble to Mr. Qin. It is a great honor to receive Mr. Qin's warm hospitality. How dare you be dissatisfied!" After finishing speaking, Onoji took the man from the well , bowed deeply again!
Qin Yi waved his hand to signal Onoji to sit down, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: let's not talk about the inner nature of these little Japans, the outward etiquette is really hard to find fault with!
Onoyoshi, who sat down again, couldn't help but began to look at the blue chair under the seat. A pair of fat hands with age spots gently rubbed the chair.
The child got a toy-like expression, which made Qin Yi want to laugh!

In fact, Yoshi Ono is really curious about these cartoon seats. Japanese men, especially men in high positions like him, are influenced by culture and out of majesty considerations, and their lives have always been rigid, serious and monotonous. Such cartoons He had seen the seat before, but it was the first time to sit on it. The relaxed and comfortable feeling really made him feel novel!
When the man under the well, who was trying to maintain a serious face but could not suppress his smile, also sat down respectfully, Ryan thought it was fun, picked up the electric coffee pot from the large cardboard box that served as the reception table, and poured a cup for everyone. The strong aroma of the coffee immediately filled the entire space, making Yoshi Ono and Inoshita, who were still curious about the plastic cartoon seats, take a deep breath subconsciously!
This somewhat gaffe made the two people who suddenly came back to their senses a little more embarrassed, but seeing Qin Yi not minding pointing at the sugar and milk, indicating that he could mix it at will, he hurriedly let go of his excessive thoughts , put all the attention on the tempting coffee!
While sniffing the strong aroma of coffee, Onoji blended it with standard and elegant movements, and he did not forget to show off his lip service: "It is rumored that Mr. Qin not only has delicious wine, but also the superb coffee that few people are lucky enough to taste. Mr. Qin Just kidding, I have actually been looking forward to it for a long time, and it is really a great blessing in life to get what I want today!"

Qin Yi, who was also making coffee, just nodded with a smile and didn't speak, but he glanced at the dark corner behind the cart, and then blew a light whistle with a relaxed and happy face
Onoji looked at Qin Yi with some doubts, but he didn't think too much about it. He only regarded it as Qin Yi's way of entertaining himself when he was in a good mood, let alone a man in the well. Do his soy sauce role!

And this also satisfies Inoshita, especially at this time, because he doesn't need to be distracted, he can make coffee much faster than Onoyoshi, and he can taste it right away.
Shout out!Such a delicious coffee, I can actually taste it before the boss, it is really a great satisfaction
The man under the well is a little intoxicated!
Ryan, who has always found it funny, because he knows Qin Yi better and knows that he will definitely not do meaningless things, especially when he is entertaining guests, so he thinks that Qin Yi must have some purpose for doing this!
For what purpose?

He remembered that Qin Yi glanced at the cart, so he glanced there unconsciously. When he saw a vague silhouette in a dark corner, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something, so he looked at Qin Yi strangely. Yi glanced at him, and then cast a sympathetic look at Yoshi Ono.
"Sizzling." After all, the man in the well drank the delicious coffee first. The fragrant and soft taste, the sweet and smooth taste made him drink it unconsciously, and the etiquette that he had always paid attention to was thrown away. up!
His expression of enjoyment made Xiaoyeji feel dissatisfied: this stupid pig dared to taste it before Lao Tzu, he really didn't take Lao Tzu seriously, and most importantly, he lost his composure in front of Mr. Qin.
What a shame!
Yoshi Ono made the decision to turn around and fire him, and at the same time speeded up. Soon, a cup of fragrant and attractive coffee was finally out of the oven!

He picked up the coffee and smiled at Qin Yi, and was about to take a sip like the man in the well, but Qin Yi, who had been sitting idle, suddenly sat up straight, looked behind him nervously, and yelled at him Said: "Oh, God, can't you sleep peacefully for a while?"

Both Onoji and the man under the well who were holding the coffee were a little puzzled. Under Ryan's pityful eyes, they looked back subconsciously, and saw a huge creepy snake head standing [-] to [-] centimeters away, curious. looking at myself
Could it be that it is considering where it is more appropriate to start its mouth?
The man under the well screamed in surprise and jumped up all of a sudden, but seeing Yoshi Ono still holding the coffee as steady as a mountain, he couldn't help but feel admiration: It really is a veteran of the mall who has been ups and downs for decades, who can face the super python so calmly See!

But in the next second, I saw Onoyoshi's Adam's apple surging, and a hoarse and terrified voice came: "God Yabaqi is here!"

After finishing speaking, he fell headlong to the ground, but it's a pity that he mixed the coffee for a long time, but he still couldn't take a sip in the end.
(End of this chapter)

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